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Posts posted by Caspersfriend

  1. Can't somehow see the movie producers clamouring for the rights on this one!

    Middle-aged Thai woman in a Camry. Good so far.

    Carrying 'goods' with a street value of 210 million Baht. That's a significant sum that even the most brainless 'boss' would not want to lose.

    However KISS has worked before as she got through twice already. Allegedly.

    "But 'boss' - it's 210 mill this time". Okay let's think up a good cover story just in case fourteen of Thailand's finest jump out of a hedge and aren't convinced she is going to visit friends/family etc

    "Got it". Just tell them she is taking those 20 tonnes of apples to a cider maker in Hat Yai as they are offering a better price!"

    A suspicious/cynical person might suspect this whole thing is made up whistling.gif

  2. Later checked the EMS progress online. Left the post office on the day I mailed it, arrived at Lumphun on the same day. The following morning my mail was dispatched somewhere in Chiang Mai then later in the morning at the airport immigration and dispatched. It had arrived at Immigration by 10.00am the following day.

    3 days passed, nothing. 5 days passed, nothing. 7 days passed nothing. 9 days passed nothing and started to get panic attacks. 12 days passed nothing. On the 13th day had my coat on, engine running all set to visit immigration to ask about my 90 day report. As I was leaving the house, the postman turned up with my stamped addressed letter from immigration. Opened the envelope and inside was my new 90 day report receipt. I thanked the postman, felt like winning the lottery. The whole episode very stressful.

    My own experience plus that of a number of friends:

    CM Immigration at the airport appear to be consistently efficient in processing 90-day reports received by mail; mine was processed [according to the information clearly shown on the receipt] within a few hours of delivery by EMS. However, for reasons unknown, the receipt of notification was not posted back for quite a while; mine was posted ten days after processing [EMS confirmation] and my friends had a similar experience.

  3. Corruption is so ingrained that most local offices like police or land offices just don't even look at it as corruption. They look at is as normal business that has been this way forever.

    Ingrained and endemic for sure. Even though 'we' choose to be here [and may have been here for many years] we are still looking at Thai life from the outsiders' perspective. Our opinion and views are simply that. We live in a society that has had to endure corruption for so long that it has morphed into normal daily life and hardly registers; maybe less so but not that dissimilar in essence to the society we left behind when we moved here.

    As others have suggested, only significant change will be the recipients and the sheep will always pay the tab.

  4. IMHO Thailand is one of the best places to be if the s hits the fan. My family and I are prepared and can live self sufficient if the grid cracks, EMP hits, tourism goes belly up, or even if civil war breaks out. My wife grew up in the jungle, with her family living on bare essentials, dad hunting and building traps, building their life up from scratch. In an extreme situation where we would have to survive in the jungle, she most likely will be able to teach me more than what I could ever teach her. In any case - Thailand is a top country to sit out what is coming, because there's no winter and there's food all over the place, fresh water, etc.

    I find it very alarming that most people are so ignorant to the fact that society as we know it may come to an end at any given moment, especially in times like this. Look at what happens to Europe right now. What they do to Germany is geopolitical warfare! The tsunami of immigrants will destroy Europe from within. Sweden is now the rape capital of the world and has bypassed India with a 4 times higher rate of rapes, after massive immigration. The US is in an alarming condition, as are China, Japan, you name it... Wall Street is waiting for the next bubble to burst, most likely this month it will happen...

    No light at the end of the tunnel, and then you get replies to your question here that just say "yawn"... Says a lot about how brainwashed, lazy and superficial most people have become. Thinking for yourself and outside the box is not chique these days, because most know that something big (and negative) is coming, but they prefer to stick their heads into the sand until it is too late.

    Almost forgot - big cities and islands, like Phuket are not a good idea in case of a meltdown because of logistics, violence, water and food shortage, plus would you be in a concrete desert where nothing grows, except anger and desperation once people start dying of thirst or hunger.

    Out standing post my friend. You hit it spot on. This is one of the reasons ( not the only one ) why I escaped americka before it was too late. I also have a wonderful wife and family around me and we teach each other. It is a symbiotic relationship. We will survive everything you spoke of. These negative comments are the shills that don't know squat about geopolitics and are going to whine like little babies when the s@#t hits the fan. Don't even give these morons the time of day. They are the 80% of the world population that should be recycled to live out their KARMA till they get it right. As for you barstool bums just keep on doing what your doing. As the world governments keep pounding into your brain ( mind control through media and advertising ) everything will be OK. Dream on fools.

    Kudos to you Bro.

    On your wavelength but if 'they' refuse to extend your visa [or whatever basis you stay here] what then?

