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Posts posted by amykat

  1. I mean, people like to buy cars within the same province where they live because of some kind of paperwork hassle.  I don’t know exactly how difficult it really is or not, but at times I wanted to go to Bangkok too, for more choices, and I was often told about that.  People made it sound like it was impossible.  But they might have been bull<deleted>ting me to some extent?

    • Like 1
  2. You absolutely do not need a work permit to buy a car in your own name.  I bought my first car with nothing, a tourist visa.  I always bought new cars from dealers though so I didn’t have to bother much with paperwork.  


    I believe though, that there is an extra level of difficulty to bring a car to another province??  You might want to double check that before you do it

    • Like 2
  3. 5 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    National Insurance payments (British pension) for offshore workers in the Uk is 2.50 GBP/week.

    You can set it up to automatically be debited from your bank account, or pay a year at a time, or in arrears up to 5 years. 

    Most Euro countries have similar arrangements.


    Yes, also in the US you pay social security as a self employed person ...Thai Dream went on a rampage of misinformation and nonsense.

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  4. 1 hour ago, JimmerJJ said:

    Amy Kat writes "I really hate when people conflate the definitions of stupid and ignorant ...and then get insulted when the word ignorant is used correctly and not as an insult, as Jingthing did."  Sorry but that's a very ignorant statement.  I hope you understand and are not offended Amy by my calling you ignorant. You don't mind if I call you ignorant right?  Do you like it?

    Why don’t you Google “ignorance of the law” quotes and see what you find out?  Then change your avatar name to Mr. Smarty Pants so we will know who we are dealing with, okay?


  5. Why don’t you tell us what kind of job, everything you suggest sounds inappropriate to me.


    There are nice pants in the world that are not part of a suit, that are not jeans and not sweat pants either.  You can dress them up or down as you like.  


    Also, will you be interviewing with Thais, or with what ...the culture of the people might matter?  

  6. By the way, I mentioned at the start that low thyroid can cause skin problems and then James26 wrote you who seems to be a vet and he wrote the same thing that it is a number one cause along with Cushing’s disease, and made some suggestions ....did any vets do bloodwork looking for things like that??  You should read his post again and maybe start looking inside too??  The ivermectin you can do anyway as your parasite preventative and worming is good to do from time to time.  I noticed now, your dog is 8 and this just started this year, so that might indicate it is age related like how thyroid disorders tend to start?  Or other things he talked about ...


    It might just be a symptom of a larger illness and everybody is missing it.  Low thyroid is fairly common and easy to solve for example.

  7. Well I can’t read that package.  Usually ivermectin is sold for farm animals like pigs or cattle at a hugely too large dose for dogs.  It needs to be mixed up correctly and put in an appropriate base liquid.  Sometimes some pet stores sell pills from China but I don’t know the quality and you can’t control the dose as well ....if the dose is even correct on the pills.  Just to be safe, I would go to a Thai vet, they all have this product made by Bayer, Baymec, it is called there, that is pig and cattle version.  That is what Thais use not all those expensive products.  Then they give you a small 1cc syringe, and you put it directly in dogs mouth.  Dose based on weight, they will tell you correct dose for controlling ticks and worms and all those things.  I would buy a large bottle that lasted for months, for 8 dogs, for maybe 300 baht or so.  And that is mostly profit for them.  Don’t try it yourself, you can easily get a decimal point wrong and overdose your dog, although they can tolerate a large amount safely ...but not 1000 times.  

  8. I wonder how this poor worker who claimed he was also broke from gambling debts ...how did he manage to pay DHL to ship to Thailand, a package of 200 pounds?  Plus had money to put inside to bribe customs with only a note, saying please don’t look at my package, just take the money??


    When I shipped some things here that should not have been taxed, part of moving here, customs used the cost of shipping against me.  I had one bill of over $1000 of air freight ...they look at that to decide what might be in the boxes and it’s worth.  Mine happened to be old photos and things not very valuable.  I can’t even begin to imagine how much 200 lbs shipped DHL might be???  I bet that guy didn’t have a credit card back then.


