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Posts posted by ThaiWx

  1. As much as I like snakes I wouldn't want a krait of cobra living in my garden where children might be running around. You can make a snake catcher with a long plastic tube with a loop of cord running through it. Slip the loop over it's neck fairly close to the head so it doesn't have room to strike. Then put it in a sack to be released into the country. If you are uncomfortable doing it on your own then get a snake catcher to do it for you.

    There are a variety of different kraits beside the obvious banded species. Most venomous snakes in Thailand are not aggressive towards humans if given space. Enter their space only at your peril, or with experience in dealing with snakes They are very quick in grass, but much less so on smooth pavement.

    I agree, and it may be "good luck" (if it is confirmed to be a Krait) to leave it in your yard as the OP said but, personally, I don't believe it would be good luck to see someone die from a bite. I found a number you could call if you decide to have it removed. http://www.thailandsnakes.com/tag/samui-snake-removal/

  2. Sawasdee Khrup, Khun ThaiWX,

    Very well done web-site; thanks for that !

    When you said: "We still time ahead for jackets and sweaters I believe," we're wondering. Your graph for the average lows in January this year suggests it reached at least 12C at one time in January, if we are interpreting it properly.

    Looking at WeatherUndergrounds records for January 2009, there was a definite mid-month cold-snap with a minimum on January 16 of 10C, and some days of 11C minimum near that date: no idea how accurate those stats are.

    Wondering, based on your long-term knowledge of Januarys here, what you might predict for this January. Would guess that a lot depends on things like the formation of cold fronts over China that come down here: remember the "freaky" chill in February ... was it three years ago ?

    best, ~o:37;

    Sawasdee Khrap back to you Khun Orang37 and krap khun for the web site compliment!

    The dates on the chart may be confusing because of the format. Thay are printed month/day/year so this particular chart was set for October 2, 2010 through December 11th, 2010. I chose those dates because of this thread discussing this fall/winter tempertures so far. I mentioned the "still time for jackets and sweaters" thinking of the years I lived in Mae Jo and remembiring going to work a couple of mornings in January when it was down to 11C. My hands felt frozen to the motorcycle grips.:blink:

  3. I was up in the hills near Mae Taeng this morning and it absolutely poured down for about half an hour. Very strange, more like August than December.

    Well at least it wasn't the white stuff and you could still wear shorts and sandals.:lol: We had light drizzle down here near the airport this morning.. Need it too.

  4. The beginning of November was our coolest temperatures so far. We still time ahead for jackets and sweaters I believe. Sorry, forgot to change the scale to Celcius.

    that's a good graph - proof that it is warmer not just most of us feeling warmer. do you produce this data yourself or is it available on the net? I'd like to check it more often.

    Do you have a link?

    millwall_fan, I produced that chart from my home weather station records. I do have it uploading continuosly to my weather web site, ThaiWx , though and you can see Chiang Mai weather records on that site by selecting the "My Wunderground Page" (green buttons on the right, 5th from bottom). I like to refer to it when I'm out of town to see what's happening here. I hope this isn't considered inappropriate or against TV regs because it wasn't intended to be.


  5. How did you know it was harmless?

    If you are asking me, I always had an interest in snakes. Growing up I collected them and drove my mother crazy doing it. Around 23 years ago when I started coming to Thailand I began learning of the local snakes here, which ones to give room to and which ones were o.k. to handle.

    If you're ever in doubt you can visit sites such as http://www.thailandsnakes.com/ or google snakes of Thailand.

  6. There is a clinic directly opposite the main entrance to Rajhabat University in Chang Pueak....20 baht and 5 minutes! I renewed my license last month and had no problems.

    Same deal, 20 baht/5 minutes, on the south side moat road about mid-way between the 2 gates on the inside. Been going there for years. Sit on the edge of a gurney while a doctor uses a stethosope around your back and chest and that's it.

  7. No confirmation of this can be found on any Thai/English news outlet.

    I've noticed that airline incidents happening here often go unpublished in the news. Last year an airbus took off with a disintigrating engine bearing and had to go around to dump fuel in order to make an emergency landing. Earlier this year another commercial jet took off as 1 of it's wheels detached and bounced down the runway as the plane left. Both times the planes returned safely but these two incidents weren't advertised. I have a friend who works in the cargo section who's always telling me some strange things going on over there. I heard and saw the bad bearing, fuel dump, flight and he later explained what happened to me. I guess there would be less passengers if we all heard too much?

  8. This holiday really freaks dogs out, mine hasn't left my side for almost 2 days.

    Try giving some favourite treat at the sound of a bang, sometimes the association helps, but you really needed more time to work on this.

    Keep your dog near you, lots of holding, stroking and whatever reassuring words you use.

