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Everything posted by Neeranam

  1. BA said they sent the money to Bangkok bank on May 4th.
  2. I did contact BA asking if they needed my account details and they said that if the account number was no longer in use, it would be rejected, and they would contact me and ask for a new number.
  3. I have an issue with Bangkok Bank. I booked a flight 2 years ago with BA. I ended up getting a refund in May but it was sent to my old VISA card, which is the same account as my new card but.. They can't find my money as VISA will not allow them to follow the transaction on their system. I don't think they are looking hard enough. Any suggestions on what to do next, if anything? I am not willing to throw away 66,500 baht. Has anyone here used the Ombudsman to sort out bank issues, or any other organization/lawyer.
  4. It is not specifically a Thai but any nationality.
  5. Bangkok Bank say they can't find my money as VISA will not allow them to follow the transaction on their system. Any suggestions on what to do next, if anything? I don't believe them. Would you just give up?
  6. Nonsense. I studied pre maths at uni and buy tickets for the entertainment value.
  7. I know many rich people who buy many tickets.
  8. Why is this news? Freshers all over the world do a lot worse.
  9. A lot of money to be made in NFTs. I'm buying Cantina Royale ones this week.
  10. Surely you need a long-term visa before you are allowed to buy land. Ironic that I can buy land in the USA but can't get a visa. In Thailand it's easy to get a visa but can't buy land.
  11. Compare to the USA. As a Thai, I'd have to invest $500,000 to qualify for a long-term retirement visa there.
  12. I worked at a school and there were two Americans with Master's degrees that spelled lose as loose, why I was asking. I'd be surprised if they were wrong.
  13. Strange that immigration cared. When I went to India, there was a long queue so we just jumped over the fence and walked into the country! Why is this story in the news section?
  14. I see 'lose' spelled like this so often here, is it an American way?
  15. I've never been asked for a tax ID when opening a bank account.
  16. This existed when I worked for Clifford Chance Wirot 22 years ago. It is subject to General Anupong's approval.
  17. There are other benefits I enjoy, like free international 1st class airport lounges, free Netflix and Spotify and some others. Also, like most crypto, the price rises in the long run. I stake 10,000 CRO, I bought it when it was 3c, it went to 80c and now around 18c. t is a good investment, I think. I'm not a UK tax resident.
  18. Exactly, I can't understand these guys, unless they are over 60, and even then many pensioners I know want an improved banking system. I think it is fear/they don't understand it, and then they go all out attacking the tech. Kinda like Warren Buffet.
  19. What are you talking about? Blockchain tech is huge in Thailand. SCB use it for cross border payments, many large corporations use it, like Mall Group etc.
  20. You don't need a WP, just don't tell anyone. Thailand is a very relaxed place to live, half the foreigners I know pay for their visas though agents to bypass immigration requirements and no on cares, usually.
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