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Posts posted by Caspersfriend

  1. Have a friend go buy them at the market and give them to her$ Should be 100-150 THB dozen!

    At least one sensible post. Don't need to know the details but the OP must be early on in that relationship. Good luck to you and hope it works out. If it does then the occasional spontaneous gesture [even a small one financially] will beat a bunch of Valentine roses. that will be dead in a week in this climate. every time.

    We were at a local market just outside Chiang Mai and roses were 20Baht for two dozen; obviously the grower didn't get their timing right! Come the 13/14th they will still only be 60Baht a dozen.

  2. My guess is that the white pills are antihistamine to stop allergies and are useless in the case of your dog. Problem is that it`s a vicious circle. Each time the dog licks, scratches and bites it`s self the dog becomes infected and can end up fatal from blood poisoning.

    Check your dog for the following:

    Part or brush over the fur with your fingers. Do you notice any white flakes that have the appearance of dandruff? Like in the photo but may not be so obvious. If you do it means the dog has a microscopic parasite that cannot be seen with the naked eye known as walking dandruff.


    They borrow into the skin, the white flakes being dead skin. Apply Advocate to your dog., the parasites will be eradicated within 40 minutes.

    Does your dog have a bad odor? If so it could be a sign of fungus. Have the dog skin scraped for a fungus detection. If it does have fungus this can be treated by medication, shampoos and anti fungus tablets.

    Whatever, apply the Advocate anyway, (not Frontline) I am certain it will solve the problem. Also bathing the dog once a week relieves the itching.

    Hard to fathom that you really believe any of this to be useful advice.

  3. Received today with blank TM47 and:


    Interesting that they now include this.

    My attention was drawn to the line: 'Your new form will be stamped as of the expiration date of your old receipt"

    Never been the case up until now in my experience: If you send EMS the date of the stamp has always been the day [or day after] it was received --- whether they mailed it straight back or sat on in for a while! Therefore submitting 15 days before the due date [as suggested] meant you would lose those days before your next report is due.

    New rule or more confusion?

  4. Someone, somewhere, possibly said: "To make a profit in forex trading, you must buy low and sell high, although not necessarily in that order."

    I gave up on 'speculating' long since and simply bring into my FCD account what appears to be prudent and then convert to the Thai version of 'funny money' what I need when the rate looks favourable.

    If it looks more favourable the day after then c'est la vie

  5. Thank you for all your replies - I am slightly overwhelmed by all the suggestions. For the moment I will carry on with the course of meds and we will wash him regularly with medicated shampoo.

    So much negativity spouted on TV it's good to see that all on here are trying to help your pal.

    As well as the medicated shampoo, I suggest you consider [if you haven't already] some Antihistamines. It most likely won't help in curing the prevailing condition but may well reduce his compulsion to scratch those already inflamed areas ... which may restrict it spreading.

  6. A post using foreign language has been removed. English is the only acceptable language anywhere on ThaiVisa including Classifieds, except within the Thai language forum, where of course using Thai is allowed.

    Apologies for that but the poster appeared to have completely misunderstood the opening post; either intentionally or due to its not being his first language. wink.png

    Indeed, and thanks for your apology on my behalf. That was quite generous of you, sir! I've been blessed in life, with the ability to learn languages quickly. An apology to you is forthcoming (from me), as I actually mis-posted a reply to you, intended for a different "Thai bashing" poster, on a different forum. I'm old, and things just get a bit tangled for me, sometimes. Again, sorry about that wai.gif

    I have re-read your opening post. Presumably, you'll not receive the usual bombardment of replies, since your post involves a realm of life, the average poster has either little interest, or even concern with anymore, myself included.

    There was a time when I was a true believer in the democratic form of government. Unfortunately, college seldom teaches us anything about the real world, and after reading Machiavelli's "The Prince" (many years ago), it appears that there really is nothing new, under the sun.