  5. On Monday I sent 2 x 90 day reports to immigration by EMS. I live out of the city in Maerim. Today we got a phone call from immigration that they no longer accept 90 day reports by mail. We had until 3pm today to come to immigration with the passports to get this month's 90 day cleared. There will be no more. No rumour, no speculation just straightforward fact.unless there is a change of policy that is it. Of course, the business that charges 500 Baht to do one 90 day report might benefit and I can only wonder who owns that business.

    500 must be a lucky number. That's also how much we had to pay for a "free" Residency Certificate" near Promenada.

    To apply for my Yellow Book 2 years ago I got one of those directly from Immig at the airport, and it certainly wasn't free then.

  6. Although we cant confirm that this is true for every individual case, it has been made known that the 90day reporting is for people from outside the province such as Lumphun etc. We can confirm several clients have been called to go to immigration after already sending the 90day by mai, and told the mail option is not for people living in Chiang Mai.

    It would be helpful to all those affected if you are you able to define what "living in Chiang Mai" actually means. For example, inside the Super Highway. Thanks

  7. A Canadian friend recently had his marriage extension declined because he was 200 Baht a month short on the monthly income rule. This was due to forex fluctuations being unfavourable on the day his appointment occurred, and of course you can't top it up with money in the bank. Yesterday, although my combined income for a retirement extension was well over right through the three month period, the I/O [new face to me] insisted on going through every entry in my FCD and Thai passbooks. He found a transfer between the two accounts where the dates didn't appear to match exactly and refused to process the application until I proved that the funds had gone straight from one account to the other. Even though there was a three day religious weekend between, and the dates appeared to be three days different, he wouldn't budge. So trip back to the bank [fortunately Promenada so just upstairs] and 200 Baht for an itemised print out of all transactions on both accounts, which showed that it did happen on the same day. Even so he spent ages studying, calculating, ruminating, before finally smiling and saying 'we have to be careful now'. From those I saw being processed while waiting he was not as thorough with everyone; though a couple did come out still clutching their papers and looking glum. Maybe the rest were Americans or Australians who don't have to prove their income to their embassy to get a letter stating that they meet the requirement thumbsup.gif Not suggesting any would modify the truth of course whistling.gif

    Might be worth those who are relying on bank funds, to take an itemised statement with them in addition to the bank letter; just in case. My 'problem' was apparently due to not updating my books frequently enough. It also took an hour to get my passport through the boss' even though he was in the room all the time; not just mine as no others came out during that hour. Better than waiting for it to be shipped to the airport for checking as some have reported.

  8. I have read comments about the possibility of the postal service for 90-day reporting in CM being removed. Has this already been executed?

    I have reported by post many times [EMS both ways] and never more than four working days for the confirmation to be on its way back to me.

    This time [well within the available 'window'] my submission was confirmed on Thai Post tracking as being received 20th August. No sign yet of a return being sent. For sure it's only six working days and the Promenada queue frustrations have probably caused more to use the postal option but .............................

    Is it simply my turn to draw the short straw [and my envelope has slipped off the pile into never-never land] or has anyone else using the CM post option experienced similar protracted processing times recently?

  9. Not wishing to start yet another new thread:

    I have read comments about the possibility of the postal service for 90-day reporting in CM being removed. Has this already been executed?

    I have reported by post many times [EMS both ways] and never more than four working days for the confirmation to be on its way back to me.

    This time [well within the available 'window'] my submission was confirmed on Thai Post tracking as being received 20th August. No sign yet of a return being sent. For sure it's only six working days and the Promenada queue frustrations have probably caused more to use the postal option but .............................

    Is it simply my turn to draw the short straw [and my envelope has slipped off the pile into never-never land] or has anyone else using the CM post option experienced similar protracted processing times recently?

  10. All of my previous 90 day reports by post were turned around and back with me in three/four working days. The current one arrived with immigration [EMS tracking info] on the 20th and the return EMS is still 'item not found' on the tracking system seven days later. Just sayin!

  11. Taste is subjective of course but Chang Export was the nearest I could find here to a decent beer.

    Doubt this move is solely about market share and consolidation [which is no doubt company propaganda anyway] but includes pressure being applied to brewers to reduce [or more likely appear to be making an effort to reduce] alcohol consumption. As with so many areas [road traffic accidents et al] there appears to be a lack of understanding regarding the causes of alcoholism and the resilience of those who follow that path. Not selling alcohol within 300 metres [or the vicinity(?) of] universities/high schools/lower schools/infant schools/kindergartens/language schools - whatever] or on 'religious days' will not reduce the problem in any way shape or form. Those who wish to drink alcohol will always find a way and a source - not difficult in LOS and a lot more alcohol to the $ than any Chang product.

  12. For the fun of it I translated the page back to Thai and then again back to English and suddenly it all looks much clearer to me , especially number 10 was a valid point for me.

