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Posts posted by ThaiWx

  1. Me? I just survive on those many rice dishes produced by Thai women cooking over a wok in little street cafes. Oh, and supplement that with fresh Thai fruit from the market.

    Ditto here. Occasionally some Kow Soi for a break from rice. The best tasting for for next to nothing in cost.:)

  2. thaiwx.

    re... I came to Thailand to get away from that

    me to ... me to .... but i found something better than the weather to think about

    enjoy ... dave2

    You've got a point there! That would keep you warm too if it did get cold.:rolleyes:

  3. thaiwx.

    re ... snow and freezing body parts

    snow we can do ... freezing statues we can do ... frozen body parts ... nahh sorry.

    the curry .

    if you go in the place with the green and white blinds 20 yards before spotlight bar with 55 baht in your hot little hand you can have one too : )

    enjoy pics ... dave2

    ps in sofia it was minus 3 ... in bucharest minus 9 : (

    sorry people ... back on topic : )

    I came to Thailand to get away from that!

  4. That curry does look pretty good! Got my stomach growling. I was just going to post that we got close to1 1/2" of rain in under an hour and it's still putting it down! Guess the rainy season has a little more to show us. Still no complaints from me though, no snow and freezing body parts! Will never miss that!!

  5. Really not that familiar with the road system in Thailand but would it be possible to take a trip to the south say Nakhon Si Thammarat on back roads. Or possibly tour Cambodia. You make me jealous. O well such is life. ( maybe if you had a side car ) but alas tough to convince the wife.

    Personally I wouldn't be planning any road trips down south for some time.

    I would certainly not consider Nakhon Sawan and Phetchabun as being "down south".

    Sorry for the confusion, it should read " Personally I wouldn't be planning any road trips down south of Chiang Mai for some time.

  6. Really not that familiar with the road system in Thailand but would it be possible to take a trip to the south say Nakhon Si Thammarat on back roads. Or possibly tour Cambodia. You make me jealous. O well such is life. ( maybe if you had a side car ) but alas tough to convince the wife.

    Personally I wouldn't be planning any road trips down south for some time.

    Thanks for the connection "road trips". One thing that always impressed me during floods in Thailand was the people still had smiles on their faces and children seem to be having fun in the water.

    ... and the smiling children out in the floods catching fish with their bare hands too! One of the many great things about Thai people is the way they always find something good out of a situation that most people think is not so good.

  7. Really not that familiar with the road system in Thailand but would it be possible to take a trip to the south say Nakhon Si Thammarat on back roads. Or possibly tour Cambodia. You make me jealous. O well such is life. ( maybe if you had a side car ) but alas tough to convince the wife.

    Personally I wouldn't be planning any road trips down south for some time.

  8. Ah, another explorer by foot! I also like getting out and around town by walking. Great way to find things that you may overlook by driving or riding.

    Thanks for the pics!

  9. Just wanted to say these northerly winds for the last couple of days have made the evenings and mornings a little bit easier to enjoy. It won't be much longer now when we can sleep with the windows open and the AC off again. I can't wait!

  10. I don't doubt what people are seeing here but thought I'd add this for others who may not know. These Keelbacks are all over the place especially after a heavy rain and are not harmful. They sometimes act like a cobra when provoked, rising up and spreading their necks.

    post-114070-085939700 1287119822_thumb.j

  11. And a very happy and great morning to you Blinky.....

    If any are wondering why Blinky is so jovial this fine morning........

    Blinky's aircraft as seen from another camera angle..

    post-108940-065434500 1287028759_thumb.j

    Have a great day BB..... I'm sure you will


    Ah, the flight begins with an ascend and a final approach later. Maybe that's what BB meant at the opening of his thread "from the heart of his bottom"?

    post-114070-042828100 1287030486_thumb.j

  12. tazz i think the "fish"baII is fake fish..? Im not sure, because i never tried it. I actuaIIy dont Iike meat substitutes because i am not Iooking for a substitute for meat, or Iike the fIavour or texture of meat (or fish).

    I agree about your view on fish, but aIso vegetarians have a Iot of different catagories..Iacto ovo, etc.. some eat fish..some even say they eat white meat. I dunno..up to the individuaI i suppose!

    Yes I love meat. Grab me a cow clean it's feet, wipe it's arese, knock the horns off and throw it on plate. Now that is something you can sink your teeth into. Few vegies on the side and a meal fit for a king.

    I'm with you moetown, something has to die for my meal! I'm not a <deleted>' rabbit!

  13. That's one thing I learned a long time ago and got in the habit of turning over my boots and shoes, tapping them on the floor before putting them on. Also for the thought of smashing a jin jok between my toes.:bah: Guess your cobra didn't like 'soul' food.:lol:

  14. Sounds like a plan, appreciate it! So if I understand you correctly, you have no fees charged from Bkk Bank converting the US dollar to Thai Baht or withdrawing it from the ATM?


    Correct. It takes my transfer 3-4 days to show up in my acct. No fees, good exchange rate. It's all good.

    Well that's the best news I've heard about this and gives me a direction to head. Felt bad about letting go of the U.S. bank knowing how hard it may be to get it back from over here if needed. Your suggestion allows me to hang on to it but takes them out of the international part which costs me.

    Thanks again!

  15. Using the BKK Bank New York route are there any monthly fees for US/TB exchange, direct deposit transactions, ATM international transaction withdrawl, etc.? (trying to think of anything else I get hit with the way I'm set now). I currently use a U.S. bank to have my retirement annuity deposited into Thanks.

    Does your US bank allow domestic transfers? I'll bet they do.

    Continue with the direct deposits to the US bank.

    Open an ordinary Bangkok Bank savings acct here if you don't already have one. No need to mention direct deposits or anything - it's a regular acct.

    Instruct your US bank (you can probably do it online) to transfer whatever amount you like, whenever you like, to Bangkok Bank NY using the BKK NY's SWIFT code and the acct number of the account you opened here.

    The only fees will be those charged by your US bank. Mine is free and the exchange rate is good.

    It's a domestic transfer to BKK NEW YORK. The money goes right into your account and you can access it with your ATM in a few days.

    It's really that simple. I've been doing in for years.

    Sounds like a plan, appreciate it! So if I understand you correctly, you have no fees charged from Bkk Bank converting the US dollar to Thai Baht or withdrawing it from the ATM?


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