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Posts posted by Sandman77

  1. In my life a visit doi inthanon temple 2 time 7 years ago , and last year!

    Was completely shocked how this place has been changed within the last couple of years, and also hear tourist talk the same!

    The Nummer of Dealers ,

    At this Place is everything but Not Romantic anymore , it's like a shopping wall!

    I know other temples in Indonesia and Malaysia how amazing the atmosphere there of silence , without dealers , maybe in Bali at street side of temple but inside let you all one!

    The whole sale market place Modell in Thailand , I not like , and I will never visit a big temple again!

    Shortly before i reach doi inthanon !

    I remember a sign with a arrow showing right!

    Farang must pay 80 baht and must go this way!

    All other walk straight and not pay!

    I think romantic and atmosphere is unknown in Thailand !

  2. You must cover your face only with a witch mask, then last story cannot be true and privacy is ok !

    So open your eyes next time , look around and you will see cameras for sure!

    The fact that Thailand has the world largest xxx avalibility on the net, higher then all other country's is the result of the spying not only private cameras!

    Again the technical part , what device can detect a camera signal and interrupt ?

    Not exactly sure about monitoring private and public areas by camera drones have a law in Thailand or not?

    In eu some country's apply law in meantime monitoring public places fine around 5000€

    Also when topic is sensible , it's interesting and nesarsary to talk about it!

  3. Just my sister called me, she have a galaxy s4 , and when she want send a mail over yahoo with a attached picture , only a white screen with a loading symbol apears

    Without opening mail programm

    My s4 I sold in meantime , coz getting slowly when more appz installed has one time the problem

    That the keyboard not pop up after press a key!

    Only a factory reset helped my sister not want do this

    Read on the net in meantime

    A alternative firmware is avalible

    That not have this slow down performance problem

  4. Today a new coffe shop with

    Ice cream opened in isaan!

    I try it out, was the worst banana split I ever eat ,the slice of the bananas was deep freezed,

    Walls in every country I visit have a diffrent collection!

    My all time favorite in my childhood

    Was the tramp hassle nut caramel bar by schöller company!

    But this product is disapsard in meantime!

    I will never forget this great taste!

  5. I recognized the moon is also bigger in Thailand , then in Europe!

    Esspassaly on the full moon party , it looks 10 time more bigger like a yellow I !

    Are we here more near the moon, us far I know , Thailand have the same moon phase then Europe coz on the same half of the globe!

    But who can explain physically , why the moon here looks bigger ?

    I also recognized , that after darkness the stars in Thailand bright up later

    Then in Europe, first after the darkness come the sky is dark and 20 minutes later the stars beginn to bright up , but not imidiatly!

    Also the intensive of stardust is more higher here!

    And every time I see one I have a wish free!

  6. Just read the book finish, it's called the NSA komplex by spiegel newspaper in Germany, very recommended to read, after this lecture , we should put all our smartphones in the bin, when we not want get monitored, and use a normal camera instead of I cloud taking all our pictures over smartphone!

    A interesting fact was also , that Thailand , is on the list of country's of low intrests!

    Via versa in the Philippines!

    Phone calls inside Thailand , will be not monitored or tracked!

  7. Everything what I found on the net and see , it's importend to discous here with my friends on tv!

    When I have a question in my mind that are unanswered then I cannot sleep! This why we all tv addicted isn't it?

    In Cz there is a brothel , where mans get a free ride, when the owner can make a movie, he sales it then complete leagaly to millions of people!

    • Like 1
  8. Yesterday I read a report on google

    That in Korat some soapy massage

    Using secret spy cams , and filming there clients, for make profit for sale the movie !

    Can someone confirm this?

    And allready found a camera that spy you out?

    I could imagine that this realy true ,

    There are some device avalible on the market make a strong electronic shield and interrupts camera communication!

    Maybe we are all filmed without knowing!

    Again this information comes from the internet. But it could be true ..

  9. For me the system how Thais help together inside there own family is very unclear!

    Brothers wife has a company in bk earn around 2 million in a year , but not give any satang to my wife!

    Before I married she was working 10 year for 10 k a month !

    Today another story from the nabour

    Sister of nabour married Brit want build a resort , but she force farang to pay 15 k a month to here grandparents!

    He not understand why other family members not want help , and it ends in farang has money!

    When I discuss this with my wife last week she getting aggressive and says

    Thai people always help together

    When someone sik in fam

    But the support of money when someone in fam is more rich

    Ends only in the argument brother has also fam wife and children cannot help!

    So how realy is this structure

    Inside a Thai fam?

    Is this the normal way that it goes or not?

  10. Hi there!

    My report after 10years here!

    Most Thais I talk ,are absent , have there minds somewhere else

    But not at you!

    I know exactly what you mean was also in Bali , the taxi driver begin talk

    About his life family and Hinduism !

    Got many friends with in 10 years

    But the style how this chancel a friendship I realy not like!

    Met on phangan a old man from bk

    Allready in pension we travel a lot over 3 years to over 10 destinations

    Thinking I have a good friend

    Then he got problem with Chang beer

    His dauther aswer one time in mail

    Now he even hang up the phone

    And never call me

    Some other friends says I call you

    But only make emty promising !

    Friends I called I save there numbers happy when I call but never call me

    Out of the eye out of the mind!

    But in western world 20 year ago is exactly the same

    To friends massage woman I have a realy got connection since Iam here

    We can talk about everything

    When I come back stay at same place!

    Biggest problem are people that only

    Talk when you ask question

    Or guide them in the conversation !

    Iam at that point, that I can advice all

    Thailand is the wrong place to find friends for a life time have to go away!

    Good luck to all!

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