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Posts posted by ZOVOX

  1. i know the common advice on this forum is is to get a single and then extension, but i personally prefer to get multiple entry visas for as long as they are available. I do not like the idea of sitting in immigration, being asked questions and having them look through my bank accounts etc etc I much prefer a leisurely trip to penang every 3 months; chat to a few passengers; and do a bit of shopping whilst i'm there. Also, to leave 400k or 800k in a thai bank loses me money from the overseas investments i would get, so it can actually work out cheaper. But that's just my opinion.

  2. Jackr, I don't want to get into petty arguments, but I'm tired of relentless competition when there is none. I went to two of the universities in the top 5 list, and met several people who also went to Cambridge. Let me assure you there is no competition.

    And secondly, the list on google is not the exact same list that was part of a global survey. The list on google is a Japanese survery (I believe, but I'm not sure). The list that was published a couple of months ago by a survey of 1800 academics worldwide was a bit different.

    Yawn. :D ..suggest you go back and reread my first posting. And with regards Cambridge, in your own words, "How would you know how to compare standards or courses simply on what you've been told? That is not the same as attending university. Sounds like another lame-arse generalization substantiated by "because I say so".


  3. Zovox QUOTE:

    "As for the slanging match that ensued, I went to three u.k universities (Sheffield, Leeds and Aston) and i also lived in America. You'll find that the top u.k unis and the top u.s unis are much the same standard. I would say that the u.s offers a more broad based course - like continental european unis, whilst u.k unis focus more on one subject." END

    How would you know how to compare standards or courses simply by "living" in America?  That is not the same as attending university.  Sounds like another lame-arse generalization substantiated by "because I say so".

    Kat, your quote:

    'Jackr, I don't want to get into petty arguments, but I'm tired of relentless competition when there is none. I went to two of the universities in the top 5 list, and met several people who also went to Cambridge. Let me assure you there is no competition.'

    How can you compare standards by just talking to some people at cambridge ?

    I think you have defeated your own argument. And i think you need to go to anger mangement !!

  4. A while back I received an email from a woman I had never heard of, but who's husband, it transpired, I had corresponded with.

    I hasten to add this did not relate to anyone here on Thaivisa but it does illustrate something about the kind of problems any of us can unwittingly step into.

    The following is a cleaned up (all personal details removed) version of an email I received and keep to remind myself not to get involved.

    Please can I ask you give this request some consideration ….. 

    On the *date removed* you sent my husband *name removed* an email to address *removed*@*removed*.com  with an extensive list of information regarding couples moving to live in Thailand........it is clear you were responding to a question my husband has asked you.

    ….*removed personal stuff*….

    For the above reasons I would be sincerely grateful if you could give me more details of the enquiry my husband made and when/where/how he contacted you. I hope you understand the position I find myself in and are able to understand that the information I need is purely to help me and my family, including my husband.


    Normally, i would say do not get involved, but it does sound like he plans on leaving his family, so i would tell the wife.

  5. I have been learning Thai for 5 years and am quite fluent.  I was chatting to some Thai colleagues in the office today and one of the guys poked fun at me when I said the word มาก.  He said that my tone was way too long and that I sounded very feminine.  It's not as if I extended the มาก  for 5 seconds or anything!!  I have never considered my spoken Thai to be feminine, but it got me thinking.  My teacher is a female.  Have I picked up female speaking habits without knowing it?  Do I come across to most Thai men as feminine.  I am afraid to open my mouth in front of any of my Thai male colleagues for fear of being ridiculed even further!!! 

    Any thoughts?  - other than the fact that I am being a big sissy :o


    I wouldn't worry about: there are many ladyboys in Thailand !! :D

  6. I am currently trying to get to Thailand!

    At the moment flights are pretty full and very expensive, I was contemplating buying a one way ticket, and sorting my return out when I wished to come home (UK?) as this would be much cheaper (my last flight from BKK cost 11000B, very cheap).

    Would I get into the country? My return ticket seems to've never been checked before!?!??!

    Although you're suppose to have return ticket, they never check - i'd just get the one way.

  7. Coming over from the UK, which currency would be best to bring?

    In the UK you can get commision free $US travellers cheques, so would I be best to bring $US or £?

    What do you guys think? which is stronger against the Baht when in Thailand?