    Thanks uptheos. We'll keep the stroking and soothing talk going but it doesn't calm her much. Food and treats don't interest her either. We only have H.M. the Kings birthday and the multiple New Years celebrations coming up next to go thru then it's down hill 'till next song krong.

    King's birthday celebratiion in CM ? When is it ?

    There is the Flower Festival around the same days as Chinese New Year.

    5 December. I only mentioned this day along with the other upcoming celebrations meaning more fireworks and dog stressing days ahead. Although today ours seems to be handling the explosions a little better. Probably from being exhausted with all her jumping and shaking.;)

  9. I know Bahn Tawai have not looked yet there.... is there any specific that would be specialized in office furnitures?

    I just did some measurements and what ever I wrote before was nonsense the correct size would be 120/120w x 60d x 72h

    and should pretty much look like this:


    Maybe take a Thai translator (wife, girlfriend, gig, etc.) along with your plans drawings and go down there to visit several of the shops for comparison quotes/estimates. I recall someone on here recommending good deals the Lamphun area for custom built furniture as well.

  10. Here too, I dislike ALL national festivities, annoying firecrackers, His Masters Voice-era music from temple speakers, drunk people on the street...

    OK its their country not mine and its just 1 or 2 days. But my doggies scare the shit out of them... :angry:


    That's a great picture and you can see the love in their eyes! Let's just hope the celebrations don't make it too hard on them.

  11. This holiday really freaks dogs out, mine hasn't left my side for almost 2 days.

    Try giving some favourite treat at the sound of a bang, sometimes the association helps, but you really needed more time to work on this.

    Keep your dog near you, lots of holding, stroking and whatever reassuring words you use.

    Thanks uptheos. We'll keep the stroking and soothing talk going but it doesn't calm her much. Food and treats don't interest her either. We only have H.M. the Kings birthday and the multiple New Years celebrations coming up next to go thru then it's down hill 'till next song krong.

  12. I think our family dog is going to have a heart attack from the explosions going on around us tonight. Heavy breathing, constant pacing, and whining mak loi!

  13. Have you looked into Ban Tawai ? There are many shops down there that do furniture work. Located just before Hong Dong there's a left turn off the ChiangMai - Hong Dong highway (108). There a street sign (in Thai and English) showing Ban Tawai turn left. We had a teak dining set built down there years ago and happy with the results.

  14. Jko, you could try using a step-down transformer like the kind to run US 120v appliances from a 220v outlet. Just be sure to use one rated in power at least as much as the fan draws (56W or higher rating). It will cut the fan speed in half.

  15. I use a Panasonic battery shaver that most 7/11's carry in the battery section @ 250thb. Works great on my heavy beard and so cheap that I bought a 2nd one I keep in the truck for a quick shave on the way to town.

    Have had expensive Phillips in the past and this simple Pnasonic is just as good, batteries last forever and easy to replace and shaver still cuts good after 2+ yrs.

    Thanks for the tip! That sounds like the way to go!

  16. We had one of our dogs done a couple years ago and the wife seems to remember it being under 2000 baht. It was done at a dog/cat clinic on the airport super highway, left side coming from the airport, just before you turn into Chiang Mai Land. Good doctor there who regularly takes care of our dogs.

  17. If anyone can recommend an electric shaver that actually works, let me know. For the price of those things I expect them to be better than a wet razor - faster, more convenient,

    My Remington MS2 390 has a screen and it really does shave "as close as a blade". Very noisy but does the job.

    It came from Robinsons. I don't know if they still stock them. When I needed replacement blades they ordered them from BKK. They eventually arrived - loose in a sandwich bag. No thanks. Now I order the replacement screen and blades from Amazon.

    I see Amazon uses Shaver Outlet, Inc. for many of their shaver products so I went looking around Shaver Outlet., Inc online. It seems the selection is greater there and shipping is slightly less as well. May have to try them since the shaver heads I need are nearly half price (inc shipping) of the Philips shop here in town.


  18. There's a Phillips repair place on Chang Puak Rd, all the way to the traffic lights (Superhighway end), do a U turn at the lights, and it's about 50 yards on the left, as you head back to town.

    There is an overhead sign saying Phillips, but it's small, tho visible from the road.

    I buy my razors on the web, get them (it) posted. Cheapest by far, Amazon have a Phillips razor sale on now.

    Your directions were right on the mark and I thank you. I went there this morning to get replacement cutting heads for my Philips but now consider it totaled after seeing the price. Next electric I buy here, I'll be sure to check out replacement cutters availability and prices for them first.

  19. yeah, it's a decent consistant table wine......haven't had a bad box yet after 2 yrs. Sad to say that I now drink box wines.

    nothing wrong with box wines. some very good wines come like that now. they stay fresh for longer and are easy to use plus cost efective.

    to the OP I have never had a bad Mont Clair in 3 years.

    Same here, Mont Clair for years here and not a bad one bought yet from either Rim Ping or Tesco Lotus.

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