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Posts posted by david_je

  1. On 1/7/2019 at 1:18 PM, Sheryl said:

    No personal experience, but I can tell you that studies have shown septoplasty and turbinate reduction to be effective in reducing obstructive sleep apnea and the two procedures are usually done together. Spetoplasty alone is not as effective. I haven't seen any rstudy results on  turbinate reduction alone. 


    And sleep apnea certainly can cause AF.


    In terms of doctors, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Prakobkiat Hirunwiwatkul is very well qualified.  He can be seen bot hat Chula and at Theptarin Hospital. CV here  http://ent.md.chula.ac.th/en/บุคลากร/นายแพทย์ประกอบเกียรติ-ห/

    He has published in peer reviewed scientific journals. Did a fellowship at Stanford in the US which is a very comptetitve fellowship to obtain.  You should be in excellent hands with him.


    It is very common in Thailand to keep patients overnight for procedures that are day surgeries in the west. Hospital room charges are low here so it makes little difference in overall cost to have soemoen spend the night. But if for other reasons you feel strongly about it you could ask about going home in the evening.



    Thank you for very helpful response, Sheryl. Do you think I should get a second opinion, from another doctor, as to whether the surgery is needed, or is this really not much to worry about and I don't need the extra expense and hassle or another opinion? Have you heard of any members actually getting such surgery at Chula?

  2. An ENT specialist at Chula hospital recommended I do these to unblock breathing. I had a polysomnography that  revealed sleep apnea, and the doc believes that is due to disordered breathing from my deviated septum and enlarged turbinates. And the sleep apnea may be causing the AFib that I experience only at nights. Anyone been in this situation?

    I have read the previous threads on this forum about septoplasty, etc. But I am wary of surgeries, and still would appreciate guidance from anyone with recent experience whether these surgeries are really needed and how to select the best surgeon, aside from reading his/her qualifications on the websites.

    Did anyone recently have these surgeries with good results, or bad results? Has anyone had it done at Chula? The ENT specialist there said septoplasty is done in-patient, but I've also read that it can be done outpatient and under local anaesthesia -- is that preferable? Was anyone recommended to do both these surgeries but only did the turbinates -- I'm thinking about that since that one is less complicated and invasive.

    Thank you.

  3. A female Thai friend who is HIV-positive and has been taking ART for almost a year is looking for a knowledgeable HIV specialist because her current doc does not seem competent. She cannot afford the Bumrungrad docs mentioned in this forum. Can anyone with experience pls recommend  a specialist at a government (preferred) or inexpensive private hospital? Also, her blood test a week ago at Anon Clinic showed her CD4 count drop to 140, from 185 six months earlier (though CD4% rose from 8 to 9, and viral load remains undetectable). So she is worried. Thanks for your advice.

  4. I just got my annual extension of stay based on retirement visa, for the third time. Is there any reason why I cannot now immediately spend down most of the 800,000 baht, and just replenish it three months  before my next extension application next year? Is there any scenario where I might have to show the 800,000 -- or any amount -- in my savings account in the interim? I'm thinking about buying Thai stock market mutual funds, or putting most of it into a 6- or 8-month fixed deposit that earns better interest. Thanks.

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  5. She tested positive 3-4 days ago at a hospital in Bangkok but not yet done follow-up tests or consulted a doc about treatment. For Social Security coverage, she would have wait until Dec. 4 for appointment with her assigned doc (and he isn't an infectious disease specialist). But that seems a long time since you're supposed to start meds ASAP. She called the RC Anon Clinic to make appointment with a doc, but they said they only see patients who had their tests done there. Is her best recourse now to see a specialist at a private hospital rather than wait till Dec. 4? And should she go do the CD4 count, viral load, etc., tests at RD clinic before she meets that private hospital doctor, or wait for his advice? And I wonder if she did those tests at RD clinic if they would then send her to one of their docs? Or would a private hospital doc be better in any case?  I'd appreciate hearing from someone with expertise or experience. Thank you.

