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Posts posted by david_je

  1. I hold a U.S. passport and plan to fly from Hong Kong to Bangkok visa exempt in late November and apply for non-O retirement visa. (I have had a non-OA for years but this time did not get a re-entry so I could switch to non-O. Consulate here does not issue non-O retirement.)

    I know my questions have been asked before, but has anyone here done this recently?

    Pls help clarify the Thai Immigration list of requirements:

    “5.1. letter of guarantee from Thai bank in Thai language”

    --I can get from Bangkok Bank at CW on day of application? What does letter need to say?

    5.3 passbook showing at least 800,000b.

    --Must this be in the bank for any certain period before the day I apply for the visa?

    “5.3. Evidence of foreign currency fund transferred to Thailand“

    --This is proof the 800,000b came from abroad? What kinds of proof suffice? Would they accept the 800,000 held for several years of non-OA extensions? (Can’t prove anymore they from abroad.) Otherwise I plan to transfer from my Hong Kong account but I am not sure if that would show up as a foreign transfer on my Bangkok Bank book. Would a screenshot/printout of the online transfer be okay?

    The Immigration instructions say 5.1, 5.2, + 5.3 “must be issued and updated to be the same date of the Application.” How would that be possible for the proof the funds came from abroad?

    Thank you for your advice.

  2. 1 hour ago, ubonjoe said:

    The airline would ask for the ticket out of the country. They would not ask for the financial proof.

    Immigration does not bother with asking for a flight out of the country or financial proof.

    Thank you. And I need the insurance coverage only for the 30-day initial limit of the visa exempt, not for any extensions/new visa I plan to get after that, correct?


  3. 1 hour ago, ubonjoe said:

    You may need to show a ticket out of the country within 30 days of arrival to the airline. It can be a onward ticket to anywhere. The certainly will not want to see financial proof.

    Immigration will not ask for the ticket out or any financial proof when you enter the country.

    You will not need the $50,000 baht insurance for anything after you enter the country. It is only needed for entry to the country.

    Thank you for your reply. Do you mean that the flight-out ticket, financial proof and insurance are requested by the airline when you check in, and will not be requested by immigration upon entry? I could not find info on website of local consulate here but saw this from New Zealand consulate and similar elsewhere. Says must show at "port of entry."

    Aliens entering Thailand under the Tourist Visa Exemption scheme must provide proof of adequate finances for the duration of stay in Thailand at the port of entry (i.e., traveller’s cheque or cash equivalent to 10,000 Baht per person and 20,000 Baht per family).Aliens entering Thailand by any means under the Tourist Visa Exemption scheme are required at the port of entry to have proof of onward travel (confirmed air, train, bus or boat tickets) to leave Thailand within 30 days after the date of arrival, otherwise a tourist visa must be obtained beforing entering Thailand.  

  4. I plan to enter Bangkok visa exempt in late November and then apply for a long-term visa. I will fly in using the return portion of a HK-Bangkok-HK ticket. I searched but could not find on this forum recent answers to:

    -- Do I need to show a ticket for flight out of Bangkok within the 30 days visa exempt stay? If so, I buy a ticket and then cancel for refund? If so, pls recommend best/cheapest route option for this.

    -- Do I need to show 10,000 baht cash? Or I also read it is 20,000?

    -- The $50,000 insurance needs to cover only the 30 days initially, correct? I plan to later buy insurance for the duration of the long-stay visa that I will apply for.

    Thank you. 

  5. 6 minutes ago, orchidfan said:

    I assume that by going to HK you have HKID, Permanent Resident status there?

    Thailand is now rated in HK as Highly Dangerous (or words to that effect ),

    So if you are not fully vaccinated (even with HKID) it will be 21 days quarantine. 

    Good luck !

    Yes, hold HK ID. I could not get vaccinated in time due to rollout delays here, and am bracing for the 21 days. Thank you.

  6. 3 minutes ago, david_je said:



    1 hour ago, ubonjoe said:

    Look at the certificate of entry website and you will see image.png.eef91b95f52db85e37c96476e7984a1d.png  on drop down menu after selecting Hong Kong on the country list. https://coethailand.mfa.go.th/


    I see, thank you very much for that.

