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Posts posted by sidjameson

  1. So are my sums correct?

    Study Thai at Walen......25k for class, arrive on free entry and 1900 4 times for a visa, no other costs.......almost 33k for a year stay, never have to leave country.

    Buy tourist visa in home country for 1000bt, then 3 visa runs...which cheapest run to laos on say the train will cost 3700 including 1 night in cheap place. And 4 extensions at 1900 a time.....total cost say about 19k.

    So, 14k extra to get 180 thai class. And save lots of time on travel. (depending on whether you see this as a burden or not)

    That works out at roughly 80bt a class.....a bargain.

    If I have given you a new idea of how to promote your school Mr Walen, feel free to show your gratitude with a free course, lol

  2. I am not sure, but reading online I may well have low testosterone levels. But how the hell does one know? lol

    Anyway, anyone been in my situation in Thailand and been to a doc and/or used one of the new gels or something?

    Care to give a recommendation or share how things turned out?

    I am tired too much for a guy that does so little. Refractory period extending to embarrassing levels. Often feel a bit "down" But other than that I feel fine, lol

    Anyone get the injections and turn from Mr 3 times a week to Mr 3 times a night? hehehe

  3. Yeah, my God, are there people with really so little to do that they feel the need to inspect every word of a posters history? I can imagine the smile on their face as they think "wow, got him" use your time to help some street kids guys if you have that much.

    Rumblecat got it right. And situations change too.

  4. Thanks for the advice.

    Quick question, I will fly to Philippines and Laos, Cambodia etc on occasion. Is there any phone that is better than others for this? I guess I am referrring to the recharger.

    What would the Nokia classic at 2400 bht have that the cheep Samsung at 800bht doesnt?

  5. Actually I recently heard that Morrissey never had one either, so I feel reluctant to leave this hallowed group but I get the feeling I will be socially lost without one in this city.

    Ok, so first things first...where is best place to buy one?

    Second, Are they all in english?

    Third, I want to call, sms and take a pic of reasonable quality, how much will this cost?

    Any recommentdations for a model?

    Oh and how much is an sms and call? I really have no idea. lol

  6. A great free apartment persuaded me to come here. :)

    I want to find a new home and Thailand seems to offer a reasonable chance at that.. Its still cheap if you live within your means.

    Thai girls are stunning, at least in this area...though not sure of my chances of getting one.

    After 16 years away English winters scare me. :)

    I am a regular guy, been teaching in Japan for long time but left just before tsunami, which is lucky cuz I cant swim.

    I am 43, easy going and find I now only need a good book, a laptop, a place to go jogging, a friend to chat to and a girlfriend to be happy. Its only the last 2 that escape me at the mo.

  7. I just arrived here to live, but as I have no work, no girlfriend and it seems no life, lol I maybe suffering a bit of too much of my own splendid company.

    If there is anyone on this website who would like to meet up for a coffee or a beer then all offers would be gratefully received, but people with an interest in any one of the following are especially welcome to cast me a social life jacket.



    English football, even the stuff not played by millionaires

    Did the Uk welfare state make me the lazy bugger I am today?


    Playing chess


    Playing chess while looking at girls

    Anything published by Dawkins, Pinker or Heffner :)

    Talking about ideas rather than about people, unless she is attractive

    I live in ploenchit, next to Chidlom but I am happy to meet anywhere on sky train route.

    My schedule is enbarrassingly open.

  8. ok, for those that wish to know more than I should tell a public forum. :)

    I am still legally married to a well educated, lovely Thai woman, but we are now 100% friends only. She doesnt mind staying married to help with my visa.

    I trust her 1000%

    Actually, been in Thailand a week now and my health is 100 times better. Not had one bad second with the back or my prostate. :)

  9. To satisfy the posters who answered my question.

    It didnt work. :)

    She asked for money. AND SHOCKINGLY i gave it. I can't believe it, but I did. I, a guy who has rarely paid for even dinner found myself running to western union. lol.

    The thing is, her situation is probably true. My radar is strong enough to know when I am being lied to and I doubt I was. She was just penniless and I gave her some pennies.

    Ironically it wasnt even the money that was the death nail, I just realised that I njoyed her company ONLY because she looked so good. She seemed nice, but if I wasnt being funny than were had nothing to talk about. Not sure a marriage can be based on a stand up comedy show. :)

    Still, it was hard to end it. The best body I have seen for a long time. If she had of told me she was a virgin (she wasnt 2 bf before) I am not sure I could have been so logical. :)

  10. I am at an airport in Taiwan and on my way to Bk tomorrow. I have got many good ideas here and in pms.

    Believe it or not I made all that money through teaching english in Japan. I don't think I am the type to lose it all again. :)

    I will read and digest more over next couple of days.

  11. If I had put this forward in any other country specific forum in the world I am sure I wouldn't get so many posters refering to the use of prostitutes.

    Beetlejuice, even in my city; Exeter which has high house prices, the average cost of a 2 bedroom place is 173,000 according to findyourproperty.com

    290k not a lot of money! I think you will find that globally that puts me in the richest 10% in the world.

  12. some helpful stuff here, thanks.

    Just to clarify something. I am by no means on my last legs. My back is a funny thing. I go jogging and I feel great. The only thing I can't do it stand still. I actually expect it to not bother my life much other than I really prefer not to have to work. The prostate is just something I may have to live with, but by no means the catalyst to "burn the candle at both ends"

    The point about women not being the same as they were 10 years ago. Thats a worry. :)

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