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About pgrahmm

  • Birthday October 11

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    Chiang Mai

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    Chiang Mai

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  1. It worked just fine - until I traveled out of country = hasn't worked since....
  2. I got my extension on Wednesday.....After driving out I noticed that I hadn't noticed my 90 day was due 3 days later....It cost me another 50k round trip from home.... If I had glanced first I could have grabbed a TM & used the drive up in less than an hour.....The walk up was about 12 people deep..... Immigration was swamped..... Just another day.....
  3. I've had good performance from Yokohama & Maxxes.... Bridgestone harden quickly - which isn't good....I got rid of them - 3 cars....
  4. ProAuto on Hang Dong Rd..... Tonn speaks perfect English.... About 700 meters south of Makro on the northbound side of the street....
  5. I have one here & one in the US.....Thinking back, that's just about all I've driven since the 80's/90's.... I've had other complimentary vehicles - trucks, sports cars, sedans - my primary vehicles have been SUV's......
  6. Dated & Lived with Filipinas for years in US & PI.... Didn't like the Philippines... "Discovered" & upgraded to Thai's and Thailand - happy ever since.... I do regret separating from one Filipina - that was my mistake - great lady....
  7. Possibly, if they approached me.... I've met a few "famous" people over the years - never felt compelled to to act star struck...Just treated them as regular folks.... The only near miss opportunity I regret was a chance to visit a half day with Elvis through a mutual friend.... I was married to a runway model that was fairly well known & that notoriety was a pain in the ass....
  8. Nothing related to the UN and it's "representatives" legalities & illegalities are particularly surprising..... It's all about networks of graft, greed, & power accumulation....
  9. Delete - I was replying to a messenger message = not sure how it popped up here...
  10. From the outside the CM store size is underwhelming..... Having only been in the fullsized stores this building is 10% or less than their regular store - probably closer to 5%....
  11. How can you be in so many different places & life situations so quickly.....
  12. Must run in the family.....
  13. Completely unaware of her surroundings..... My head and eyes are on a swivel around traffic & entertaining/exiting a vehicle.... Lucky lady....
  14. Tommy Bahama's have been a constant for seasoned travelers for years.....Easy to wear, hand wash and quickly use again.... I have TB's & Hilo Hattie's.....I don't wear often, but understand why others do.... I'll wear before SongKran + if running an errand I'll put one on open jacket style over Whatever T shirt I have on, rather than just a "T" shirt......
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