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Posts posted by ZOVOX

  1. Hi folks,

    I have a VHS-C tape recorded on an old movie camera in the U.S. I’d like to find a shop/service in Bangkok or upcountry that can convert the output of this tape to a QuickTime file for editing on a computer.

    The alternative, which requires quick action on my part, while I still have temporary access to a VHS player, is a VHS-C adapter to play it on a VHS machine. If you can help me with this, I’d like to get hold of it by the end of this weekend (12-12) of shortly thereafter. I’ll pay to ship it back and forth, and/or buy it if you want to sell it.

    I’m still looking for local solutions, but time is short.


    I've seen a few shops in Pantip plaza (BKK) - i think they're on the 3rd floor - that do tape conversions to all sorts of formats.

  2. Maybe I'm just a cheap skinflint, but I've logged about 88,000 frequent flying miles in the last two years, and never saw anything cheap in an airport, anywhere, especially "dutyfree."  Example: from Los Angeles to Bangkok, we stopped at Taiwan/Tapei, and my belt had broken en route.  Price at dutyfree: US$50 or $100 in Tapei.  Price in front of McDonald's on Suriwong near Lumphini Park: 200 baht.  At first, the vendor asked 1000 baht, to which I replied loudly on my first day in Thailand: "HAAA!"  Her next offer was 200 baht.

    You should have haggled more: i've seen leather belts in Thailand for 100/150 baht. Agree with you about the duty free stuff.

  3. I once met this german guy, about 60 years of age, on my visa run to penang by train. The guy could only speak German and thai, and insisted on talking to every foreigner on the train, even though no one could understand him and were trying to ignore him. I had learnt a little bit of german at school and picked up a little thai whilst living here, so i kinda understood what he was trying to say, so out of sympathy i spoke to him a little. But then he decided to lift up his trousers and show me his scabby, wrinkly legs - apparently, he had some kind of skin infection. God, I nearly puked !!!

  4. Maybe you and the Headmaster should re-examine priorities?

    Sure we could use less monies to send the girls to charm school prior to them going to Pattaya to support their families as many of these girls end up doing. Or we can buy the boys farm equipment, so they can continue to be slaves to the cycle of borrowing monies so that they can plant the rice and buy the expensive pest control and then again borrow to be able to plant again.

    You are being unnecessarily facetious and, having fixated on one idea, have closed your mind both to the full implications of what you are proposing - and to other possibilities.

    By attempting to raise US$ 3,000.- this year and spending it on something as transient as Internet time you are committing yourself or whoever comes after you to raise that same sum of money every year henceforth to maintain this “benefit” to which you will introduce these children.

    Consider first of all the disappointment and possible repercussions on the children if, after one year, you are no longer able to continue to pay for the Internet access. You will have been responsible for opening a door to them then slamming it closed.

    I strongly suggest that if you are able to raise a lump sum like this you get together with the Headmaster and look for some way to invest it for the permanent benefit of the children – even something as mundane as purchasing a few hundred square wa of land near the school and turning it into a vegetable garden which the children can tend to. They would learn valuable skills and at the same time benefit from growing their own food to supplement what is almost certainly the pretty poor diet they presently enjoy. Numerous studies have proven that proper nutrition is a significant factor in developing growing children in many areas, not least in the ability to concentrate and therefore learn better.

    Whilst I am certainly not suggesting that they should not be given ideas above their “station” in life you must surely realise that the majority of these children, from a remote village in Kampaengpetch, are destined to be farmers etc.. The chances of even one of them becoming a Computer Programmer and earning “s##tloads of money” is extremely remote – far better to apply the funds to something that will benefit every one of them and perhaps improve their chances in their future careers.

    Don't be so negative ! The guy is trying to do something worthwhile. Just because most will end up as farmers, doesn't mean they shouldn't experience other things.

    Mouse, Keep going, mate !!

  5. Hi All

    few years ago I was flying to Sydney via Singapore and decided I'd buy an electric razor. I got back to Bangkok a month later and walking down Silom passing the Philips shop decided to check the price of the razors. The same brand and model was actually cheaper than the one I bought at the duty free in Singapore. Also the staff in Bangkok were a damned lot more polite than the ones in Singapore.

    Now I'm flying again to Sydney this time via Hong Kong and want to buy a digital camera. So first question is can I actually get cheaper at the duty free or should I just wait until I get to Sydney. I don't have enough time to shop in Bangkok now and I'd like to have a camera on landing in Australia. this is my daughters first time in her 2nd country and it would be good to catch her excitement. Just discovered that my normal camera is broken.

