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Posts posted by sidjameson

  1. At this stage I think I have 6 months in Thailand before I will need to go home to sort some stuff out. Thinking that studying Thai maybe the best use of my time.

    Any one have an idea of any course that is appropriate for this time scale? Lots of 180 hour 1 year course around, but of course I will be gone half way through.

    I am a beginner.

  2. I live in Ploenchit, just want a place I can watch the game WITH commentary, and not be surrounded by drunks yelling at the screen.

    Any ideas?

    Ohhh, is the Carling Cup screened here? My team; Exeter have been drawn at home with Liverpool in round 2. I figure there must be a chance it would be the tie to be televised.

  3. I am nor overweight. :)

    But nice to know that many others sweat the same as me. But honestly when I am out and about in Bangkok I do feel I am the only one!

    Strange thing is, when I am with a thai friend and I put the air con on at home it is always me that feels cold first. I cant sleep with aircon on either. I wake up freezing!

    In Bangkok I now feel that I have a very narrow comfort zone of about 28 to 29 degrees. Anything much either way and I am complaining. Strange eh.

  4. I am a reasonalbly fast language learner, but when I spoke french, the locals used to laugh and say I sound like I am speaking made up english words. lol

    I just met a girl where we spent 20 minutes getting me to say her name; Yiu, which I always said as "you"

    Anybody here thought they really sucked at the tones to begin with but then actually got some unexpected success?

    Part of me just doesnt think I can ever do it.

  5. My friend and I are early 40's, professional and NOT looking for bar girls.

    What we are looking for is a bar or two where we have a chance of meeting nice Thai women, mid 20's to mid 30's. Possibly play some pool.

    My friend earns a good western salary, while I live off a modest Thai one, haha so a range of options would be nice.

    I live central Bangkok.

  6. Treat others as you would like to be treated.

    This basic moral statement would be universally agreed upon I think. It is one of the things that makes us an adult human being.

    How would you feel OP if your women were doing the same?

    Anyone can get as many gfs in asia as they want. There is no kudos in it. Sounds a little like you are trying to prove to your 16 year old self that you be the man!

  7. So are my sums correct?

    Study Thai at Walen......25k for class, arrive on free entry and 1900 4 times for a visa, no other costs.......almost 33k for a year stay, never have to leave country.

    Buy tourist visa in home country for 1000bt, then 3 visa runs...which cheapest run to laos on say the train will cost 3700 including 1 night in cheap place. And 4 extensions at 1900 a time.....total cost say about 19k.

    So, 14k extra to get 180 thai class. And save lots of time on travel. (depending on whether you see this as a burden or not)

    That works out at roughly 80bt a class.....a bargain.

    If I have given you a new idea of how to promote your school Mr Walen, feel free to show your gratitude with a free course, lol

  8. I am not sure, but reading online I may well have low testosterone levels. But how the hell does one know? lol

    Anyway, anyone been in my situation in Thailand and been to a doc and/or used one of the new gels or something?

    Care to give a recommendation or share how things turned out?

    I am tired too much for a guy that does so little. Refractory period extending to embarrassing levels. Often feel a bit "down" But other than that I feel fine, lol

    Anyone get the injections and turn from Mr 3 times a week to Mr 3 times a night? hehehe

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