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Posts posted by amykat

  1. 8 minutes ago, Beggar said:

    I should not live here anymore because of the heat. But I am too old to move. And I don't know where to move. Due to my job I lived in many different countries and so I don't know anybody anymore in the country where I was born. So I try to survive here. In my condo the humidity is with the help of aircons between 40 and 50 percent. That's okay - the heat itself is not so much a problem. But whenever I go out and come back my first thing is to take a shower. At the moment I always change my T-shirt to a shirt with longer sleeves between cars in front of the immigration. Hope I will not have to do the same with the trousers...

    Can you speak any French?  What about Agadir Morocco?  That has a nice climate and not very expensive and has expats, kind of modern apartments I think for rent if you like that.  Good food.  

  2. 6 hours ago, phungo said:
    7 hours ago, Saint Nick said:
    You know?
    Pray tell!
    I am here for 12 years now and I still have no actual clue, why this law exists!

    what is the law you guys are referring to?

    The law where you can’t buy alcohol during certain daytime hours ....that was started supposedly to help curb drinking by students? Or younger people, those are the hours kids get out of school or something??  I forgot what the hours are now exactly...I’m not a drinker.

  3. 1 minute ago, Beggar said:

    I am not homeless and so able to fulfill my TM30 duty. What would be if I am homeless? But to get to the immigration takes me about one hour and you might not have expected it but I need another hour to get back to my TM30 location. I have high blood pressure and I suffer a lot when it is hot. 

    Well you have made some comments and your nickname here, I am just teasing you!!  But seriously, I also detest heat, it was my worst problem in Thailand, however I did not find proper type pants to be too hot.  If you wear cotton that is light color and not too tight, it should be fine, lower legs don’t tend to sweat for most people like underarms do?  So I expect you can make it intact.  Some people say it is cooler to be more covered?  I guess you can find a place to change pants easily nearby if you like but maybe you won’t find it so difficult as you expect?

  4. 3 hours ago, Beggar said:

    Thank you for your advice. And I idiot always tried to survive on expired street food. But where can I find a chauffeur? 

    Is that why you need a changing room outside immigration ....are you in fact a homeless man???

  5. I had to make a uTurn all time near my house on a major road, and I bet something like this might have happened to this pedestrian.  If he was on a center divider ...he had time to run across the first lane, but the bus decided to what I call ...go wide ....change into the next lane ....drivers often do this.


    I would have time to cut across one lane, but in that second lane I would be slower and making a real turn there ....they would decide to go there once I was in the lane even though I wasn’t going to slow them down.  Now you can’t stop in the first lane there are other cars coming, and now the bus in this case has changed to second lane?  A pedestrian is not going to be able to move across two lanes very quickly just like in a U turn?  But could cross one if the idiot just stayed in his lane ...but they go wide and speed up too, often times.  That might be why the guy stopped, hesitated, didn’t know where to go  in this story ...and the bus is lying about his slowing down.  


    I never understood why why they do this, it almost looks like they are trying to aim at people!!!

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  6. 27 minutes ago, Beggar said:

    YOU take yourself as measurement for other people. And this is a problem. Not for you. But perhaps for people around you... 

    I suggest you reflect that mirror back to yourself where it belongs.

  7. 22 minutes ago, CGW said:

    It's a funny old world, in a relatively short space of time folks consider shorts to be an acceptable form of dress for all occasions, when I first moved to Thailand 30+ years ago NOBODY wore shorts, nor could you buy shorts in the shops! Standards have changed, perception hasn't!

    I was wondering why you old guys can’t just wear pants for the whole day to immigration but feel you need to change when there, like if it was a bathing suit before going into a pool?   Where I lived in Thailand almost nobody wore shorts for anything except cleaning your house, yard work, I guess, maybe the odd fat tuk tuk driver wears some but I haven’t really talked to one of those in a decade.  Personally I hardly had any shorts after a few years here ....you really won’t pass out and die from wearing pants.

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  8. 7 hours ago, riclag said:

    I can only talk of my Thai culture experiences. In the past especially, it was acceptable for some to have giks and mare noi's !


    I feel lucky my wife looks at a short time interlude as a males right to have fun!

    She has no interest to  reciprocate nor feel threaten when I gaze upon a beautiful women  !

    Maybe she is okay with it because you have been having affairs with little horses???

  9. 8 hours ago, brokenbone said:

    the thing about the ole white farts bitching about

    thai men is that they picked it up from the numerous

    thai hookers.


    when there is no realistic flattery the hookers can come up with, that can have a realistic odds of calling to the decaying man, theres only two flattery tricks left:


    1: i like ole farts

    2: thai man no good (implying that, even tho he has absolutely nothing going for him, at least he isnt one of those 'thai man no good')


    the first flattery, 'i like ole farts, is susceptible to

    backfire. while a certain level of delusion is required for this flattery to strike home, chances are he is so delusional that he doesnt even recognize he's an ole fart,

    alas the 2nd flattery tactics is preferable.

    the downside is he, just like the hookers that got him into it,

    keep repeating it ad naseum, and what is worse, on tvf

    You are one of the few who have obviously learned a few things here!  I thought everyone knew that after a few years at least but apparently not!

  10. 9 hours ago, mserror said:

    It is an important subject.


    Non-manogamy is so common, but people pretend otherwise. If manogamy is so ideal, we would not even have the discussion.


    Biology shows that non-manogamy is part of our genes.


    People should just stop judging others.


    Most important is what you want. How much will you compromise? After years, a marriage is more of a frienship than sexual. One or both partners may have something outside, to give them sexual fulfilment, but be happy to stay together.


    Sex is for sale everywhere in Thailand. It has been part of the culture for hundreds of years and used to be legal and regulated. And Thai women generally accepted husbands visiting prostitutes occasionally. I read a big report on it!


    Go anywhere, massage, bars, nightlife and I (white guy) am offered sex for sale, and none of the women I have seen have looked like victims, simply just something they choose to make money.


    Affairs often cause trouble, obviously.



    Really??  Well guys like sex and are usually not so shy about getting naked, so if it is such a good job why aren’t men doing it around the world???


    let me answer for you ...because most men have access to decent and better paying jobs around the world???  maybe???  Among other reasons.


    You see what you want to see and part of the show.

  11. 2 hours ago, Dap said:

    These handouts are the cheapest blankets that can be found and will not last a year. Nothing left of them to dig out.

    Maybe they are just never really given out ...it is just a myth.  I have seen blankets that I think are pretty cheap, in India and various places, and I think they are pretty indestructible polyester from China because I see them all over the world, the same ones.

  12. 49 minutes ago, White Christmas13 said:

    Name all the other ones (excluding you)

    OMG!!!  What in the hell makes you think I am Thai??  Next, I can’t remember details that like over more than a decade but there have been some spouses of posters on here, some random women from time to time, a guy named Golf I believe who married some expat woman on here, and I am sure some I never read as I don’t read every post.  Okay??

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