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Posts posted by kropotkin

  1. 1-

    I think any business leader is free to grant discounts to anybody as he sees fit.


    Everyone should pay as low a price as his negotiating skills allow.

    End of story.

    end of symplistic story.

    business leaders free to charge more / less to jews, blacks, ...... yeah right

    but yes - like you - i am all for the free market system, too bad though, that there is no such thing as a free market, in no country in the world

    monopolies and oligopolies, only exceptionally free markets

  2. if it were race-based, I as a farang with a Thai ID card would not be getting the Thai price. I do -- no questions asked. As do other foreigners who can present a DL or work permit, in almost all cases.

    It is nationality-based, nit race-based.

    If it were nationality based, would you accept that americans pay more in european restaurants?

    And by your own explaination, it is DL and WP based...... discrimination against users of public transport and those that are retired?

    Price discrimination is wrong - but yes, many apologists AND marketingnutters will advocate it.

    As a retired person of a different nationality you were (supposedly) someone that never paid taxes here. Is it discrimination? Yes. You are not Thai. You are not a tax-payer in Thailand (not counting VAT) (If you were a past tax-payer here and keep your social-security active you will still have that card to get in at the local rate.

    VAT is tax - so what are you saying then???

    I don't think people are saying that private companies should be allowed to charge more. (I know I am not)

    I am used to seeing fees differ by nationality or residency. It is common in my country. Government funded universities charge more for out-of-state tuition --- and FAR more for international students. The same can be said about many states and their user fees.

    Did i say that government price discrimination is wrong in thailand, but acceptable in western countries?

    Richard apparently has Thai nationality. I do not. We pay the same at most Thai government funded places. Why? He is Thai (although always a farang ;) ). I am a taxpayer in Thailand. We are both entitled to medical care but his basic care would be guaranteed by his nationality. Mine is guaranteed by my monthly contribution to the social-security fund. He likely has the additional hospital coverage offered due to working.

    I can't get a retirement visa (too young) waaaaaa not fair -- I can afford not to work and chose not to from age 35-45 :)

    I can't get an extension based upon marriage ---- waaaaa not fair (am not married -- am gay -- in a long term relationship with a Thai man)

    So --- if you want to pay the Thai rate and not work and not have a DL (really --- unless you CANNOT drive there is no reason that a retiree can't have a DL .. borrow a friend's car or motorcycle and go take the test! )---- That only leaves gaining Thai nationality which is pretty difficult but not impossible.

    BTW -- I would expect to pay what non-citizens/residents pay anywhere I was not a citizen or resident. I would not accept a higher fee from a private company based upon nationality, but do accept it for government funded places.

    how do you differentiate between the two? A restaurant ok - but a partly government funded hospital, train company, bus line, ..... 555 or a bank bailed out by local taxpayers?

    actually....if i pay tax so that my government can ensure healthstandards in our restaurants, should foreigners then pay extra?

    the more one thinks about price discrimination, the more it becomes rediculous;

  3. There are two arguments to support price discrimination - one social, one about economics, both equally wrong.

    The social argument is that we should "help" people with a low income, such as students, pensioners, unemployed, handicapped etc.

    (Assuming of course that their low income is not the result of their own actions - in that case, why help them anyway?)

    That argument does not make sense, the course of their problems is their low income, so we should raise their income, not subsidise their spending.

    Then there is the economics side - the idea of maximising profits.

    But i doubt anybody is still reading this......

  4. So -- price discrimination. How do you feel about special student prices, senior citizen discounts, and "ladies' nights" at bars? All forms of price discrimination...no?

    i will answer that one - at last a serious discussion on TV

    but the pizza is ready now......

    i will be back (as the governor said)

  5. Just a funny story - but related to the topic.....

    When we visited Europe, my wife and i went to Tenerife.

    We stayed in a hotel filled with british.

    Comment of my wife:

    oh? europe have issaan people too?

    and no, my wife is not a racist, but after meeting me she developed a rather monty pythonesk sense of humour

    survival strategy , no doubt......

  6. if it were race-based, I as a farang with a Thai ID card would not be getting the Thai price. I do -- no questions asked. As do other foreigners who can present a DL or work permit, in almost all cases.

    It is nationality-based, nit race-based.

    If it were nationality based, would you accept that americans pay more in european restaurants?

    And by your own explaination, it is DL and WP based...... discrimination against users of public transport and those that are retired?

    Price discrimination is wrong - but yes, many apologists AND marketingnutters will advocate it.

  7. Price based prejudice is discrimination. A higher price for another race is racial discrimination.

    100% correct,

    shame that some apologists on here,choose not to recognise the fact!

    Nationality does NOT equal race.

    Would you find it acceptable if a european restaurant charged you extra for being american?

  8. I think Thailand is too expensive for you. Considering your anger about left over food in a previous topic. :rolleyes:


    Well, this is what you posted: My family cooks several dishes every day, and leave them on the table.

    And buy thai takeaways too, not so very cheap.

    Yes they do have a fridge, but it seems that the food has to be ready on the table, just in case some visitor drops in.

    My thai wife did the same until i told her this upsets me - now she tries to reduce the amount of food wasted.



