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Posts posted by ThaiWx

  1. ... We have the private pension DD into BKK, via the NY branch. Unlike SS checks, it can go directly the BKK acct. that has ATM access. No trip to the bank to transfer funds. To set this up, we downloaded the forms on-line from the private pension people and then went to our local BKK branch for help in completing the forms. The OP mentioned he's set up his BKK acct at one branch, but was using another for most business. He should inquire at his new favorite branch if that branch can become his "home" branch. We've never had any problems with the private pension funds hitting our accout right at the first of the month. We can access them immediately, the exchange rate is very good and there are no additional fees. ...

    NancyL, This sounds like what I need to setup. I'm a retired U.S. citizen living here in CM with my pension going into a U.S. bank. I hate the thought of letting go of the U.S. bank account but would like the pension to go directly into the BKK bank N.Y. instead. The transer fees are murder the way it is. If I understand you right by setting up the direct deposit to the N.Y. branch I should be able to go to an ATM machine (BKK bank) and get money from this account? Should I just setup a diredt deposit directly to a CM branch or better to set it up to the N.Y. branch? Even if there are front end and local bank fees it has to be cheaper than how it is now. Appreciate any help and thanks,


  2. I have both my pension and Social Security checks direct deposited in a US bank in the states. Why? With the situation here changing day by day, who knows what will happen with the banking sector? Will they freeze all accounts, limit withdrawals, or something else? I receive an email every day with my balance and any other account info free of charge. Will the baht rate remain the same or go down the tubes? Better safe than sorry for me although many in this forum will vehemently disagree with me but at least most of my money is protected by US law under FDIC. Do we have that protection here in Thailand? You tell me.

    I am setup the same as you mention, direct deposit to a stateside bank for the same reasons. The only thing is those high transfer costs both from the U,S, bank and here at an ATM machine. Sure it's safer this way but I'm losing so much this way also. When I need to do a transfer of funds from the U.S. to my bank account here I get charged international transfer fees from both ends. I'm thinking seriously of the BKK Bank New York approach, didn't realize that option 'till I read this thread.

  3. It's good to be positive. I'm just saying what I observe around town. Economics and culture are factors for sure, and I can't comment on the UK but I witness far more friendliness and conviviality amongst strangers in big cities in the states compared with here. How often do you really see Thais (sober & non bar atmosphere) conversing in groups in a jovial way? Sure sometimes, but considering this is 'Land of Smiles' I aint seeing it on a regular basis. Or Thais who don't know each other going out of their way to hold a door open or otherwise go out of their way to help a stranger? Again sometimes, but is there really a happy, carefree atmosphere around town? Honestly. Don't even get me started on road manners.

    Your post reminds me of a time back in the States one morning as I walked into a convenience store for coffee. As I walked in I saw out of the corner of my eye someone walking in directly behind me so I held the swinging door open as not to slam him/her in the face. It turned out to be a women and she stopped, put her hands on her hips, and with a look to kill said "don't you think I'm big and strong enough to open that door myself?" Well, I didn't say anything and just let the door go then proceeded about my business. Point being, my 23+ years in Thailand I have always received smiles and "kap khoon ka's" from holding a door for someone. Just the way my folks raised me.

  4. Thanks to all for the valuable coverage. And I certainly hope nobody suffers damage or injury.

    I'm in the process of moving my family to CM to live permenantly so this is very valuable information for the future.

    I have just one item, can someone please share how to check the various areas of CM for the local flooding situation?

    Thanks again, this proves, again, how the CM populace has positive and caring attitudes. Great stuff.

    I think you're getting the most up to the minute status reports right here. The members of this forum are scattered all around CM and you should hear any news on here first as it's happening.:D

  5. I rented a motorcycle from them several years ago and rode up to the Fang area. Clutch cable broke, got it repaired, reimbursed upon returning it with no questions or problems. Guess it's timing and who you see (and keeping tempers at bay).

  6. Thank you all for your comments and assistance, it's greatly appreciated.

    I see most people mention going with a 3 month visa, however I only ever travel on a normal 1 month entry visa. Will this affect my chances?



    I would imagine having your Thai wife there with you and explain what you said in your opening post "I want to use this account for transferring money from Australia when I buy a condo and general use for when i'm in Thailand." you should be o.k.. :)

    oops sorry gotlost. saw yours after I stuck my 2 cents in.

  7. I use TOT also and everytime that has happened to me it's been an internet problem that eventually gets resolved. I've called them and they get my number and look into it, often pretty fast. They can be reached at 1177. Just double check (and remove/re-enter) your login and password first because they may ask you to do this first. Good luck.

  8. Personally, I wouldn't even consider living anywhere but Chiang Mai. As mentioned previously, the people really are great, so much different than those down south that it's like being an a whole other country. Prices are good, and except for the smoke in March, which doesn't really bother me, it's about as perfect as you can get in my opinion. I live about 18k east of the city, but one of the things I love to do is get on my bike (CBR 150) and just head into a part of the city I've never been before to see what's there. No matter where I go, I'm always greeted with a smile that is REAL, and made to feel welcome. It may not be Paradise, but it will do just fine till Paradise comes along.

    Well said except Chiang Mai is my Paradise so my roots have been planted here.;)

  9. ricardofel,

    I did the same thing, brought a gas grill over and converted it. You need to use a Thai gas bottle and regulator and attach it to your grill. The nozzle threads on your bottle are not compatable here. It's not that they won't fill it but can't.



  10. Interesting thanks for the link. Doubt we'll see it from Pai with the heavy am fog over the hills but I'll have a look tomorrow.

    edit- And BTW I've been enjoying your wx station page for some time now...

    Thanks cloudhopper about the website.

    I'm hoping for another chance to see the Zodiacal lights again and this time try some long exposure camera shots to try and catch it. It doesn't last long so got to be ready. Also, being away from street lights, house porch lights, etc. helps because it's real dim.


  11. For everything that may be coming in the future with regard to solar power:


    As ever, it's always a year or two away....

    Well its two years now, what is happening??

    Advancements in the technology have been made with the photovoltaic cell making solar panels a little more efficient. Maybe you could contact http://www.smsolar.n...r_products.html here in Thailand to get more information.

  12. According to the authorities the river at Narawat Bridge topped out at midnight last night at 3.57m and a flow of 421. At 10 AM it is at 3.30 m and flow of 364. A report from Phrao, no rain last night or today. So Mr. G you may have to go buy some real fish for your FC. :lol:

    Real Fish ! ! ! Real Fish ! ! !

    This flood is just driving me crazy....

    No sleep at all last night !

    The Growling , Hissing, Barking, Clucking of all these animals....

    The stink of these beasts alone is enough to make one sick....

    Now one of the Chickens is missing, and I've got to find it our you know what that means..

    ...and have you ever tried to get a lion to lie down with a sheep ?????

    The lion keeps wanting to French Kiss the sheep.....

    ...& and the Aussie and Kiwi boatmen are rageing with jealousy....

    I tell you this

    ...."Never Again "


    Sounds like a story from Dr.Seuss!:)

  13. Since my first visit to Thailand, back in 1987, I've liked the Thai food better from the little back soi stalls/restaurants all around than from the hi-so 5-star hotel type.Seems to have more flavor coming from a black, crusty seasoned wok. I love Thai food, spicey and all, but when I get a craving for a good steak with baked potato and veggies then I visit Banrai Steak House next to the golf course adjacent to Airport Plaza. They also serve Thai food. Prices are good too.

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