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Posts posted by Caspersfriend

  1. I don't think Marc is authorized to send press releases on behalf of the government. Just because they've leased space at Promenada doesn't mean Immigration is moving. Maybe someone told him that, but that doesn't mean it's actually going to happen. I know in the U.S., the federal gov't would sometimes "plan" to do something, sign a lease and then there would be a change of plans and the building would sit empty for the life of the lease.

    Hello Nancy,

    You are respected on this forum as being knowledgeable and well-connected in these matters.

    Why is there so much speculation and so little fact being reported?

    We are not discussing a matter of national security, but simply a possible change which has implications to all of us who are obliged to extend our tenure via the government immigration office.

    If indeed there is to be a different location for all or any functions of the immigration services then why, in your opinion, do they not simply announce it?

    To other readers: I have been here for a while and do understand the way things are. I would however like to hear Nancy's opinion on this specific situation.

  2. I don't think Marc is authorized to send press releases on behalf of the government. Just because they've leased space at Promenada doesn't mean Immigration is moving. Maybe someone told him that, but that doesn't mean it's actually going to happen. I know in the U.S., the federal gov't would sometimes "plan" to do something, sign a lease and then there would be a change of plans and the building would sit empty for the life of the lease.

    This comment is only based on hearsay but I wouldn't expect units at Promenada are expensive to lease these days; especially for those who have connections. I am told there are a lot of buy one get one free sales much of the time. Governments all over the world are renowned for wasting money.

    Alowing sum minites to corruct tipos witout the 'endited' repert appealing wuld be an appresiated inprovement

  3. FWIW there is an email doing the rounds:

    Good morning Michael,

    The “buzz” is correct as the immigration office will close at the current location close to the airport and will open mid July @prom.

    They will be located in Building A underneath Tom ‘n Tom Coffee.

    Besides the immigration office we will open together with the IT department of the government (=SIPA) a 524 sqm co-working space on the ground floor of Building B and our 24 hour fitness (= 1745 sqm) has start fitting-out as well and is scheduled to be open end of September.

    And still more to come @prom.

    Best regards,

    Marc Vermeulen
    Director Promenada

    I have no idea who Michael is, it was not he who forwarded the email to me, nor whether this Marc Vermeulen exists/actually originated the message.

  4. "If these Government 'testing' stations were to, at very least, check that the wipers were efficient and the lights actually"

    Nothing to do with government, all are private run by insurance companies, some good some not so.

    One of many reasons why many do not bother to post.

    Pedantic corrections being more significant than the issue being addressed.

  5. Actually checked the wipers - that's unusual - the guy must have been bored. Wipers - one of a number of reasons why many Thais slow down to 20kph whenever it rains. Whether it's rainy or sunny the main reason is of course using a smart-phone they can't understand. The phone may be smart .........................

    If these Government 'testing' stations were to, at very least, check that the wipers were efficient and the lights actually worked there would immediately be a significant reduction in accidents across the nation; for a period after the test anyway. Anyone ever seen the BIB pulling over those with no lights after sunset? Would appear to me as a major cash-cow for them and could even save a few lives.

  6. Should the question not be: Why are the Immigration Department not using the conduits available to them [ ThaiVisa/Chiang Mai Expats Club/Chiang Mai Citylife] to let those of us who are affected by any proposed changes know what is going on? All three 'conduits' have connections within the Immigration Department. Without any official declaration there is merely rumour and speculation, and so life goes on as before; until you arrive at 4am for your visa extension at the airport site to find a vacant lot!

  7. What water is safe? What food is safe? My lovely was born in the south and the seafood she eats [without the slightest problem] would put me in the ICU.

    As for the water - maybe safer to drink beer - as those before us and those before them have.thumbsup.gif

    Whether it arrives via the tap/faucet, the vending machine, or in a bottle [that may well have been sitting in a the sun a while] there will always be 'bugs' in it that can cause some people problems; especially if you grew up in a different part of the world.

  8. "if you build it, he will come" Not always!

    Considering the pollution and the poor driving it's unlikely to be a free ride.

    Someone 'up there' has been to Holland [or wherever] and sees this as the 'in' thing to be doing.

    In Chiang Mai it is crazy time for new bicycle and walkways where they will rarely/never be used. Ignoring the privacy and security concerns of those who live adjacent to them. Just because the instruction to do so came from 'those in authority' shouldn't mean you ignore the needs of the people you are supposed to be serving. TIT.