  9. Work. Love.

    If money is your only reason to be here there are plenty of cheaper places you could be.


    if you mean, work for an international company, then you are in the 5%

    if you mean, work as a barowner or something, then you are in the 95%


    i love my thai wife - she loves me - we could love one another anywhere in the world

    but we choose to love one another in Thailand. Because that is cheaper.

  10. They were supporting the legally elected prime minister ousted by a military coup.

    Phrase it the way you want, facts are facts : no coup, no red shirts.

    First came the yellow shirts, backed by people who couldn't accept democracy. Then the coup. Then, as a reaction, the red shirts.

    You have to accept facts. The people who started all that mayhem are people with little respect for democracy. People can vote for whoever they want as long as it is for the controlling elite. If they don't, then we have a problem ...

    The problem is not vote buying, the problem is free information. Why do you think the junta is closing local radios and internet access ?

    You post a lot, a lot of your stuff comes from different sources on the internet. Would it be fair if I cut your internet sources? That's what happen to people who oppose this government. Is it fair ?

    Since you're talking about facts, why don't you start with the fact the the coup didn't oust the elected PM.

    and that first came Thaksin ---- which led to the PAD (and which led to the coup (the PAD didn't cause the coup -- failed elections and Thaksin's scheming did)

    Correction: first came poverty, next Thaksin etc.

    Can you not see that in 21st century Thailand the same things are happening as in 19th century Europe?

    Drunken uneducated suppressed proletarians versus hiso, with some very clever hiso using the poor in their inter-hiso quarrels?

    Let us hope that Thailand does not have to go through communism and fachism to reach the same level (economically and socially) as Europe.

  11. "However, she asked for relevant parties to "play by the rules".

    Yes lets play by the rules.....Police should arrest and charge Khun Pairote Issaraseripong for threatening the soldier with a fire arm.

    What would have happened if an "ordinary" Thai citizen had done the same thing ?......arrested and up on charges...simple

    I am sure that the police will arrest and charge Pairote if there is evidence to prove the allegation. However, all we really have so far is a verbal confrontation together with the army sergeant's statement that Pairote "signalled" that he had a pistol. No one has actually said a firearm was seen.

    How do you "signal" that you have a pistol ? Do you point under your jacket to indicate that there is a pistol there ? -- he could be indicating his wallet and offering money . Do you pretend to shoot with your pointed finger ? - as ib " bang, you're dead". Any "signal" is open to the sergeant's interpretation.

    There was no allegation or evidence that Pairote said that he had a gun, or displayed a gun. .

    Sorry but there seems to be no evidence of a threat with "a fire arm" -- only a senseless confrontation !

    Perhaps Pairote was very happy to see the sergeant?

    wink wink nodge nodge

  12. Cebu or Subic Bay or Boracay, Philippines. I just got back and those lovely Fipinos deserve all the good luck because they earn it. So friendly and welcoming. Absolutely NO bad attitude. Foreigners receive the welcome mat and everyone speaks English.

    I thought Subic Bay was nicknamed Pubic Bay?

    Did they clean up then?

  13. Unfortunately Thaksin fading away is not on the cards. This is something I can understand, he got shafted by the army then further shafted by the courts (all quite legally of course B)). The fact that he is a conniving, corrupt individual is irrelevant, he is a Thai, and no Thai will take that lying down, Thais and Sicilians share a common quality, the vendetta. Thaksin, Abhisit, certain army Generals and judges, have got to come to terms with each other. Prem is also part of this and those he represents. There is a deadline to this, a deadline whose date is only known to the man with the scythe. Reds, yellows, whites, rainbows, are all just pawns in this power play. I wish I could speak more clearly, but I dare not, but all I can say it that any solution has to satisfy both Thaksin and his enemies, else unleash the dogs of war. Forget legalities, justice, concepts like this, they were never that important to Thais, someone has to broker a compromise to resolve this conflict.

    After shafting the country, Thaksin got shafted by the army - all well deserved.

    With Thaksin around, there is no solution.

    All previously deposed Thai 'leaders' came back and lived quietly, except one, who died abroad, his crimes were too much.

    Thaksin broke the long existing mold, be actively seeking revenge, and to take back power. No one was quite prepared for that since it is not very 'Thai' at all. They spent a bit of time playing catchup. But If he comes onto Thai soil and starts trouble this time... I suspect her WILL find it himself, and not just his proxies.

    karma returns in the form of looking over his back at all those who he has done wrong to, and shafted, and oppose him. He would return in fear of his life at all times, wouldn't he? Is that any way to live? But this character is hellbent on power and has thinking unlike most of us. I can't fathom living like that. But this tyrant refuses to accept peace and quiet abroad. Most ordinary people would bask in the splendor and forget about politics abroad, but not this scumbag!

    The last word of this post says more about the poster then about the fugitive.

  14. Cheap sex is cheap, but good sex is very expensive.

    Not where I live.

    Wanking don't count. smile.gif

    Dear mr millie

    You are an excellent troll.

    You are so good at whining.

    You bitch like nobody has ever done at this forum before.

    Your posts are so much fun to read.

    But please.

    Do not try to make funny comments - other peosters may take you seriously.......


  15. I watch the Thai Soap operas.

    I truly admire you mr millie!

    Not only did you previously admit to being married into a family of taxidrivers, not only do you post under your real name (that you took on after your sex change), but now..............wooow...........you come out and admit to watching soaps.

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