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Everything posted by Neeranam

  1. How inane can you get, it's a mask <deleted>, not a bloody straightjacket.
  2. Just mark these word, BTC will hit $1 million by 2030 and 200k by 2024/5. I bought BTC today at $19,200. I will continue to DCA for the next few months.
  3. Well done, you picked the peak of the cycle and also the bottom, by chance I wonder? How about if you bought exactly 2 years ago at $9,000, and today is $19,000? More than 100% in 2 years is much better than any stock I've owned. Plus, you could have taken profits like when it had doubled, like Jim Cramer did, leaving you with your original investment free. I am not cherry picking, actually if you had bought any time in the past, you have made amazing returns. in 2018, people were saying exactly what you were saying - "what if I bought in Dec 2017 at $19k? Well, you hodl and like you said, it went to 69k. I realize that I am wasting my time trying to explain investing in BTC with most of the members here, such ignorance and bias and basically, I can't be arsed any more, I have better things to do. I'm not a savvy investor but with crypto it's easy; maybe that is why experienced investors are upset by it! I bought my first BTC at $2k saw it go to 19k then down to 3k, then up to 69k. For the last 5 years, I have been putting my entire salary into crypto, except when I took profits at the height of the bull runs. It's not rocket science and it has actually changed my life in ways I couldn't have imagined. Just mark these word, BTC will hit $1 million by 2030 and 200k by 2024/5.
  4. I disagree. I am white but get the Thai price. If it were a racial policy, I wouldn't get it.
  5. Also, it is MUCH more expensive for Thai students to study there, yet locals get big discounts. Australian students get equal treatment here.
  6. There are too many resentment at play in the government. The people in govt. have to start loving each other for the good of the people.
  7. Speak for yourself. I am not voting for him but he's not been as bad as many other PM I've experienced, esp Toxsin, Big Jew, Barharn, Yingluck. Not as good as Chuan Leekpai but.
  8. One thing to bear in mind as you see this forum bombarded by Thai bashers is that the majority of posters are in their 70s.
  9. Well is it OK for Aussies in Thailand to complain about Thais getting into a temple for 80 baht less but not OK for Thais to complain about Aussies getting into a golf club for 5,000 baht less? The Thai bashers have to be neutralized.
  10. How long did it take for them to graduate, being slow learners? Did your wife leave you because of your racist views? Generalizations like you said, "This are slow learners" are simply wrong. 20 years in Thailand and you can't communicate in Thai. One could assume Englishmen are slow learners
  11. Also, he played with Bowie
  12. Not many can do a Hendrix song better than Hendrix
  13. Wow, do you say this to your Thai friends? Oh, you have none. I hope you don't have any Thai relatives. Hope you are not a Yank.
  14. he's a nob, my sister was his physiotherapist in Melbourne and my mother knows his mother, who's not very nice.
  15. You'll be saying Andy Murray is British next!
  16. I paid 5,000 baht more than an Australian guest at Royal Melbourne golf club. It happens everywhere.
  17. Unbelievable, trying to cheat a temple out of $1.
  18. I use to have a problem with shaking hands, until I quit drinking!
  19. All bathrooms I use have soap and water. What dives are you going to?
  20. you can say 'ass' we are not offended Much more clean than wiping your <deleted> with paper How about in the UK, people blow their snot on their handkerchief and stick in in their pocket?
  21. I met one on the golf course yesterday. Started speaking Thai to me saying I was too slow; he picked the wrong farang to try that with. Met another one two weeks ago on his motorbike and when I nearly ran him over, he looked like he wanted a fight, until I got out the car. Hua Hin has a lot of angry white men.
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