    My second question, being that I'm very much of a greenhorn around things computer what would you recommend an easy digital for this greehorn at a budget price.

    Regards Joe

    I don't know about prices in Australia, but electronics, in general, are cheaper in HK than the U.K, so i would buy in HK. If you are stopping over in HK, go to Tsim Tsa sui (bottom of Nathan Road), there's lots of electronic shops there and haggle - you should get a good price !!

    As for the camera, most of the small digital cameras are point and click and very easy to use - i would recommend a Canon model with about 2 megapixels. The guy will probably try to sell you a more expensive model with a higher resolution, but the higher resolutions are really for professional and photo buffs, who need to make large prints. If you can afford it, go for a camera with an optical zoom. Lastly, make sure you get an international warranty.

  6. I am almost 50 years. Although practising gymnastical exercises for many years, since about a year I encounter a general stiffness in my body which just won't go away, because of the aging process, I assume.

    What kind of remedy/physical exercises are good dealing with such stiffness ?

    Stop dreaming about bargirls !!

  7. I have friends from the UK coming to stay over Xmas.

    To my shock and horror they have asked about GoGo Bars in Korat :o

    Are there any? I have not seen any but then I have never really looked :D

    Any advice welcome.....thanks and a Cool Yule to you all.

    NO, but there's a shitload of car dealerships - must be the most boring place in Thailand !!! Or do you know better ?

  8. An Internet shop is not for making money. I am in Lamai (Koh Samui)and can charge 1 baht per minute.

    My rent is 7000 baht, electricity 2000. Depreciation of equipment  etc..

    Total is around 15.000 baht per month. ( mmm no salaries.....)

    For that i need to sell 15.000 minutes / 30 days is 500 baht per day.

    500 baht is 500 minutes. 5 computers is 100 baht per computer per day.

    In high season i can reach 300 baht per computer/per day. So i make a profit. Problem is high season only lasts for 3-4 months.

    To solve this add "Cafe". Use internet to attract customers and try to sell other things. I sell (in the order of profit): CD-Burning, icecream, fruit drinks, snacks, Digital image printing. I have a wifi hotspot that is free when people order drinks or food. Try to find something that makes your shop "different" a reason people will go a little further to come to your place. Promote it!

    My main work is working remote over the internet, so this whole internet shop is convenient to provide me with a business, workpermit etc. NOT for making much profit.

    I choose not to do something like a gameshop because it will give you a headache. :o You need more sophisticated equipment for that = more expensive = less profit.

    A game shop i can see working is one with X-boxes or PS2 stations. Theyre dirt cheap.

    You can make money from internet cafes, but you need a good location. The best locations are near the universities: some of the places are packed from open to close, with students playing games all day. But you need to invest and re-invest in new equipment, but this is true in any business, but especially in computer-related businesses. Once you can get the punters in for long periods, you can sell them cigarettes, food and drink for extra revenue. People sending e-mails are not in the shop long enough to buy anything, and people are not going to go into an internet cafe to specifically buy food and drink - that's what seven/elevens are for !! I don't know where you are in Koh samui, but if you are talking about high/low season, it sounds like you are only getting tourists, who only e-mail.

  9. Look - if you want a kid to get used to a computer, and have the interest to learn - for goodness sake let them play games. Even if only after hours.

    Actually i have to agree, as a kid it was my (un)healthy interest in computer games that fueled my desire to become an IT Professional.

    Absolutely right !! I must have been one of the first people in the u.k to own a personal computer in the u.k - a nascom 2 machine ordered from the u.s, which came in kit form. This was when Bill Gates was a little geek working out of a tiny office. The thing that held my interest was games, even if it was naughts and crosses. You'll find that it's the game players that are the most knowledgable, because games require the most up-to-date hardware and programming techniques. Oh yes, i became a programmer in later life and made a shit load of money !!

  10. Is it just me, or is Thai bread, rolls, crossaints(sp) ect to sweet and sugary?

    It's not just you. You'll find that throughout asia they like sweet bread. It's the same in hong kong, Malaysia, singapore etc, but now you can usually find western style bread (with no sugar) easily enough.

  11. Thanks for all the responses, especially to 'Guesthouse' for a very detailed insight. I should have mentioned that it is my step-daughter, who is a thai national and does not speak much english, so the overseas route is not an option. For the top thai universities mentioned, is entry based on ability or who you know ? Also, what is the annual tuition fees for a university like Chula ?

    As for the slanging match that ensued, I went to three u.k universities (Sheffield, Leeds and Aston) and i also lived in America. You'll find that the top u.k unis and the top u.s unis are much the same standard. I would say that the u.s offers a more broad based course - like continental european unis, whilst u.k unis focus more on one subject.

