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Posts posted by Sandman77

  1. The power splitter in Thailand has real bad quality last year a lighting after I plugged the iPad

    I told my wife please do not plug the iphone in also telling here 5 times she not belive no problem she says plug in

    Lighting come again But this time

    Only the power adapter was burned up

    In my home country I have some imported us electronics

    And a 220 volt down converter

    Here I can charge all thai electronic also on 110 volt

    But why a eu plug fits in Thailand but not via versa?

    In meantime I only use plugs from home!

  2. It's defently more added on factory juice in Thailand , then only preservatives

    I recommend you import fresh coconut juice from Europe !

    When I drink at home coconut drinks from fresh virgin coconuts are very tasty it's one world to another!

    Thai company's cannot make good industry produced fruit juice

    Makes cheating you less fruit much sugar!

    Coconut juice from store I got quickly a nausea here!

    • Like 1
  3. After a blood check before I come to Thailand doc says my cholesterol , the more dangerous part is to high!

    There are to diffrent. !

    Medicine have many side effects!

    Another doctor says. He not would do any medication just drink enough water!

    Level in blood was around 167 If I remember right!

    My wife give me no a special herbal tea bidder and sour, I drink everyday a half litter!

    So any other ideas what I can do?

    Stop eating fat and sugar?

    Iam addicted in milk products

    I not drink alcohol!

    Everyday I drink around 2 liter milk

    And this since over 30 years!

    In my home country also the yogurts are very delicious eat every day 3 sometime a half kg in total over 100 a month

    In total I spend around 200€ for yoghurt and milk at home

    Here I eat less yoghurt coz not good in Thailand , is there something known for milk addiction. !


    I cannot stop same a alk man see a Chang !

    When I see a chock chai milk a must but them all!

    Bit milk here has less fat then in Europe

    Is 3,7 Procent here often under one

  4. You can live for this money in isaan , but not anywhere else in Thailand , I need around 12000 baht for me!

    2000 every week for tesco and market food!

    2000 for fuel in the car the rest internet

    No rent already have a house

    Fruits mangos peanuts , melon coconut bananna , dragon fruits rambutan papaya all free from our farm!

    When I not buy Falang food I could proberbly live for 8 k but I not want!

    Big warerbattel 10 baht 10 liter

    Nearly everything coasts 10 baht here in the market sometime only 5 b

  5. The coconut choice you can buy in the shop , for me not delicious , I cannot drink!

    In some parts of Thailand , the coconut will burned in fire , also in Laos!

    Then taste is diffrent, some like some not!

    Brown smaller coconuts have a diffrent taste, then the young green ones!

    • Like 1
  6. I always ask my self , why is something like it is! I see here everyday , that the education of small kids beginn from childhood is diffrent from western, in our world a child cannot do what a child wants to do

    The parents or the teacher mostly

    Not let there kids unattended

    Everything a child want do in western world will be monitored , and even interrupted before the kid can do a duty bring to the end , someone always come and interrupt , to teach from childhood this is wrong and that's okay!

    It'd called bonus system , if you do something good , that you are a better person!in the later life

    When parents do there job good

    A strong spirit of responsibility is the result

    In Thailand , the system is via versa!

    I often here children never belive what parents say, most of them are unattended , can do what want do do !

    No body is here, to tell you do something wrong or not!

    If you not learn from childhood what is wrong or not wrong , you cannot learn responsibility !

    Often not for yourself end never for others !

    Here many deadly accident in isaan because 15 year old boy not belive motorbike dangerous when drive to quickly without helmet!

    Thaimans are seldom a prototypical to there own child!

    Not all but most I see here!

    Thai wife's make the big mistake to

    Also not learn a child , how to handle a problem, Also when it's little !

    And when you run away from every problem , or hide behind your smiling face for a lifetime you can never learn responsibility!

    I bought a Rubic cube for a nabour child

    Show him 20 minutes step by step how it works, but it not take any minute time , to think how to solve the cube to get same colors on each surface come back in full!

    It run away with a smile!

    I not want tell with my deep society analyses that no one here take responsibility, the first year of childhood in education are most importend , when not learn in first years of a young life, the change to learn responsibility in later life is gone!

  7. PLEASE, notice to always the same posters here !

    I have to write this, because the number of OT and mix together topics what I told in other topics is rising!

    Do not cross over all the time others of my older postings into a OT! Of a new one!

    This is not very friendly , and interrupts the communication!

    I also not do this on Other peoples post!

    We are not in the children's garden here!

    Hopefully some mod apply a new board rule to those , not want stop

    with this , get a warning in there tv account or what ever!

    Please stop mix all my post together

    When I open a new one!

    Thank you!

  8. I read the books in German and translate back to you otherwise you would not understand it!

    Because the rest of the world is not forced to learn German in school we have do it!

    The content of book is same no matter what language!

    But in most books there is a bad idiology behind, or should I call it interpretation ?

    Iam not sure if any Thai ask,themselves how other country's see there culture!

    So I cannot read Thai,means I don't know what the talking about us

    Proberbly the same !

    An importent part I think not everybody accept there own culture on the same way,for some is importend for others not!

    A importend part is the media manipulation , and also internet of our minds, in the western world culture disappears!

    You are a outsider when you talk about in your home country tradition gone!

