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Posts posted by Nawtier

  1. Digression is nothing to be sorry for.

    I have no need for AA by the way as I rarely drink.

    As for trees....no doubt many Thais do feel as you say....but many more do not.

    I live at the foot of a National Park.....last year I witnessed the parks people cut down a huge tree so they could build a nice new building in its place.

    Instead, they could have built and incorporated the tree into their design and had an outstanding building.

    I witnessed a road carved up and huge trees cut down....for a road that was not needed at all.

    I can go out tomorrow and take 30 photos of huge trees dying, dead or will be in a year or 3, because of mismanagement by individuals and developers.

    Poachers creep into National Parks and cut down big trees for honey and the resin in some trees for incense....up in smoke.

    I know a local police officer that has a wood furniture making business, he makes tables and such out of large trees....wonder where he gets them all from ??

    Locals in a 'proposed' dam area not far from here, not a for sure dam, just proposed, went and cut down all the big trees for themselves before anyone else got to them...still no dam.

    Have you witnessed the amount of trees cut down for charcoal production ??

    In our local town 25k's away they have 4 sawmills that I know of with their yards full of trees at any time of the year.

    A house we lived in last year, the owner cut down a big old tree next to it...because he thought it 'might' one day fall on his house.

    As for the spirit trees....these trees are saved first and foremost for the spirits supposed to be believed to inhabit them.......not first and foremost for the tree itself and what it does for the environment and humankind.....regardless that many of these trees are older than any person living around them.

    In another post elsewhere about trees....you commented I know nothing and never will....care to change that view ?? i have lived here for a long time now, not as long as some, but longer than many also.

  2. Thanks for the links....lotsa activity around...there was one today off Japan.

    Wonder what it was up here then....nice peaceful sundy morn....no trucks....no earthworks nearby....no stampeding elephants...that was last night.

  3. I think you have to question whether you would be a good father.

    I don't have to question anything.

    Just being a father is probably enough for my partner. The fact that I can provide security for her and the progeny is more than enough for me to be a 'good' father.

    Bouncing the youngster on my knee and playing football when I am 70 is a bonus.

    Would'nt say 'good'....'better' might be the word.

  4. in Thailand soem kids go to school 5 full days [8 till 5]days a week on the age of 2,5 and learn to read and write amongst many other things and playing is not really one of them....sick brain who is telling me that that is a good thing, because it is not!

    Kids should go to school, nothing harmful in that but def. not on such an early age!

    Read my post above......complete opposite to your thoughts and proof of what it can be like.....a great experience for them.

    They both went 5 days a week from 3yo.......they loved it....they learnt all the good basic stuff....but believe me they spent more time playing than not......but also while playing if the games are right and fun...they can also be learning a lot.

    It does of course depend on the school and teachers.

    For various reasosn I had to send my daughter to a Thai school for 3 months and my son went to a bilingual...more thai than english for 6 months....they were both horrible schools and I would never do that again, I would keep them home instead.

    It had a positive experience though, they learnt the difference between a crap school and a good one...they appreciate their current school very much.

  5. My kids started at 3yo. The older boy was the first and I hesitated in wanting him to go so young. I started at 5yo and figured there was no way I wanted my kid to endure an extra 2 years of school for nothing.

    How wrong I was ......we started him at 3 as we had a great Montessori school a 1 minute walk behind our house......he loved it and it was very good for him. He was reading a lot at 4yo.

    Now he is 9yo and simply loves school and never wants to stay home. We are able to use the threats of staying home from school as punishment. Apart from the normal learning at their current school, they have a great range of after school hours clubs and activities which they join in 4 nights a week. They love it.

    So good was the experience for him that we started our girl at 3yo also and she is the same now, loves it. In fact due to circumstances at the new school we moved to 2 years ago, she is now 6yo and will be in grade 3 come this August. If she can keep this up and finish school life 2 years early, she will be extremely lucky.

    My kids are certainly not conformed by going to school early, anything but that in fact. We were also and still are both stay at home parents, so at first when the boy started it was a very selfish thought to keep him home with us for another year or 2. They need to develop outside just the home and parents environment and it worked out very well for our kids.

  6. But the 'Asian' might be cute.....and if the 'are' Asian'....then whats the problem ??......

    Also while some sya 'you get tha farang'....consider it might be because the one saying it does not understand english at all but the one they are asking to 'get' the farang does ??....quite possible and I see it many times.

    Of course it does happen for derogatory reasosn also, but remember it happens in your home country in reverse....I remember in Oz the '<deleted>' and such......the boot is now on the other foot and either like it, lump it or ignore it.

  7. Excellent Ian, I am sure Samran as a native Thai speaker appreciates your hackneyed explanation and butchered pronunciation tips.

    Krap poon cup indeed.

    I'm not trying to correct anyone, and certainly not a Thai. I'm just saying what I hear. But please explain why I have seen the same Thai address translated into English in 3 different spellings. The same bank will spell someone's name differently on separate documents.

    Yes, I know the topic is about the plural of the word farang, but who really gives a shit so long as everyone understands? A northern Thai person and a southern Thai person might understand each other, but they will pronounce the same Thai word differently and nobody cares. Why should us farangs care? Or, should I say... Why should us farang care?


  8. For the ones that use PP and pay into a Thai account, either Bkk Bank or Kasikorn......do you get it paid into your account in $US or Baht ??

    Anybody dealt with either of these ?? Have heard good things about the Thai one within Thailand......was thinking the Chinese one for China.



    My missus wants to set up a website selling stuff, so looking into it for her with best options.

  9. feelings about trees (not just the Bo tree) - Have you seen the trees in the roads that were NOT cut down? And, there's a reason Thai men piss in the grass instead of on trees in the forest.

    That's hilarious....thanks for the giggle.

    I'll give you some contacts re the care and attention Thai's lavish on their BIG trees in this country.......if you care to ruin your dream like state.

  10. So it is not relative right ??

    I am interested in it......I usually read the reason why every few years cos I forget and want to be sure they are not making fun of me.

    My missus calls me it....doubt she would call me it if it had bad undertones.....butter would'nt melt in her mouth....she also calls the kids little farangs sometimes.

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