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Posts posted by MunterHunter

  1. Well, I suspect that if Fidel was facing arrest, he would run for the hills! He is a big man as long as he has his billions, and controls all of his people with a nearly iron fist. When is the last time you were in Cuba? The situation there is a horrific as ever. Doctors and Civil Engineers are earning $40 per month. Nobody has enough to eat. They have not had basics like aspirins, vitamins, etc., there for decades. The place is a total disaster, and a total failure in experimental communism. Fidel, Raul, and all of the top generals are multi-billionaires. So, please do not hold this human swine out as an example. He is no better than Thaksin, and actually quite a bit worse. Thaksin never subjected his people to the conditions this cockroach subjected the Cuban people to.

    ... Yet

  2. This mob rule looks bad. Especially since they claim to be a "peoples alliance for democracy."

    Makes Thailand look like just another corrupt banana republic.

    Why don't the yellow shirts form a political party and put their case to a fair vote with elections scrutinized by unbiased observers?

    "This mob rule" - are you talking about the protests in the US? Are any of the protesters wearing yellow or claiming to be PAD? Can't ordinary people protest against the presence of a fugitive criminal without joining PAD?

    So Mob Rule only looks good/Is acceptable when its red in colour and within the confines of Thailand... gotcha, thanks for clearing that up guys! :)

  3. Wonder how our forum Red cheerleaders are feeling after reading this. I mean, the Thai community in the US clearly denounces corrupt and convicted politicians on the run! Maybe they haven't been indoctrinated by the Red media and have a more balanced and globally orientated opinion!

    They are the ones complaining bitterly about the yellow shirts closing down airports in the thread coffee1.gif

  4. Drug traffickers from the North also have dealings in the South, he said. The military on the ground is aware of this illicit business and is reporting on it to the government as usual, the deputy premier said.

    Err... the military has a SOP for this kinda thing? "Mr Deputy PM Sir! We have uncovered illegal operations again by politicians and are reporting it to you as usual, sir!"

    If this is a "usual" thing, then why the heck hasn't this case (and the others, that have been reported as usual procedure) been tackled already - or is the chief of police, DSI, PM and Deputy PM guilty of dereliction of duty? Perhaps its time to impeach them all (or simply arrest those not in political positions) - Failure to act is the same as Aiding and Abetting, no?

  5. I already 'patched' the infor in the original post my friend, check the links i provided at the start of the thread... you will find the digital download options on the GW2 site, or as another poster suggested i27 is a good source for hard copies, although the hard copy route is likely to cost you a little more.

  6. Yingluck was only made PM candidate for PTP to "impress" a part of the uneducated electorate to win.Its no surprise she fails to impress anyone else

    Sent from my LG-P350 using Thaivisa Connect App

    people here like to talk about the "uneducated electorate" in Thailand.

    Besides noting that uneducated and uninformed are not the same thing, and maybe KKV meant gullible instead...

    Does anyone (Farang) really think that Thai voters are less informed that the electorate in their own countries?

    Does anyone recall the youtube video at the height of the Iraq war where Americans were asked to find Iraq on a world map?

    Get real... The Thai people I know, even the uneducated, are better informed about current events in their own country than a representative sample of Americans.

    The fact is that most Thais can be bought. Most Thais accept corruption. Most Thais are uneducated. Most Thais are poor. Most Thais have poor judgment skills (otherwise they wouldn’t have attacked security forces). Most Thais are easy to manipulate (otherwise they wouldn't have attacked and burned 36 sites in Bangkok).

    11 million people voted for the DEMS, 15 million people voted for PT. Mostly the educated voted for the Dems and the un-educated vote PT.

    If you let the 15 million PT voters and the 11 million Dems voters take an IQ test and ad the score of each group together, I bet you that the total score of the 11 million is higher than the total score of the 15 million.

    (I might have the vote figures wrong but should be somewhere in that range).

    Then the questions is, does a person with an higher IQ score and better education have better judgment skills in choosing a government.

    No dis-respect to any group. Just facts.

    OK, its pretty well known that i don't like PTP/Reds very much (and not that well known that i am not a yellow, but do support the Democrats) - and even i feel this is a crock of sh*t - sorry but this is just plain garbage. there are educated and uneducated on both sides of the political fence and sweeping generalizations like this say more about you than anything else.

  7. Great, now the passengers have to be stone cold sober whilst they get taken on their 'seat-of-their-pants-ride-of-death' bus ride on which they probably wont get out alive...

    Seems a bit unfair as well, the driver is high as a kite, and yet the passengers are not allowed a little tipple to steel their nerves.

    Looks like i have to stick to my wasted motocy rider instead!

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