  12. HI to all,

    Can any one please tell me how to turn off my Norton programe , I just want to see what the memory loading is like with out the Norton running..?, I don't want to delete it , only stop it from running for a bit, I am using  Windows 98 

                                                  Thanks .....

    You did not mention which norton program you were running, but norton software usually leaves an icon in the bottom right of your task bar. Right click on it and there's usually a disable option.

  13. AH! Ya crack me up Axel. Did ya think that up yourself?  :o  :D  :D  :D

    Jockstar, first thing that came to my mind when I saw your subject. :D

    Then just couldn't stop it. (Address thanks to their web-page)

    Btw: If you come downdown walk into "Bei Otto", No. 1 Sukhumvit Soi 20.

    This guy has his own bakery in Bangkok for about 20 years. Visit the delicatessen there and have a look, buy a few different rolls, you might find something to your taste. Even Otto hails from the black forest and his best rolls IMHO are his laugen, (the same dough as used for brezels) he offers a great variety.

    Although, I do know the guy quite well, I have no commercial intererests just for help put his link here: http://beiotto.com/

    Btw: I myself prefer small baguettes I find in Villa, wife fills them up and serves

    after heating in the oven.

    Yes, the rolls in Bei otto are fantastic. I once had a steak there and ended up eating more bread than steak. I didn't realise they had a deli there as well - i'll have to pop in and buy some.

  14. 99000 Baht! Are you sure you didn't leave a zero off the end?

    Perhaps the computers are running 386 processors.

    True, but at the end of the day, all an Internet or IT business is, is some Intellectual Capital and second hand computers.

    So 99,000 for Gross Capital Value would be close to the mark - a few second hand servers and workstations - how much else would you pay ?

    The other question - Go and talk to your advisor, there are many ways of doing the capitalisation.

    With the equipment that he is likely to get, he would only be able to handle people using the internet for e-mail. The most succesful internet cafes offer gaming because the players spend hours and hours playing. sending e-mail takes a few minutes and does not generate much income. The original poster said that the shop is in a backstreet location - i think the business is a dead duck !!

  15. I was asked by my gf what i wanted for breakie. So i thought about it. Maybe a bacon baguette with HP sauce. But then i thought. What i'd really love was a nice roll. You know the ones we get in the Uk from Greggs or any good bakers. Either soft or crispy. This would be awsome with bacon and Hp. So does anyone know of anywhere in BKK that i can buy these. I live around Lad Prao. Anywhere around there or wherever. I'm not looking for shitty burger buns. Anyone from the Uk will know what i mean.

    You can get crispy rolls in carrefour, and french baguettes.

  16. I plan is to buy a condo (5 to 7 million Baht) in Bangkok in about 1 to 1.5 years time and then want to spend initially 3 months at a time living in Bangkok and the rest of the year working in Europe as a freelance consultant. When I'm 50, in about 10 years, I then plan to semi-retire in Thailand, with occasional work back in Europe. I have a British Passport and Belgium residency. I am not married and don't intend to be either!!

    What I am trying to find out is where I can go to get legal advice on the best options in terms of Visa's, whether or not it is worth setting up a Company in Thailand to channel some of my earnings through and the tax implications of this etc etc.

    Does anybody have recommendations on reputable companies I can approach to give me advice?

    Post some specific questions in the business forum and you'll probably get a response from sunbelt or/and indo-siam. those guys know all the legal stuff you want to know.

  17. You might want to check with those that require that service or give more details as it could be different for different purposes.  Most replies seem to think you need a translation; although that is not want you said.

    When Thai say certify they normally mean to sign the copy.

    im probably wrong but ive always thought a translation is a cerified copy??

    The translation itself is not the certification, and the transaltion bureaus cannot do this for you. The certification is when someone with the right authority signs it to declare that it is valid. In the case of a certified photocopy it is to say that the copy is the same as the original. In the case of a translation, it is to say that the translation is an accurate translation. If you want a Thai-to-english document certified you would probably take it to your embassy. If you want an english-to-thai document certified there is some thai government department that does it - i believe it's called ministry of foreign affairs.

  18. Many Thai people believe that all Caucasians are rich and many Thai gay men think that Caucasians are hung like horses.

    Well, we are. Compared to Asians.

    But then some are hung more than others! :o

    Thai women also think that farang men are hung horses, which may be true insome cases, but the word amongst thai women is that farang men can't keep it up for very long, especially after a few bers !!

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