  6. I'm considering renting a unit there for a month starting in June. I need peace and quiet to work in the room, and last time I visited, 1 1/2 years ago, there was nightly music from the Furama and perhaps also from Maya. But some said if you're on the other (eastern?) side, it is quieter and you also have view of that grassy field with cows. I'd appreciate if someone living there could update me on this and general situation there. And if you have an inexpensive unit available there or elsewhere in neighborhood, pls PM. I live in Bangkok and go to CM fairly often.

  7. I'm considering renting a unit there short-term. I like peace and quiet. Am currently in Bangkok and wanted to ask if anyone living there could tell me if there are any sides of the building,or floors, that I should avoid due to noise either from inside or outside? I once rented a unit that opened to Huay Kaew on the left and the mountains straight ahead and there was constant loud music at night from a pub or restaurant on or off Huay Kaew. I had to keep the balcony windows shut all the time. And what sides or floors should I look for if I want peaceful, hopefully green, view rather than adjacent buildings,etc.?

    And if you have a furnished, inexpensive and quiet unit for short-term rental, pls PM me.


  8. Hello,

    What are the best places online to find owners of condos/houses in Chiang Mai who are offering short-term rentals or sublets? Not real estate companies, but the direct owners. I travel there from Bangkok fairly often for short periods.

    And in Chiang Mai, is there a good physical board somewhere where I can find or pin up such notices?


  9. Hi,

    Two years ago, I started experiencing sharp pains in lower back and upper buttocks and numbness and tingling in my left leg and foot, MRI showed slipped disc at L4-5 and L5-S1. Pelvic stretch PT, prednisone, Arcoxia, Lyrica and B-12, and back strengthening exercises eased symtoms a bit. The spine doc at BNH said I should consider surgery ("keyhole microdecompression"), but a coupla other docs disagreed and I decided against it. Over the past several months, however, the back pain has become constant and more bothersome, and now and then a really sharp pain essentially stops me on my tracks. And I really miss regular exercise. I'm 57.

    So now I want to re-visit this, including the possibility of surgery.

    Would appreciate hearing from anyone who had such surgery recently in Bangkok, and could advise on a specialist and facility, etc. Among specialists I recall recommended in this forum, I've had experience with Dr. Wicharn at BNH (I'd prefer an alternative), but haven't seen Dr. Nanthadej Hiranyasithiti at Samitivej.


  10. Hi,

    I hold a US passport and am here on a non-immigrant O-A multiple entry visa. The Enter Before date on the visa is Nov. 11, 2015. I entered on Nov. 29, 2014 and am permitted to stay until Nov. 28, 2015. The 90 days after my entry will fall on Feb. 27.

    Following from the postings above, may I clarify two things:

    1. If I leave the country before Feb. 27, i.e., before 90 consecutive days here, then I do not need to do the 90-day reporting? And when I return to Thailand, the 90-day count starts again? So if I travel often enough, then I never need to do the 90-day reporting during the one-year period? If so, is all this officially spelled out in writing somewhere? The website of the embassy where I got the visa only says, "At the end of the 90-day stay, the foreign must report ... and report again every 90 days during his or her stay in Thailand."

    2.To get the effective two-year stay on this visa, I must leave and then re-enter Thailand the day before the Enter Before date (Nov. 11), not the last permitted to stay date (Nov. 28), correct? And once I get stamped for another year, my multiple re-entry status expires and I must get re-entries at Immigration in Bangkok? Then I will be able to purchase a multiple-entry permission (however many times I wish to re-enter), or only separate re-entries? And when you get stamped for another year, there is no requirement of showing funds, medical certificate, etc., again? And what are the pros and cons of re-entering before the last days and getting another year versus going to Immigration to request extension of the visa for another year?

    Thank you for your advice.

    1. It is a report of staying longer than 90 days in the country. If you leave the country on or before the 90 day point you do not need to do a report. Your report would be due 90 days from the date you enter the county including that date in the count.

