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Posts posted by sidjameson

  1. For me its the second one. The second evokes all the power of an exploding sun scorch the earth for all eternity. Well at least for me :)

    I have never picked up a camera seriously in my life, just wondering, how much does a camera that can take that kind of picture cost and how many hours or practice is needed?

  2. Putting the cart way before the horse as I havent even been there yet, but are there apartments for sale there? 45m2 to 55m2, good location, quiet neighbours. Possible? How much are we talking for something nearly new or new?

  3. You think university educated women will find I am a snob! I think you will find educated women are looking for educated men.

    Japanese women often don't speak english either. But if you live in a country you learn the local lingo right.

    Do you speak Thai Jazzbo and how did/do you find dating?

  4. Would you find it hard Jazzbo?

    We are all different mate, but so far in Japan for the last 12 years every girlfriend I have had HAS been to university. Of course I don't know Thailand, which is why I am asking people like your good self. But if Issan towns have a population of educated women for me personally I am confident I could find one that liked me.

  5. IMHO Thai ladies view sex in an entirely different way to us from the west.

    I think you're talking a load of <deleted> there, my friend. Perhaps the type you hang with, but probably 95% of Thai women are overly conservative for such a scenario.

    Op, if you're not trolling, reckon you already know what she'll be getting up to. Money is king!

    This is pretty funny. You say the man is talking nonsense that Thai women view sex differently, and then the very next sentence allude to the fact YOU think his wife will start having sex for money, which is very different attitude than most western women would have.

  6. Live without a car.

    Therefore live near city centre. Bicycle, walk or cheap transport to get to meeting places.

    I am 42, farangs around my age.

    A university educated girlfriend.

    45m2 apartment or house for 7000 or less.

    A place to jog near my home.

    A coffee shop to meet some one for a game of chess (so hope to find a player) near my home.

    A few bars where I can buy a large beer for under 100 bht. And a few mates to drink with.

    Internet where I can download "match of the day" 700mb, quick enough to watch a few hours later.

    I know, it sounds ridiculous to be so specific, but I now realise that the above is pretty much all I need to be happy.

    I plan to travel around and check some places out. City names and even apartment/street names are welcome.

  7. My friend, and actually not even Thai but Vietnamese really, really wants to go to the Uk. She is well educated and holds a good job in Saigon. Even has money in the bank, but was knocked back for a tourist visa in vietnam. She really wants to go there regardless and has come up with the idea that she will fly to Cyprus where she will apply for a UK visa cuz she has heard its easier there.

    Sounds crazy to me, but she has asked me if its true that its easier for a asian to get a visa for the UK in Cyprus. Mind you, she also asked me if she should sail or drive to England so her thinking may not be that lucid. :)

  8. Yea for sure. Actually thats what makes it tricky for me. Cuz I feel I am half way between being an older guy that of course money would have to be a prime motivation and a younger decent looking guy who can still use some charm to win affection.

    Hmm ok, much more than half way to geezer. :) But I was picked up by a really nice looking 18 year old Aussie chick not so long ago on holiday in Japan, so part of me thinks it may actually be the real thing that this girl is claiming to be experiencing.

    But unfortunately my libido is that of a 42 year old guy and that is one thing I worry about for sure.

  9. Thanks Craig, you sound very similar to me. I am going to visit her later this month. That will be the test. Your words really were good to read. I so wish she was Thai, I could happily live in Thailand teaching English, but my couple of visits to the Philippines doesn't inspire the same feelings at all.

    Not rushing is the key of course. Naturally it would take me a year to get to know some one well enough, but hard to imagine spending a year in Mankila just to get to know a girl!

    Not sure how the family situation is. Her mom lives in a provence without electricity even. Hard to believe, but at this stage I am taking her word for things.

  10. Thanks for all the replies. Far more positive than I would have imagined.

    Of course I am not saying I am ready to marry this girl. Such is my cautionary nature I am asking if it can work before I invest my feelings.

    I wonder if after the obvious lust I feel, can you have a marriage based on kindness and love, but very little conversation? lol

    Actually the biggest obstacle may be her being Filipina. Just don't fancy living there. And I am not sure about taking her back to England. I work in Japan, but thats hard as well. But as has been pointed out, this is all way down the line. :)

  11. I have met a girl online. She is dirt poor. Actually she is Filipina in Manila, but I figure there is a chance I will get good stories here of guys who have been in my position. She speaks english of course. Is nice looking with a body to die for. I am a reasonable looking guy who looks younger on cam I guess than my age. I make her laugh all the time. BUT I AM 42.

    Of course I know its folly, of course I know that each time we talk its all me being funny and her laughing. Of course I know that my economic reality must make me some kind of Santa Claus figure. Of course my university education hardly lends itself compatible to her high school one.

    But I am looking to settle down and part of me thinks, why the hel_l not.

    Just wondering if there is any guy out there who has been in my situation and made it work?

    Oh and as I can not imagine living in Manila, do you know if I can bring a Filipina into Thailand to live easily enough if I have a work visa here?

    Flame me if you like :)

  12. Lovely building, great location. Fantastic decor. 70m2 4.6million bht. The thing that puts me off is the building age. I mean how long can even a well maintained building go on for? I am only 43 so i hope to be living in it for at least 35 years.

    And in 35 years time will it be worth anything at all? I will probably be potless by then and I would hope that I could get a little bit back to at least pay for a ticket to the UK where I would throw myself at the mercy of the state.

  13. The unemployed in the Uk get about 270 GBP a month which is about $400 add a $100 for rent (outside BK it's doable) and surely you have a lifestyle in Bk at $500 that is better than the 2.7 million Brits who now suffer that fate in the UK.

    If every farang in Thailand suddenly found themselves on $500 a month some would be able to adapt and be happy and some wouldn't. Even at $500 a month it is more about the person than it is about the money.

  14. In England, when you go to London you can't help but notice that there is a higher % of good looking women compared to the provinces. Just wondering if it's the same in Thailand. I heard it said that the women up north were regarded as beauties, but do they leave to work in the big smoke?

    Anybody with experience in both cities care to comment?

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