     But then we are supposed to believe he is so unorganized later, that he sells the pieces for $30 each, I think he could not even recoup his shipping costs in that case.  He must have been hired to do this job ....have I read that somewhere ...can’t remember??  Maybe a certain banned book I read said something years ago??





  9. You might want to try having your dog fully dewormed.  I have been reading lately about various worms that can cause skin problems ...hookworms for example, and others.


    Also you can use ivermectin orally from a vet, once a month instead of all those expensive products to kill parasites.  It will also act as a dewormer I think for some worms but not every?  I did that for all my dogs, 8 of them, and never had any problems.  It is a very safe drug and very cheap.  Vets don’t always suggest it to farangs.  You use it at higher dosage than for just preventing heartworm ...this is the drug that prevents heartworm in case you don’t know that is in Heartguard.  Then you don’t need to buy that.


    Since I left Thailand and stopped that my dogs got some minor skin problems and itchy things also they never once had.  Oh, you can’t treat Collie type breeds, Please look up your particular dog breed before you do it, some dogs can’t take ivermectin ...notice to anyone reading this.  Not you OP.

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  10. 1 hour ago, Briggsy said:

    Thai civil servants are scared of their boss. If they displease their boss, they get sidelined. So the question is why are certain Immigration senior figures (only in the regional office covering the main international airports) pushing this order on to their front line staff. Who knows? The reason is being kept secret. There has been no official press release or police order changing the way the law should be implemented.


    Perhaps somebody's wife was denied entry into a Western country for the same reason. Perhaps senior Immigration figures (only in the regional office covering the main international airports) are getting a cut of Elite visa sales. Who knows? Nobody, because it is all being kept secret.

    I have been thinking for quite a while that this problem is coming from someone who likes Germany a lot ...maybe some resentments, payback for various things.

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Credo said:

    The question is, if she walked in and saw a white woman eating ice cream would she have shot her?


    Well according to her testimony, that I saw, she never really SAW anybody in detail, she heard someone inside moving around first, she knew someone might be inside because the door was partially open, then she said she saw a silhouette of a figure moving towards her, as it was dark, no lights were on, then a man’s voice said Hey, hey, hey, to her after she asked to show their hands.  I suppose had it actually been a woman, a female voice might have calmed her fears?  Or maybe not, who knows.  


    She did did not walk in and just SEE a black man sitting down eating on a sofa and then shoot him, if her testimony is true.  If you heard the testimony I think you might find it believable, she might have been a bit too trigger happy for whatever reason, fearful.  I have recently read that many police just get that way, hyper vigilant, and I think her judgment was bad, she should have made other decisions once she knew someone was in that apartment.  But I would call that negligence just like when we kill someone by making a mistake  when driving.

  12. 1 hour ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

    This woman deserves 25 years to life and not an early parole for any reason.    She was a cop, she was not a 70 year old woman with dementia and was packing a piece, then got confused of what floor of the condo building she was in.    I am glad that she got some years behind bars, but I guess in the USA, White versus

    black killing results in this short prison sentence.


    Omg, no killing blacks doesn’t result in short sentences.  The only reason she is doing any time at all, is because the victim was black and this is all political pay back for all the other black victims where the perpetrators seemingly got away with it.  She is a scapegoat.  If that apartment had been occupied by a white man or woman and that is who got shot, she would probably go free, as everyone would be sure it was all an accident in that case!!!

  13. On 9/27/2019 at 12:48 PM, Goinghomesoon said:

    Do Thai/Farang couples count as Snowbirds?  Or are we only slightly-Snowy-birds?  Tan-birds?  Oh <deleted>, we're not retired yet so for now we are just tourists when we visit ????

    Actually, the OPs post sounded like he was defining snowbirds as white, married, retired couples.  I think it just means people who go South for the winter, fleeing snow.  Like birds do.  You can be black and be a snowbird.

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