  9. We used to get all of our TV through a ten foot motorised sat dish. Then when TrueVisions upgraded to HD we went over to the small dish and suffered their overpriced Platinum package for a while before we ditched them, and their repeats, now view everything via Internet.
    As the big black monstrosity is still sitting there it would be handy to use it for the guest accommodation. Is it worth the bother as it would need to be moved and set up again?
    Anyone [other than the resident comedians] any suggestions? English language movies and series preferably with subtitles. Thanks

    Unless you're prepared to spring for another satellite subscription package I doubt you'll find many English language programming available in the Free-To-Air/FreeView channels available on the 10 or so satellites we can receive.

    I would think that if you have everything working via the Internet that you'd just add that to the guest accommodation (maybe via an Android set top box). Probably cheaper to add a second Internet connection if you lack the bandwidth to support additional stream users.

    Thanks. We have FO and so it wouldn't big a big job to loop a connection across for another Android box. I have searched around and haven't found any sat packages that are worth the subscription, for us anyway. I can plant some flowering climbers around the dish and turn it into a feature, of sorts, but it just seems such a waste.

  10. so you are intending to use a big sat dish as guest accommodation ? sounds to me sort of like a similar project as converting a shipping container

    for similar use please tell me i have read this all incorrectly laugh.png

    In the sure knowledge that a certain faction would not take the post seriously I admit to leaving a very obvious lure.

    STRIKE - first one out is a Clown fish clap2.gif

    Wouldn't work too well in the rainy season anyway.

  11. We used to get all of our TV through a ten foot motorised sat dish. Then when TrueVisions upgraded to HD we went over to the small dish and suffered their overpriced Platinum package for a while before we ditched them, and their repeats, now view everything via Internet.

    As the big black monstrosity is still sitting there it would be handy to use it for the guest accommodation. Is it worth the bother as it would need to be moved and set up again?

    Anyone [other than the resident comedians] any suggestions? English language movies and series preferably with subtitles. Thanks

  12. This at least part of the reason for such delays at CM Imm:

    Citylife: What is your biggest challenge in this job?
    Pol. Col. Prachak: The lack of support from those in charge in Bangkok. Something as simple as staffing; our budget allows for 66 staff, we currently have only 52. The problem is that the hiring comes out of Bangkok and is a long process involving sitting exams, interviews and screenings. Bangkok doesn’t seem to be making any effort to hire the extra 14 staff we so desperately need here. I wish I could just put an ad in the papers and get some people in but they are appointed to me and I have no control. They need to transfer people from elsewhere and they are not doing it.
    In two years we are going to be flooded when ASEAN finally opens its borders. Our facilities are inadequate, as are our personnel. It is going to be a mess.
    As posted previously on another thread - forget which one http://www.chiangmainews.com/ecmn/viewfa.php?id=3724
  13. At the Chiang Mai Expats club they had the chief from immigration come in with two others in a prepared talk.

    from a couple friends who attended the above expats meeting,said it was a complete fizzer

    and they were very disappointed with the prepared talks etc etc

    and left with the strong feeling

    mission impossible

    a very lovely morning to allsmile.png

    Foreigners 'May Soon be Able to do 90-Day Reports at 7-Eleven Stores'

    Police Colonel Rutjapong Saravanangkool said officials had mooted plans that would allow foreigners to use a keycard or something similar when checking in at convenience stores. He would push this idea over the next year and hoped to make it a reality, he added.

    90-day check-ins

    All foreigners in Thailand must check-in with Immigration every 90 days. They can do so in person at the Immigration office, or submit the forms by registered mail or via a third party. Police Colonel Rutjapong said the Chiang Mai Immigration office is almost at capacity, and encouraged people not to report there in person if possible.


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  14. I have read the Thai Constitution and understand it


    I guess the best Constitution ever written is the U.S. Constitution guaranteeing certain rights much like the UN Declaration of Human Rights. BUT the key to making any democracy work

    1. is the political WILL to enforce the law and put people who abuse power in prison

    and like the author said

    2. We need to promote the values of integrity and honesty, as well as emphasising the wisdom of placing the public interest over personal benefit. The focus should be on our younger generation, who are the future of this country.

    OR ... they can do like the USA and legalize bribes in the form of campaign contributions. Voila! ... end of political corruption.

    Even if it were "the best Constitution ever written" is if for the people - all people?

    Would you put the US forward as a country that enjoys true Democracy - one person - one vote? You don't appear deluded so I doubt it.

    Corruption rules as everywhere else it seems,


  15. Americans and Australians should enjoy the ability to 'swear' whatever they wish to in order to get an extension. Chances are the vast majority will be enjoying the prosperity of their endeavours and country's economy and are telling it as it is, but those who don't actually meet the Immigration requirement may soon have a problem. As TIT 'soon' may be tomorrow or never but rumour has it that false declarations are next on the list to be investigated. No links or official statements available - just 'informed' hearsay.

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