    Hopefully you'll find this reply to be a more appropriate response to your OP. Cheers,coffee1.gif

    Thanks TuskegeeBen for that considered response thumbsup.gif

    Unfortunately the thread ended up here as it wasn't appropriate to place it in any other forum; so our dear friend Metishead informed me.

    I was reading elsewhere about people complaining about not having a democratically-elected government here. The point is ---who does? Government/government has always been influenced/tainted by vested interest, still is and always will be. Never has bothered me and never will .... time for bed said Zebedee.

  7. Sorry about your Lab Mobi. Unfortunately I lost mine to a snake bite last year but he had a similar problems a while back due to infestation from the brown dog tick. As you will be well aware Labs love water ... and ticks love warm moist dogs. He was infested, our mongrel p[that incidentally I did bring from overseas] had a few but it was Tiga they loved. They laid their eggs all over him and for a while our house! Literally hundreds of tiny dots on the walls that were the babies. The vet we took him to has now moved away so I can't tell you the actual treatment but I do know that it took months to get rid of the blood parasite element and we had to be rigid with ensuring he never missed a pill nor injection. One egg surviving will start a new colony. We also changed his diet to freshly cooked food and dusted him daily with Proguard - Tick & Flea powder.

    My advice, simply as a dog lover, is [if you haven't already] get the exact parasite identified as the shotgun approach [favoured by lazy vets] will not always work and the side affects of prolonged treatment can lead to other issues.

    Good luck..

    May not be this but just some background on the tick aspect: http://www.merckvetmanual.com/pethealth/dog_disorders_and_diseases/blood_disorders_of_dogs/blood_parasites_of_dogs.html

  8. Are the "good old days" of Chiang Mai long gone?"


    What do you want from Chiang Mai today? What were you expecting that Chiang Mai would provide for you in your last visit?

    I moved here in 2007 and agree that the traffic is far worse [with most vehicles probably being on credit] building of new properties appears to be beyond any rational expectation of a financial return. Did someone mention money laundering?

    I live in the suburbs of CM and am loving it. Twenty minutes into numerous malls and numerous cinemas [iMax/4K/3D] far better than many Western locations. If 'they' would only reduce the tax applied to products that are made in S E Asia but cheaper in the uS.

    Cut short as a decent single malt is taking precidence

  9. Mailed out my 90-day report on Wednesday morning (Jan 27)

    Received my new 90-day slip on Saturday (Jan 30). For the first time, it also concluded a blank TM47 form for my next report and a reminder of what documents to include (the usual). What more could you ask for?!

    That is indeed a significant step in the right direction: hopefully the next step would be to post this information to those who believe it is necessary to attend at Promenada when the crow is still deep asleep.

    And hopefully TV will allow those of us who have other priorities in a life a little more time to edit posts. My meaning [if not obvious] is that Immigration should make this information available and prominently display it at their offices; In languages that reflect at least the majority of their 'customers'.

  10. Denmark, Norway & (always trying to save the world) Sweden , as democratic monarchies, are as good as it gets, in the west. Ok?

    However, since you choose to remain in the Kingdom of Thailand, for whatever your reasons may be, consider this: despite what the current Thai government's political ideology, or legislative platforms may be, at least they're honest about not being a democratic form of government.

    The current Thai government policies have not negatively impacted your visa status, as a guest in the Kingdom, even one iota. So what, if Thailand is not a democracy? Why do you care, all things considered, eh? Think about it wai.gif

    Whether those who hold the reins are honest or not is hardly the point.that we are, or should be, discussing. Maybe you missed this part of my opening post " In general I thoroughly enjoy my life here, and my intention is to make the most of the life-enhancing aspects. I stay aware of that which is reported in the media/forums and the then ignore 90+% of it, retaining the knowledge I need to make the system work for me as best I can. If I were one to take everything I read at face value I would be long gone. I chose to live here, I still choose to live here, and if ever 'the powers that be' make that unsustainable or too uncomfortable I will live elsewhere. It ain't rocket science if you moved here by choice, with the state of mind and wherewithal to enable that as a long-term prospect.."

