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Posts posted by Nawtier

  1. I am not qualified to know what kind of father he is....i have never met him.

    As I say, I am going on information here, in your articles and other news items...that is all we have to base it on and from that info, this is the opinion I get.

    What does this wealthy guy do with all his free time then ? he does not seem to have a 9 to 5 job that stipulates his movements.

    I take my kids to school and pick them up every day. I would never let my maid do it religiously every day, or any day for that matter now or in the immediate future.

    My point is here that he seems to have the time, but it does not say anywhere he does everything with or for them.

    They live in a beachside stinking hot tropical location, but he never took them swimming and saw their injuries ? Too busy ?

    It seems she did everything for them and he not much....again based on info available only.

    An article somewhere stated, as if to highlight the event, that he took the kids out to eat once a week. Well hooley dooley, if that is the pinnacle of his fathering week.

    As stated by me several times now, this is based all on info available, nothing personal. I would definitely hope I am wrong.

  2. I still find it somewhat strange.....perhaps the dedicated dad bit seems a tad over done.....perhaps he is, but based on the info and story thus far.....i do not get that impression.

    By the sounds he was wealthy, retired as such but wrote books and invested in property...he did not even collect the rents. So by that info....free time should be a plenty.

    yet he never picked up his kids from school....they were always taken to the restaurant first.....what kind of life is it for kids going from school to a restaurant every day ??

    The Dad never saw his kids in shorts or swimmers ?? he never took them swimming ?? He never saw the girl in a skirt ??

    The kids relationship with their Dad was such that they did not feel they could tell him anything and he would protect them ??

    He went overseas and left them here ??

    All somewhat strange in my opinion.......and my opinion is usually awesome.

  3. Btw foreigners can own 49% property in Thailand through a company providing that company is a genuine working company.

    There will however be tens of thousand of foreigners in Thailand who would lose their houses if the country followed its own laws to the letter, and the laws could be excercised at any time, just depends on who they decide to pick on.

    You need to add that the majority Thai shareholders need to be genuine shareholders who have invested their own money in the company. Since the famous letter from the Interior Minister to Land Offices of May 2006, the Land Dept has steadily tightened the checks on Thai shareholders of companies applying to register land ownership, if there is any foreign involvement in the company - one foreign shareholder or one foreign director is enough to trigger the checks. The Thai shareholders then need to produce documents to proof they had enough assets or income to make the investment or show loan documents to proof they borrowed the money (not from the foreigner). The company is also required to either show it either had enough paid-up capital to purchase the property or proof it borrowed the money from a third party (not the foreigner). When you have taken all that into account, it is pretty obvious that few Thai investors are going to put their own cash into a company which intends to buy a house for a foreigner to live, even if the company has genuine operations.

    Existing companies are not, as far as I know, being subjected to random checks but there is no guarantee that will never happen in future. For those that have them, important things to check are firstly that your company makes a profit, pays tax and really has operating income. This doesn't include rental or other investment income which is classified as "other income" in audited accounts. Another key thing to check is that your auditor has not slyly qualified the accounts without telling you. Accountants, if they translate the accounts for small foreign clients will hardly ever translate the auditor's statement at the beginning. Often the auditor just signs the accounts for a fee without looking at them and to cover himself qualifies the accounts by saying that he was unable to verify the data because management refused to cooperate. Lawyers will definitely declare that companies with these defects are legal. However, a company that persistently makes losses and/or has never generated operating income is liable to be investigated by the Commmerce Ministry with a view to being struck off. Persistent qualification by auditors is another red flag that could lead to scrutiny and, if the Commerce Ministry discovers a violation of the Foreign Business Act, even by accident, it is obliged to prosecute and is also obliged to pass information about a possible violation of the Land Act to the Land Dept for prosecution.

    Nice info.

  4. Happy birthday o.p.I,m a proofreader and this thread has made my day.Thank,s for all the laughs guys.

    How much to read a book ??

    would you really hire a guy who uses a comma for an apostrophe to proof anything?

    it was wit he said, wit what I not sure.

  5. In all fairness - I did exactly what Mark of Premier Thai Lawyers suggested and sent them an email Saturday night which they replied to on Monday and have had an exchange of emails since then. No complaints therefore as far as it concerns their responsiveness.

    So did I....but maybe I sent it sunday morning.......its now tuesday afternoon.......oh my kingdom for an exchange of emails.

    But please do not stress about it......it is not life nor death.....I have been used to this non response game from Sunbelt before........so I am experienced in this matter......and i am not English and I bathe regularly.

  6. Exactly my thoughts when i read it........compensation for your childs death no matter how or why would not enter my head at all.......not ever....it is simply something I would not seek.........unless it was an around about way of ruining someones life that caused the death of my child and normal criminal procedures were not available for whatever reason....then ruining their life would be high priority.

  7. did not know about this secondary drowning stuff.......nice to know.

    My kids are good swimmers and have been for a long time.....and i have left them, not alone, but in each others company a few times thinking they will be ok with each other to watch out for them.......not any more though as when you read something like this it wakes you up again from over confidence in your kids probable abilities....but things can happen.

    So good thread.

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