    1. Working Class
    2. Gas farmers individual animals of the forest or fishery, except that the use of specialized expertise or control of the farm.
    3. The construction of masonry or carpentry work more.
    4. Wood Carving
    5. Driving The driver or the vehicle is used or engineering. Except for pilot
    6. Sale of Home
    7. Auction
    8. monitoring or control unless the interim audit.
    9. cut or polish or jewelery.
    10. haircut or loss of beauty.
    11. Hand-woven
    12. woven mats or appliance that works with straw or reed, rattan, bamboo, hemp.
    13. Hand Paper
    14. Lacquer work
    15. Thailand musical work
    16. Filling Machine
    17. Gold or silver alloy.
    18. Lghin jobs
    19. Dolls, Thailand
    20. duvets, mattress works
    21. Card
    22. Products made of silk.
    23. Buddha Jobs
    24. Knife Works
    25. Working in the shade with paper or cloth.
    26. Work Shoes
    27. Work hats
    28. broker or agent unless the agent or broker in the business of international trade.
    29. To work in engineering, civil engineering-related scientific research project to design and test construction control or guidance excludes special expertise is needed.
    30. professional involved with painting, architectural design and construction on the price of the Director or advice.
    31. Clothing and Crafts
    32. statue or making pottery.
    33. hand-rolled
    34. guide or tour
    35. Hawk products
    36. The work individually hand-printed letters Thailand.
    37 Young and some hand twisted helix.
    38. employees or secretarial staff
    39. Working for legal services or legal action.

    At the foot of the page:

    **Note: As per the Cabinet’s Resolutions, illegal foreign workers from Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia have been given an indulgence to work in the Kingdom in 2 occupations, which are 1) Labour work and 2) Domestic work.

  13. if you are receiving the state pension its not frigging frozen.

    if me and mrs meat had a choice now we would live in maspalomas.

    The rolling sand dunes offer many places to hide away. Those with a weak stomach should always beware of the nudist section.

  14. If the funds are from a property sale and you are married to a Thai the transaction itself may not be too onerous.

    A friend and his Thai wife recently moved 13 million Baht from a house sale to Canada via Kasikorn. As the house and land were in her name there was minimal paperwork and the fees were quite reasonable.

    As previously stated you will take a big hit currently, so keeping the amount to your minimal needs would be wise. If it is indeed 'dirty cash' maybe there are other factors at play wink.png

    You need to demonstrate the money has been taxed (so capital gains tax on the sale of the property) or you have a FETF used to be tor tor sam..

    This is why I send my money in, in chunks, to get an FETF each time. Over the years it builds up so larger transactions can if needed be sent out.

    "You need to demonstrate" no doubt you have been here long enough to realise the many 'variables'. In this case my Canadian friend was sweating but they we dealt with by a bank official who accepted that his wife owned the property and therefore the "US$50k with only minimum documentation as to the intended use of the money. That's a Thai central bank rule." applied.

  15. If the funds are from a property sale and you are married to a Thai the transaction itself may not be too onerous.

    A friend and his Thai wife recently moved 13 million Baht from a house sale to Canada via Kasikorn. As the house and land were in her name there was minimal paperwork and the fees were quite reasonable.

    As previously stated you will take a big hit currently, so keeping the amount to your minimal needs would be wise. If it is indeed 'dirty cash' maybe there are other factors at play wink.png

  16. ""They do not always pay attention, they spit, talk loudly, sometimes they leave the toilet in a catastrophic state," she said in between ferrying tourists around the building."

    "With the recent easing of visa rules between the kingdom and China, where the growing ranks of the middle-classes are increasingly holidaying abroad, even more Chinese tourists are expected to arrive in Thailand this year."

    Must be some bad reporting here as these are surely the quality tourist that TAT are after.

    Last year around 4.6 million Chinese nationals visited Thailand, with the average tourist spending 5,500 baht ($160) per day -- more than the average European visitor.

    If you keep repeating the same dross over and over, maybe you will believe it, but you are fooling nobody.

    Without exception, every Thai business I have spoken with, tells the same story.... The chinese are everywhere, but they don't spend any money.

    According to the above figure, a family of three would be spending USD $480 a day. Complete fiction.

    Chinese are renown for preferring to spend their money with Chinese businesses. They also include most of their trips/excursions in the package deal they pay for in China; which is predominantly with Chinese companies based in Thailand.

  17. Unless you drink alcoholic beverages simply to get pissed - no judgement there as been there done that.

    'Tipple' generally refers to alcoholic liquids and so, as where you are, who you are with and what you are doing influences opinion:

    Part one: Beer

    Kanterbräu Gold

    If you were at the Le Mans 24hr back in the late '80's early '90's you really didn't need any other means to accentuate your perceptions. Being a petrol-head you didn't even need that.


    Before brewing was outsourced


    Before brewing was outsourced ... the water from the Liffey [and no need for preservatives and such] is what makes it special

    For real beer go visit Britain.

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