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Everything posted by thaitom

  1. Has anyone else developed the arm pain that has lasted longer than a month ? I looked it up and my symptoms are the same as what they call SIRVA, pain when lying on your shoulder, pain on the outside or top of your shoulder, pain that gets worse when you lift your arm to the side, pain when pushing on or opening a door, and pain when trying to make a circle motion with your arm. At first I was alarmed I was having a MI.
  2. I did , lived in a tier 3 city for 5 years. Children pee and <deleted> on the floor right next to the tables in restaurants and they leave it for the workers to clean. Most of the food was the worst i have ever eaten. Even in the markets the vegetables were awful , grown in polluted soil, air and water , yummm.
  3. That's odd western union says you can send 5,000 US there per day.Also they say can receive 100,000.php per transaction with a limit of 5,000 US a month. Geez.... which is it ? I personally use Moneygram but i have never sent money there
  4. Hmmm... I asked how a QR code that opens a database with your information can be faked as you said. Why the waitress ? A doorman could do this job. Just like in the west going to a nightclub.
  5. How can you fake the QR code ? it takes you to the database with your information, Well at least mine does.
  6. The government owns it all, no one owns anything.
  7. May I ask where in Chiangmai ? This would be useful information. The notice I have read says to go to Bangkok in person.
  8. The hospital told me the vaccine certificate they give me is only valid for 3 months , to come back if I need another,
  9. This is what I read you have to get for International Travel, But.. it seems to be to much trouble to have to go to Bangkok in person.
  10. Is anyone having problems with the app on their phone ? It refuses to load , it says something about it being a DEMO .
  11. I am prone to anxiety attacks with doctors. May I ask do they put you to sleep for the procedure ?
  12. Funny, mine says expires in 5988 days ( 16.40548 years) I installed mine from microsoft.com download software
  13. Nope you are very wrong. I installed using the option direct from microsoft, I know mine is genuine.
  14. Looks to me like he gave you an option , which in my opinion is a very cost effective solution over trying to do it yourself.
  15. I want my Daughter in school, (6 years old) . The chances of serious illness is rare. My concern is health problems from all this social isolation. She has no siblings and zero friends to play with. I know it's wrong but I let her use her phone more than I should, her English vocabulary has improved significantly.
  16. They already used that, remember no one was to say lockdown .
  17. I just checked my laptop, it says the same thing. I have Win 10 pro. I downloaded from microsoft on my new laptop about a year ago and I have no problems with it at all. I get all updates .
  18. You see here .....canthai55 wrote ..... 555 - just asked Mr Google . Of course the USA has this to say !!! "Kratom is banned by some states in the U.S. due to safety concerns." https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-1513/kratom Guess there you gotta wait and buy from Big Pharma !!! So I clicked on the link and read it. That's all , Geez ! after reading the supplied link , it was just my personal opinion. Or is that not allowed ! I didn't think we are all in the USA where we have to be so damn PC or whatever. Yes, I am irritated right now.
  19. The officer that released this must be fearing for his life. Most likely will end up "missing" soon.
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