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Posts posted by sidjameson

  1. Returning to England for a holiday. Its time to really update my clothes. Average western build.

    43 years old, I want to make the best of myself.

    No desire for brand names, I guess I am on a budget. 1500bt (30 GBP) for jeans, 500 for t shirt, 1000 for shirt, 2000 for shoes etc seems about right.

    I am a terrible judge of quality of materials etc so if any one who does can suggest which country is the better bet for the clothes I am looking for I appreciate it.

    If Bk is better which place to look? If England same question?

    I know I am a retard when it comes to shopping for clothes. I have spent far more time in book shops. :)

  2. Yea, what is it with this place sometimes?

    When I lived in England I (like millions of others) struggled to make new friends at one point in my life and wondered the best way to go about it.

    Social isolation is the problem of the modern age, but I guess all the posters who have replied so far have such sparkling personalities and fantastic social lives that they are unaware of this.

  3. Hoping for a few ideas as I am at a bit of a loss.

    She is university educated. Holds a good job but one that is unfortunately socially isolating. She is super kind and fun.

    But apart from music her only interest is me. lol.

    Her life up to this point has been study and work. All her female friends have married and starting families. She is 32 and literally has no idea how to go about making new friends.

    Anybody any suggestions how she can open her life up a bit?

  4. I would think twice about the animals welfare, it's a living creature that suffers, not a toy.

    But if you do decide to buy I have the telephone number of a girl that I know does breed them as opposed to caught wild and does sell them at jj. pm if you like.

  5. I've been in Thailand 6 months. Never dated any one from a bar. All have been university educated with solid middle class jobs. All have been late 20's to early 30's.

    I am no Greek Adonis or deemed "THE catch of a lifetime" yet I have been surprised by the general level of promiscuity. It seems 1st or 2nd date is the norm.

    But 2 things make me pause before I extrapolate my experience to the wider Thai demographic.

    1. All these girls spoke english as I dont speak Thai.

    2. Most were met online.

    Do any TV members have experiences they would like to share?

    Are none English/online girls different?

    LASTLY, can we try to keep this as empirical as possible. It is not a "my wong is bigger/thicker/slicker than yours" thread.

  6. There are many guys on here with much greater experience in the world of work than me, so looking for some pointers.

    I am 43, I have a degree. Been teaching. I do have very good social skills. Very bad at most other things. lol. My hands are baby soft smooth from a lack of work. :)

    But I really would like to find an interesting sustainable way to make some money every year in Uk.

    I am willing to train. Willing to invest some cash. I dont need to earn a fortune in UK. But need something that I could go back to every year.

    Any advice really appreciated.

  7. I often jog next to a river or maybe its a klong. This is the center of Bangkok and its a flithy stretch of water what ever it is.

    But amazingly I often see the monitor lizrards and this week I saw not one but 2 turtles. Can it really be that Bangkok still provides a home for wild turtles?

    My guess is that they are released pets, but I would love to be shown otherwise.

    Any one know?

  8. I signed up for a couple of news letters from property companies in the Uk. Knightknox, for example. They often send me info on some deal. Currently student property in sheffield that yields 10%

    My problem is that I am such a cynical bugger I always view it as virtually a scam. That I will lose all my money. But now I am thinking that somebody is buying this stuff and I am making nothing with my money in the bank.

    Has anybody invested in turn key property that they have never seen and been happy with it?

    On paper it looks like a good, safe deal, and I have been getting emails from this company for years so I imagine they are reputable (to a degree) :)

  9. I think I want to increase my protein intake as I jog and exercise a fair bit. I guess not really Thai related as I would shy away from eating fatty pork thats been pumped full of antibiotics in any country.

    I currently buy tinned sardines a lot, but hate the oil they come in. Was wondering whats the best food source here balancing cost and health.

    Any ideas?

  10. Just a point worth saying about the OP, yes remember that? lol

    No guy buys a house in Thailand. He gives money to his wife, and she decides to buy a house. Nobody likes an Indian giver so why would a Thai women?

    If you give some one a few million baht, thats a very nice thing to do, but why would you expect any of it back? Seems very strange!

  11. Do you think Thai women have a preference?

    More and more western women seem to love talking about a certain movie, tv show etc where the guy takes his shirt off.

    How important is it for most Thai girls?

    very muscular, muscular, David beckham style toned, slim, chubby, obese, what should the western man be aiming for?

    Or is it a case of....

    A man asks a trainer in the gym: "I want 2 impress that beautiful girl , which machine can I use?" Trainer replies: "Use the ATM" :)

  12. So many of the replies here seem to come from the mindset that a Thai girl is a whore and not to be trusted!

    OP, meet the girl and make your own mind up, all you will get from replies here are opinions expressed based on each individuals experiences, and how on earth are they relevant when it comes to you meeting a unique human being in a unique situation?

    She seems nice, she seems spoilt, she seems to like you. See where it goes.

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