    The u.s dollar has been falling for some time and is at record low values - i'd bring sterling.

  8. Is there any other good banks? I plan to deposit some money in UOB or Citibank. Is it recommeneded?  :o

    Both are good, but the citibank normally require a work permit to open account. Not sure about UOB, but they do not have as many branches as the bangkok bank or siam commercial. The UOB atms are great for taking out cash, because you can take out 40,000 bht per transaction, rather than the usual 20-25k maximum. This does make a difference because overseas cards are charged per transaction. By the way, you do not have to have a UOB account to use their atms.

  9. I would like to relocate to Thailand and probably Pattaya.I have $60,000 USD in cash and was wondering if this amount is enough to get started with settling in and starting a small business or income investments.

    I can sell properties and assets here in the US and have much more available but would prefer not to liquidate just yet.

    I am also very excited about Vietnam's potential and does anyone have any  business experience or investment advice on Vietnam.

    I have Bank Of America bank accounts and ATM card and Visa card.Would these be OK there and are there branches there.How would one transfer US funds to Thailand and convert to bahts and would HSBC or other banks be good options.

    Thanks and hope to see you on the beaches there!

    The amount of money you have is more than enough to buy a small business in Thailand. Your atm and visa cards should have no problems using them here, but you should open a bank account here, with a bank like the bangkok bank or siam commercial, for the purposes of showing funds to get visas, as well as daily use. the hsbc only have one branch in thailand, so is not really good for your needs. to transfer funds, you just need to instruct you bank in america and give them your thai bank details, and the baht conversion is done automatically.

  10. Hello,

    I'm considering a move to Thailand and was wondering how the dating scene is in BKK?

    Being from the US (I'm Thai, male), I only know the western etiquettes of dating. (i.e. asking the girl out, pulling out chairs, and all that other good stuff they teach you at gentlemen school).  What differences should I expect when dating girls (both farang or thai) in Thailand?  I've been to Thailand a few times and love the country, but I'm not a big fan of the bars...interesting characters and beautiful girls, but not really my style.

    If you are a westernised thai, you'll be beating the girls off with a stick, because you'll have the money and you don't cheat like most thai men.

  11. you're unlikely to get cheaper deals for long haul flights. You'll find that all the agents offer basically the same price for each airline, because they're all hooked up to the same computer network. As i recall, the cheapest airline to the u.k was china airlines. emirates is also quite cheap.

  12. Thanks guys

    Paulfr - the reason I am not jumping with joy is because I do not know if she is pregnant or not. This is something I want as does my girlfriend. I'm just a little concerned whether its real or whether its phsychosematic given the results I have at hand. Also the reason I am panicking is that if it is real I am a novice and do not know whether I should cancel my trip or not - is it possible these two tests would show negative if only pregnant a short time? still no period and still vomiting.

    I don't think these home pregnancy tests are 100% - you need to go to the doctor to be sure. Also, if she is has a sickness that makes her sick, it could also be the cause for her late period - sickness and stress can cause this.

  13. by alone (operating system) its not gonna make you a millionair

    Yes it does make you millionaire. The operating is what gave him a monoploy, and has allowed him to sell you inferior software. There are numerous examples of better software that has gone down the tubes because microsoft controls the operating system e.g netscape, wordperfect

  14. so is it his fault for being lucky, and IBM for being stupit.

    It's not a case of fault, but you said give him 'respect'. It's like saying you respect someone who one the lottery, which is basically what happened to Mr. Gates. Also, how can you respect someone who totally copied Apple's operating system, in the first place. How can you respect someone who now abuses his monpoly position, and there are numerous examples - too many to list.

  15. I am a cantonese chinese speaker, but do not understand another dialect of chinese, although there are many similarities. I am also a native english speaker and, although at times i have difficulty understanding some regional accents, i can have a conversation with someone with a regional u.k accent. I was wondering how may dialects of thai there are, and whether the differences are just accent changes, or are they more like different languages, as with many chinese dialects ?

  16. Gates- start from nothing, drop out student, self made millionair, you gotta give him respect.

    Gates, made his fortune by copying other people's operating systems. And he was lucky, because IBM was stupid enough to hand a monopoly to him, by asking him to write their operating system, when they should have just written it themselves. NO respect here !!

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