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Posts posted by amykat

  1. The article said she MAY have been on medication, and it does not say what kind, and it also says she was fleeing a domestic abuse situation.  So she may have just been beaten up.  She may be taking blood pressure meds, or any number of things, and certainly does not look like she planned on driving.  That is quite different than your typical drunk who goes out and plans to drink and plans to drive home!  


    Maybe getting beat up and being on medication in the first place, impaired her judgement which made her decide to drive?  Who knows but hardly the same as ALL Thais and their <deleted> driving, in my opinion.

  2. I wonder if they got the bank statement in Thai and mistakenly are calling it 

    Arabic?  Maybe they cannot recognize what the heck it is?  It sounds like you depended on your wife to do this?  Can you print a bank statement in English?  Don’t you need official translations?  Did your wife think it wasn’t really necessary all of this BS and just send in whatever ...but told you she sent it the correct things???  That would be a very Thai thing to do, and never admit.

  3. 38 minutes ago, snowgard said:

    Completly wrong!!! The house gone to the husband and kids, if they have!!! But because him is a farang him must sale the land in a timeframe (1 year or so) what him can ask at the landoffice. 
    Absolut nothing goes to the relatives if there is no will!!!

    If there is a will leaving the house to the husband, that is usually the case, they are given one year to sell it.  The OP said they have no children.  I don’t know why a foreign spouse doesn’t inherit but it seems they might not inherit.  This has happened to foreign men here, where they totally purchased a house but without any protection, their wife died, and relatives came and threw them out immediately. Maybe foreigners cannot inherit land?


  4. Are you sure he even needs a tutor?  If he just started how do you know he is not doing well?  These schools and teachers like to drum up extra business for themselves in case you don’t know that, and now realize from this high price.  So what if he lags a little at 5 years old, let the expensive school you are paying deal with it!!!  Go complain if you must, put it back on them first!!!

  5. 2 hours ago, DannyCarlton said:

    I spoke to the person dealing with my Chanote and she went over to consult the senior person in the land office. Also spoke with my lawyer.


    It's been this way for around 2 years now and I don't know anyone else in Pattaya that has been able to obtain a ufustruct in Pattaya in the last 2 years. Do you?

    Maybe you need to pay a special service fee, ie a bribe, this is India!!!  No more TIT ...TII.


    It is pretty well known, I think, that you can pay this service fee to avoid waiting all day in line, and I have heard of people getting hit up for other things ...I have paid for expediting the line.

  6. 3 hours ago, Matzzon said:

    Yes, and the facts was in 6000 votes on the petition out of 150 000 western foreigners. Not connected to the government. And if I was that, then I am considered to be a troll just for not living up to your filosophy. Fantastic. You get better and better.

    If this was a free society and there would be no negative consequences I am sure every western expat who knew about it, would have signed the petition.  You seem to be totally forgetting we live in a place where you can be jailed for clicking like on FB.

    • Like 2
  7. 5 minutes ago, Greyhat said:

    As a last post, considering what I just wrote. I sincerely believe if I came to this forum before I moved to Thailand I may have been scared off the idea. That really would have been a shame. Maybe something to consider.

    Well things have changed over the years since you have been here, and you arrived younger than the OP, and I am not sure if you had a good career going, and he has a good job offer right NOW.  Thailand is not going anywhere, he can come later. For you things are good, that is great, but for some people, things go badly, they develop bad habits, they get worse self esteem, they get in abusive relationships, they create children maybe they could do without, they get stuck, their career crashes, etc.


    If you personally are only a bit shy, that is not being on the autism spectrum.  Being ASD is a serious disability for a lot of people and most posters are not going to address it because they don’t really know anything about it.  I do know about it. Loneliness is a serious problem for these people, and it can be even if they are married but with even more stressors at play.  Once you have been in Thailand for a while you realize you generally have only very superficial relationships with anyone you know.  Much harder to connect here and expats are not that friendly like one might expect.  The OP was on vacation, that is always different.


    I think it is better to try to solve his life problem in a productive way.  He said he can’t keep the engagement level necessary to keep people around?  Usually some social activity will give you some brain chemicals that will spur on and motivate more, but as soon as you cut yourself off, it stops.  So working in an office is good.  Having a routine that incorporates social something is good, if you work out, do it in a social environment.  Go to support group meetings of some sort that give you happy motivational something??  Go there every Tuesday for example.  


    It is like exercise or dieting you will have to work at it to some extent.


    Try to build up a new lifestyle.  Also some hobby ideas that are kind of technology related can be drone photography or just photography and they have groups, and attract Aspie like people ....often.  Can do birding and photo and drone?  New things to study?  Or sports that are in groups ...I don’t know what you like but you have to be strategic about it.  


    Keep your work success going, that is the one thing you can always hold on to, and it will buy you a lot of things, along with the money.  Believe me, my Father is quite wealthy today, and that is the ONLY thing he has going on, but he is happy mostly, he can afford his beach house, his ski house, his regular house, all his hobbies, world travel, and be a flaming <deleted> at the same time!!!  


    My brother, on the other hand, is always trying to fold up shop, to move to another country where he is sure he will be a success, because people love him for the 5 minutes he is visiting.  They don’t know what a control freak, with 2 hour arguments about how you took your socks off the wrong way, he becomes later.  I am not saying everyone is like that ...but most Aspies seem to have various difficult issues for various reasons.



    • Like 1
  8. Yes, I get it Greyhat.  But also I don’t see relationships with Thais to be that great for Aspies.  An Aspie likes black and white thinking, Thais operate in the grey area.  Aspies like rules, Thais hate rules.  If an Aspie cannot read social cues in his own culture, he will be more lost in a culture like Thailand and more easily lead astray and scammed I believe.  I could keep going on but I will leave it there.

    • Like 1
  9. And no, statistics say he is the prime age to be getting married.  Not to get scammed in Thailand ...but all things considered, putting together all the pieces of the puzzle ...I adopted a child that is the product of a marriage that went to <deleted> from a guy just like him and a Thai woman.  I can think ahead, and want more for the OP than he can see for himself right now!!

  10. So OP, for a lot of Aspies, what makes them most happy is their special interest(s).  Many end up doing that for work to some extent.  Then if you can find a partner to do that with?  So maybe look for a new hobby to lose yourself in?  Birding appeals to a lot of Aspies.  Some women do that, or can be brought along.  You will find a lot of highly educated birders with engineering degrees or Ph.ds in various areas, etc.  You can travel with groups to chase birds, gives you social time, etc.


    You need to find social groups around an interest that you have, or can get.  Not just boring chit chat about nothing.  Have you tried Meet up for subjects?



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