    2. You must do the last entry on or before the enter before date. After that date you need a re-entry permit. With a multiple re-entry permit you can do unlimited entries and get a permit to stay date equal to the last one you got from the visa before it expired. Nothing more than your passport and arrival card will be needed when you do an entry.

    The are no cons from stretching your stay to almost two years.by doing the entry. The main pro is not needing to put money in the bank until 2 months before you do the extension of the last entry or having to go home to get a new visa.

    If I enter before the Enter Before Date, is my multiple re-entry permit extended for one year along with my permission to stay? Or do I only get one-year extension of stay and I must go to Immigration to purchase a multiple-entry visa?

    Thank you for your help.

  11. Hi,

    I hold a US passport and am here on a non-immigrant O-A multiple entry visa. The Enter Before date on the visa is Nov. 11, 2015. I entered on Nov. 29, 2014 and am permitted to stay until Nov. 28, 2015. The 90 days after my entry will fall on Feb. 27.

    Following from the postings above, may I clarify two things:

    1. If I leave the country before Feb. 27, i.e., before 90 consecutive days here, then I do not need to do the 90-day reporting? And when I return to Thailand, the 90-day count starts again? So if I travel often enough, then I never need to do the 90-day reporting during the one-year period? If so, is all this officially spelled out in writing somewhere? The website of the embassy where I got the visa only says, "At the end of the 90-day stay, the foreign must report ... and report again every 90 days during his or her stay in Thailand."

    2.To get the effective two-year stay on this visa, I must leave and then re-enter Thailand the day before the Enter Before date (Nov. 11), not the last permitted to stay date (Nov. 28), correct? And once I get stamped for another year, my multiple re-entry status expires and I must get re-entries at Immigration in Bangkok? Then I will be able to purchase a multiple-entry permission (however many times I wish to re-enter), or only separate re-entries? And when you get stamped for another year, there is no requirement of showing funds, medical certificate, etc., again? And what are the pros and cons of re-entering before the last days and getting another year versus going to Immigration to request extension of the visa for another year?

    Thank you for your advice.

  12. max, myself and my family have 5 detached houses to rent, from 1 bedroom bungalow to a modern 5 bedroom family house.

    there is almost always something available.

    they can be rented by units of lower or upper floor, with independent entrances.

    we are off western outer ring road, motorway number 9, in thai wong wien rob nok. Less than a kilometre north from the intersection with boromratchonnani elevated motorway (it's free, runs to phra pinklao bridge, some 10km). It's 4km west from the southern bus terminal, sai thai mai.

    access to houses through a 150m path along a canal Bang Tan. Parking can be arranged with neighbours for some 800b/month, if needed.

    we are in the suburbs, so green and space for walks. Your dog can stay outside.

    if you are working taking care of the dog can be arranged. Also boarding, if you have to be away.

    depending on the season, as we depend on international tourists, rent starts from 5k/month + bills at cost and deposit 5k.

    I don't mind if you stay week by week, before finding something moore suitable

    Would you pls tell me your tel number and can you provide or point to site where I can see pix and details of the houses?

    How long a drive is that from say, Siam Square?


  13. Thanks everyone, for all your replies on this.

    A main reason I asked about doing it unsedated -- In 2008, at St Louis Hospital, I requested a colonoscopy and underwent the procedure without any sedation. The doc gave me a medical report that described it as "colonoscopy -- up to terminal ileum (as far as I can make out those two words)-- normal." He never asked if I wanted sedation or not; the possibility of sedation was never mentioned. Since then, people in this forum and friends all say that in Thailand, the doc either just performed it fully sedated as default, or at least asked the patient whether they preferred light sedation rather than full. It made me wonder if I indeed got a full colonoscopy and not a sigmoidoscopy, which usually is done unsedated. But if it includes the terminal ileum, it must have been colonoscopy, correct?

    I recently tried to reach the doc without success, and the hospital has thrown out all records before 2010.