    If this is so, the only reason we don't see a lot of visa exempt tourists on the streets here is because of the 14-day quarantine?

    I suppose that by not getting re-entry for my OA, I risk possibility they may take visa exempt off the permitted entry list if pandemic gets worse -- and then I can't come back. Visa exempt and even O  were not on list (OA was) when I returned from HK last December.

  7. 17 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    A visa exempt entry is based upon you nationality not the country you are traveling from.

    At this time you would get a 45 day entry when entering visa exempt that can be extended for 30 days.

    Visa exempt entries are shown of this webpage on this consulate website. http://www.thai-consulate.org.hk/web/3015.php?s=4304


    i saw that page but it confused me. The top mentions tourist visa exempt but the later list of "persons permitted to enter Thailand" does not include someone with my status.

    Have you seen reports of people entering tourist visa exempt from HK recently and converting to O, without any impossible requirements for entry?

    Thank you for your help.

  8. I hold a US passport with Non O-A based on retirement. I am going to Hong Kong soon and was planning not to get a re-entry permit so I can return visa exempt in a few months and then convert to Non O at CW. However, on Thai consulate in HK's website, under non-Thai nationals allowed to enter list, I do not see a visa exempt option. List does include "retirement re-entry permit".

    So I'm wondering if I should get a re-entry to ensure I can return if the entry restrictions continue over the next few months, and postpone plan to convert to Non O.

    Anyone recently been able to return from HK visa exempt?


  9. 15 hours ago, Sheryl said:

    They are all considered reputable.


    By the way, Olay Retinol contains Tretinoin  along with a number f moisturizing ingediants and I find it very effective. Better than plain retinol which tends to have a very drying effect.


    With any retinol product, as you may know, need to avoid sun exposure

    Is it Olay Regenerist Retinol 24 Facial Moisturizer? Where is best place to buy? Thank you. 

  10. 11 hours ago, Sheryl said:

    Tretinoin is a specific pharmaceutical with specific actions (on acne, wrinkles etc) which natural creams do not have.

    Reverting to the OP: Any cream with the same percentage of Tretinoin should be fine.

    Thank you, will get the cheapest then?

    On related question, is there a list of reputable Thai drug manufacturers that one could go by when deciding which of several makes of the same drug to buy? 

  11. 5 minutes ago, david_je said:

    I EMS'd it June 12 and received return EMS yesterday. I interpreted instructions as a copy, and kept the original for same reason as you did. but I did notice that when I did annual O-A extension recently, they took that old original out of my passport and kept it. 

    Since my mailing was okay, and they obviously have these notes prepared, I assume you'd be okay as well.

    Wonder why they want original back. When you (are able to) to it online, they don't get the original back.


    I take back my last sentence, when done online, there is no "original."

  12. 2 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Lets see if I get the same thing when they send my new 90 day receipt to me as well.  I did the same thing, kept the original 90 day and sent a copy of it with all of the other required paperwork.  This was the first time by mail and I just went by what others had indicated they had also done.  Sounds like they want the original 90 day receipt back.  Hopefully they are not to upset when they get mine.  By the way how long from the time you mailed it in did you get it back @david_je

    I EMS'd it June 12 and received return EMS yesterday. I interpreted instructions as a copy, and kept the original for same reason as you did. but I did notice that when I did annual O-A extension recently, they took that old original out of my passport and kept it. 

    Since my mailing was okay, and they obviously have these notes prepared, I assume you'd be okay as well.

    Wonder why they want original back. When you (are able to) to it online, they don't get the original back.


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  13. On 6/26/2021 at 10:04 AM, ubonjoe said:

    Immigration has accepted my transfers coded as FTT for two extension applications. My transfers are done via the Bangkok Bank branch in New York into my direct deposit account.

    Your post is clear but just wanted to make sure -- I have my Citibank account in NYC set up for transfers to  my account at Bangkok Bank (in Bangkok). Such a transfer will definitely result in an FTT code in my bank book that by itself (nothing else needed) will satisfy as proof of foreign transfer of 800,000 when I apply for Non-O for retirement at CW after entering visa exempt? Thanks.

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