    Same will happen in Thailand also proberbly slowly, but it will come,proberbly on that day when people begin to search there own identity in there own culture, if the search is unsuccessful , we reach apart that called culture shock , I not mean that one , from another western culture comparing to here, I mean if someone cannot identify himself with there own culture, this person will not follow the rules and guidelines!

    Exactly this problem I have in the meantime , with my own farang culture , so more you know how the system works , so more you proberbly beginn dislike many parts of myown culture!

    Every one had his own level of understanding aspects , and how works thinks together Iam not sure is it for Thais also possible , same way not follow cultural aspects , like other nations. Do!

    We always try to match to cultures our own and the thaiculture , I try to stop this personal process but I failed, because I did not find out yet!,how a culture shock treatment looks like!

    Would be are more happy , never visiting another culture , Iam not sure, so more we know , so much more questions we may have!

  9. Just ask my wife some random question while she reading the iPad , and I hammer here in the keyboard on my iPhone for tv, and then she aswer Me, sorry I not hear you I cannot follow you, I read!

    For me multitasking is no problem

    I can listen someone talk in the tv

    While reading a book

    Also aswer question , when 20 people would ask me at same time!

    Some people cannot do!

    No the question can neurologist explain me , what exactly happen in the human brain within that process, and how I can teach people learn multitasking that cannot practice?

  10. That's a great aswer thanks a lot maybe I have to read twice!

    I always bring all my medicine from my home country here, because of possible fakes..

    My medication is called

    Mepril 10 mg!

    Also using homephaty drops on day time

    So is heat and sun now good for the venes , but in a kind bad for hbp?

    I will print out your page and try to follow

    The Mediterranean kitchen is

    Also a good advice to practice !

    But how finding out where hbp comes from?

  11. Hi!

    Iam not eccentric!

    I only like to go into details , telling many background information about everything , that every body can draw his own picture !

    In my home country the people are very superficial , this is something I not like, people only talk about there problems , and not aswer your questions, this is something I not like and then I go away!

    Originally ,my parents born in Berlin!

    Here the people speak so quickly, that most of them of other German nations nabour country's cannot follow German because off obtuse !

    If you listen , the news or on tv, most non German , talk like in slowmotion

    And around the circle without giving you good usable background information !

    Here I like this board , because people understand , what I want tell, answer on the same level,while many other boards , cannot follow what I mean!

    I think all of here are real expats, with real experience, and not only the google knowledge!

    This make thaivisa board unique!

  12. For my it's a big contradiction

    When all Thais are over clean ,

    In there body and face!

    but around the house is a mess like a bin hall, that did not match!

    Here in the village we have a old farmer , he sale the chicken and the pork s"""

    And he sleep near the big manure heap with open window that smells so strong, that non if us could stay more then 10 minutes, but he stay for a life time !

    For Thais everything is normal , but only so long familiar with it!

    Maybe Thais don't know contradiction ,or simply clean it under table , and eat near the cesspool, on the roadside!

    • Like 2
  13. Doctors told be also people with normal weight can be affected not smoking not drinking

    I have a friend he has normal weight not smoke not drink

    Sport active

    He never got and symptom of dizziness

    Suddendly he got strong nose bleeding go to doctor and also now hbp

    I heard that proberbly the industrialized food Is the problem

    In Asia country's like here high blood seldom have

    Because maybe the fish comes from the ocean the rice from the field and the fruit from the tree, there is nothing between in the food chain!

  14. In western country's

    We learned from child hood, this is right and this is wrong, good or not good, if someone not reflect there opinion western people quickly aggressive!

    The best example is a new worker

    That must be teaches about work

    And what he have to do and how

    If he do something another style or in the eye of the boss wrong he not let him work finish, interrupt him told him you are wrong, he interrupt the worker in his work!

    In Asia people can work there style

    And no one will be here with the pointed finger to tell you what you are do is wrong!

    Be patient look the worker make his work finish, without interrupting, by a person who mean knows everything better !

    It's a part of our educational background

    • Like 1
  15. Is this now called British black Humor?

    One advice I forget

    Time will heal wounds!

    Buthan proberbly a expensive country gov force tourists to spend around 180)€ a day!

    So akka much cheaper can stay 2 week for that!

    Emphatic is proberbly the most important part of a relationship!

    After opening this topic , considering long time to write it or not, got a lot of pms and it looks like many have same problem !

  16. Non of us here will lost in space

    Also when wife's and gfs try to controll the mans brain !

    Also when some take all our money, we can sleep free in the next temple only some steps away!

    The best advice I. Give to me , never give up !

    Yes Arnold is a real good man indead!

    Most Thais thinking I come from Australia , then I must tell no man , Iam not a kanguru watch the map!

    Gigging to Cambodia or other country's all know where my country is, when I begin to talk about our terminator boy a light brights up in there brain and around 60 Procent know where I coming from

    The rest of 40 Procent also don't know who mr Arnold is!

    I try to solve the problem , getting mad that 20 people ask me every day where I come from, bought a flag of my country , put it near the Thai flag outside the house

    Every where in Thailand I see flags a lot espasaly in German and swiss restaurant !

    But here in isaan looks like other flags not welcome , around 40 people visit my house and ask what's this!

    My wife getting mad put the flag away because I try to aswer where I come from !

    I tell the Thais my flag lock same Thai flag , same color , have only a animal inside , it's called eaagle , but locals think it was a nok!

    No after my wife hide my flag some people know now my country!

    This was the exclusive story to all tv members want know where I come from!

    Please stop asking now, thanks !

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