    Read the title and the opening post, and maybe think about it a little more wink.png

  11. Mailed out my 90-day report on Wednesday morning (Jan 27)

    Received my new 90-day slip on Saturday (Jan 30). For the first time, it also concluded a blank TM47 form for my next report and a reminder of what documents to include (the usual). What more could you ask for?!

    That is indeed a significant step in the right direction: hopefully the next step would be to post this information to those who believe it is necessary to attend at Promenada when the crow is still deep asleep.

  12. The Magna- Carta in England? Nice, A few centuries too late


    Too late for what exactly?

    .........to be considered the starting point, of what should later be called "Democracy".


    I thought it was 50,000 signatures but, nevertheless, fully agree that Switzerland is as close to a true democracy as would be feasible in this day and age. The Norwegians might disagree but I know little of their systems. One person, one vote, of equal merit whatever their 'status' and without fear or influence. That certainly ruled out the Greeks, and just about every country on the planet then and in modern times.

    I have yet to read the following article in detail but it does raise some interesting questions:


  13. Good day to our [mostly] Scandinavian friends; links below.

    Here in LOS there is much discussion about returning to a democratically elected government. However, has Thailand or indeed anywhere else in ASEAN ever known what it is like to live in a true democracy? The fact is, how many reading this have? Moreso that in Thailand most likely but 'true democracy' ??? very few I would suggest.

    In the latest 'Democracy Ranking' Thailand was not even ranked [for obvious reasons] and neither was much of ASEAN; for similar reasons. In the previous year's listing [compiled before the military coup] Thailand ranked 74th on the list. Northern Europe appears to corner the market in understanding and applying true democracy in government. Thailand has a long way to go, and I suggest the reality may well be that this long and winding road may have no end. Not in our lifetimes anyway, as even with the desire and motivation, it would take generations to sway mindsets.

    In general I thoroughly enjoy my life here, and my intention is to make the most of the life-enhancing aspects. I stay aware of that which is reported in the media/forums and the then ignore 90+% of it, retaining the knowledge I need to make the system work for me as best I can. If I were one to take everything I read at face value I would be long gone. I chose to live here, I still choose to live here, and if ever 'the powers that be' make that unsustainable or too uncomfortable I will live elsewhere. It ain't rocket science if you moved here by choice, with the state of mind and wherewithal to enable that as a long-term prospect..



  14. A truly democratic government - fact or fiction?

    What type of government does your own country have? Think carefully before answering unless you are Norwegian wink.png

    In the latest 'Democracy Ranking' Thailand was not ranked [for obvious reasons] and neither was much of ASEAN; for similar reasons. In the previous listing [compiled before the military coup] Thailand ranked 74th on the list. Northern Europe appears to corner the market in understanding and applying true democracy in government. Thailand has a long way to go, and I suggest the reality may well be that this long and winding road may have no end. Not in our lifetimes anyway, as even with the desire and motivation it would take generations to sway mindsets. My intention is to make the most of what there is here and what I have - as long as they [whoever 'they' may be at the time] allow me to remain and continue to enjoy my life.



  15. With all the reports on posting 90 day reports having problems ...... posted mine in 14 days early.

    Sent EMS on Friday 22 Jan.

    Returned EMS Tuesday 26 Jan.

    Zero problems ..... apart from me wasting 10 days ...... Grrrr

    (37bht each was for EMS, 5bht for envelopes, total cost 84bht)

    With my own recent experience this confirms that both online and postal options are currently functional; even though some do not find this to be the case especially when submitting online.

    I sincerely applaud the efforts of those who are trying to improve the situation in Chiang Mai Immigration. However, would not a beneficial first step be to establish why these two alternatives work for some but not all? I doubt that any-time-soon we will enjoy full transparency of the workings within our local immigration office but suggest that a significant benefit, to the increasing number who need to use them, would be that this forum were able to advise them of exactly what is expected; interpretation by individual I/O's notwithstanding.

    My 'signature' reveals that I am a dreamer.

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