    Appreciate any thoughts on this.

    By the way, procedure was around half-hour, uncomfortable throughout and painful for short periods but tolerable if you have a moderate-high threshold.

  14. I'm considering having a colonoscopy without sedation, mainly to avoid possible risks of anaesthesia. But I'd like to find a doc who has has some experience doing it unsedated, skilled in the maneuvers that would cause least distress. So I'd appreciate hearing from anyone who has had an unsedated colonoscopy in Bkk. Seems uncommon here; three friends here all had it done sedated. Thanks.

  15. Hello,

    I posted this several months ago but did not get good leads, so I'm trying again.

    I have a suspected case of non-acid reflux (laryngopharyngeal reflux) that may be causing constant throat phlegm and cough, sinus congestion and post-nasal drip, and maybe migraines. I have been to regular ENT doctors without resolution, and have been advised to see an otolaryngologist - head and neck surgeon who has dealt with such cases and can do a thorough check-up.

    I'd appreciate hearing from anyone who's seen and can recommend such a specialist in Bangkok for this problem.

    Thank you

  16. Hi,

    I'm middle-aged, recently had extracted a lower molar that was broken. Samitivej dentist recommended an implant. But while researching this on the Net, I've read many worrisome stories of patients in U.S. who had serious surgical and post-surgical pain and complications (infection, misaligned jaw, etc.) that took a long time to resolve or did not fully resolve. And that adds to my worries that I'm having this done in Thailand and not in the U.S. So now I'm having second thoughts, and I don't know whether I should be having second thoughts. And the alternatives to implants -- bridge, dentures, etc. -- seem to cause less pain/complications and are much cheaper but have their clear cons as well.

    I'd appreciate hearing from anyone who's been in this situation, had an implant in Bangkok, or decided against it for alternatives. How did it go?

    Thanks very much.

  17. I have a pair of older running shoes that squeak like crazy now. Appears to be coming from the inner layer(s) of the sole, but I am not sure. I have tried to no avail every tip on Internet -- baby powder, stuffing newspapers, glue, lotion, etc. They say if all else fails, take shoes to a professional. Anyone have experience with this and can tell me where you got them fixed?

    I'd hate to throw out the shoes because other than the embarrassing noise, they are still in good shape.


  18. I'm afraid I have not been well impressed by any I have seen so far and I've had some contact with the PT departments of quite a few of the hospitals in Bkk.

    Not a strong point of Thai medical care IMO.

    I think you would probably do better with getting an ortho to write down the recommended program (if not already done) and then either working it alone or with one of the various Western personal trainers about...just make sure s/he understands the nature of your injury and is following what the ortho recommended.

    Dear Sheryl,

    Where would I find one of these Western personal trainers?


  19. Hi,

    I've been diagnosed with iliotibial band syndrome and need physiotherapy. Can someone with experience in this recommend an inexpensive but good place on the BTS line? I've had physio at places like Chula, Phyathai hospital, etc., before, but while not expensive, their therapists are not very knowledgeable or professional.


  20. New Balance in Thailand goes to size 45 only. Never knew they come in wideness sizes as well.

    But i bought 2 pairs of Caterpillars this year in BKK and they are very wide, widest i have ever had and i love it. They also had them in size 47 which i needed.

    I've never looked at Rockport though.

    The Caterpillars -- do you mean the shoes are cut wider than other brands, or do the sizes come in extra widths? Where in BKK did you buy them?

    Thanks for your reply.

  21. Hi,

    Has anyone visited the NB and Rockports shops in Bangkok, and can tell me if they have extra wide shoes? I'm looking for 10.5 W, or 2E and 4E.

    Have you found any site that shows what styles they have in Bangkok? I could not find such. I'm looking for NB motion control running shoes and walking shoes, and Rockports casuals.

    Or have you found any online retailer that would ship such? Amazon and others I've looked at do not.

    I'm out of the country right now, and would appreciate any help.

    Thank you,

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