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Posts posted by kropotkin

  1. I can not advise you about water filtering.However.You might want to investigate who the amway seller is - in my opinion and experience, amway is a pyramid scheme that preys on family and friends of the seller, but of course, that is only my personal opinion.The seller might not even be aware of this - well actually, i think the sellers are usually not aware.Our seller was going to win a cruise to Alaska - so she believed, not joking.So she became more pushy, ruined herself buying more stocks, while decimating her circle of friends / family.

  2. If you have the time for it.....

    Baking your own bread is so easy, even i can do it.

    All you need is an oven (traditional or thai UFO style), aluminium foil, flour, yeast, sugar and water.

    Google will give you the details.

    So much more tasty than the supermarket bread, and a nice feeling too.

  3. How do you know it was a lady's hair?

    Could have been a lady boy - you know, a "clown", as you called them in a different thread.

    Sometimes it is hard to tell here in thailand.

    You've got issues that don't interest me.

    Next ...

    I already advised you to not use the expression "next", as i consider it contra productive.

    And yes I have an issue.

    An issue with members of discriminated minorities, that discriminate others.

    Unknowingly perhaps, but nevertheless.....

    By the way - why did you add me as a friend?

  4. Another huge backtracking... :bah:

    From the massive electioneering promise of all students, numbering in the millions, in all schools receiving the implied Samsung Galaxy tablets that Yingluck paraded to the campaign crowds... down to only first graders receiving 2,000 baht plastic readers... to now, only some first graders.


    For once I agree with you....

    But hey, don't be too hard on lil sister, give her some credit for canceling the scheduled war with Kampuchea.....

  5. <br />
    <br />I see that every day. Swastikas on their t-shirts, Third Reich helmets and even swastikas tattooed on their arms or hands.  When I ask them whether they know what it represents, they answer "fashion!"<br /><br />They are not aware, not the children nor the parents. How can they be made aware? Very difficult IMO. It does need to be included in their curriculums, at school, but so do many other things.<br /><br />
    <br /><br />The Thai educational system is first and foremost about appearances, and not education. If I ever think they're serious about education, then I might be willing to teach here. But really -- the paperwork involved in becoming a teacher here is extremely (deliberately?) tiresome. Special visas, and then work permits, and then a teaching license, and you must leave in seven days if you stop teaching? Give me a break. Besides, Thailand has a sufficient supply of "those who might possibly be high school graduates from The West" throughout the country, ever ready to teach for next to no pay and without a work permit, at both fly-by-night schools and universities, while all the authorities look the other way. Why would they want to hire anyone with multiple graduate degrees? Well, they do, of course. At the local universities. Part time. Without a work permit. Wink wink, nudge nudge. I have no time for that crap. When Thailand comes up with a "One Visa" for teachers, that includes both the work permit and the teaching license, and that doesn't jerk the teacher around with "leave the country in seven days" kinds of rules, then maybe I'll think they're serious.<br /><br />In the meantime, I cannot fault the students for their lack of education. And maybe I shouldn't fault the Thai educational system either. It's what they want, after all, and it serves their country as they wish it to be served. Who am I to complain? Besides... Aren't most Thais happy?<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    And who are THEY? Hey, do not answer, there are LM laws here....

  6. It's interesting to note that Prince Harry, third in line to the British throne, attended a private Fancy Dress Party wearing Nazi uniform not too long ago. However, his actions show that ignorance and insensitivity can occur at a much higher level than a Catholic school in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

    Good golly.

    A much higher level?

    You are talking about Harry, The Upperclass Twit Of The Year, ?

    Or do I confuse with the winner of the Di Bimbo Award?

    Ahhhh those british..... if it was not for giving us Monty Python, why not drop a neutron bomb on that amerikan island off the European coast?

  7. You may SHOUT all you wish -- you are still wrong.

    semite -- A member of any of the peoples who speak or spoke a Semitic language, including in particular the Jews and AraB

    I agree with your last point

    No, I am not wrong. I never said only Jews are semites. I stated the fact, and it is a fact, that antisemitism (the word) refers ONLY to Jews. Words have specific meanings and if you actually believe antisemitism refers to any people other than Jews, you simply don't know the meaning of that word.

    Anti-semitism dates bach centuries and unfortunately is not a new concept.

    Chanes (sp?) notes three phases of anti-semitism --- ancient anti-semtism which was ethnic in nature, Christian anti-semitism based on religion and the anit-semitism of the last two centuries. The latter is the anti-semitism of which you speak and is the hatred of the Jewish people and their religion.

    So, it it possible to accuse a semite of antisemitism?

  8. You appear to have a multiple non-O, which means you have to leave the country every 90 days. indeed, by leaving an re0-enering just before the visa expires you can get a new 90 days and thus almost 15 months out of the visa.

    You cannot extend again with one month for 1,900 baht. But if you have a Thai wife or Thai child you could get 60 days extra for 1,900 baht.

    Unless you qualify for a 1 year extension of stay, you need to do the border run every 90 days. If you tell us why you got a non-O (marriage, retirement, etc) we can tel you what the requirements for a 1 yer extension of stay are.

    Is this extension possible in other immigration offices then BKK? We live in Chanthaburi.


  9. Thailand will not charge you anything but Cambodia will. Your visa is not being extended - you have to leave Thailand, enter another country and return for a new 60 day tourist visa entry. And Cambodia requires you have a visa to enter.

    You do have the option to extend your 60 day stay for 30 days at an immigration office inside Thailand but cost would be 1,900 baht.

    A Cambodia visa costs 20 dollars, count on a convenience fee of another 20 dollars.

  10. Thai food: great ingredients, excellent recipes, poor cooking skills.

    Fortunately, my wife was willing to learn.....

    So i very much enjoy eating thai food.

    And to be honest, yes, it is possible (but difficult) to find decent restaurants or even street food in thailand. Living in Chanthaburi helps.....

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