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Posts posted by ZOVOX

  1. Could someone please advise how I get the last entry stamp from my old passport put into my new passport?

    Do immigration in Bangkok do this and at what cost or will they do it at the Poipet border if I take both passports?



    you can do it at immigration in bangkok - i think it's on the second floor, but check with information at the front. it's free and they ask for no further documentation, just the two passports, but you do have to fill in form, which can be found outside the office.

    don't know about doing at the border, but i would get it done before you go at immigration.

  2. I'm no property expert, but i've just bought my first house and my wife informed me that most thai people keep their property for their whole lives, and then pass it on to their children - much like family businesses. iF they do sell, they sell to other family members - owning property and land seems to be like a status symbol to thai people, and the more they can get, the better their social standing. Also, thais like to buy new houses. Consequently, the thai property market is very slow compared to western countries. I think you would be better off renting out.

  3. I am a relativey new arrival in Thailand (about two months). I have a lady friend that I have known for several months and am now living with her and family in an Issan city. Now that I am "on board" so to speak, she has cooled considerably to me, ie little or no affection. We had a "Tahi Traditional" marriage, but it seems like she may not be legally divorced. Her English is poor and my Thai zero. Any thoughts on such a situation??? Is this a common situation???


    I think you have been a bit of a 'plonker': Did you not ask to see your wife's divorce papers ? Why don't you get your marriage registered and then she would have to produce them. Also, my wife changed her surname back to her maiden name, when she got divorced, on her i.d card - she now has my surname - so you should get someone to check her i.d card. I know language is a problem, but my wife knew little english when we first met, but we manage to get through evrything with the aid of a dictionary. I think maybe you are too afriad to confront her because you are fearing the worst: that is she is still married and just using you as a cash cow. This would expalin why she's gone cold on you because you are not coming up with enough money - are you really living with her in-laws or have i just read your posting incorrectly ? I think your wife expected you to buy a house in her name and take care of the family.

    Bottom line, you need to confront your wife !!

  4. This thread sounds like a famous monty python sketch , where everybody's comparing how humble and poor a background they come from. The truth is EVERYBODY has a breaking point where they will do something dishonest; it's that some have a higher threshold than others.

    As for those people who talk about defrauding the system, people who do not pay off the loans are part of the system: Credit companies know that a certain percentage of the money they lend out will not be paid back.

    As to the original poster, it's only a small amount, and whatever you decide to do, don't have sleepless nights over it - the credit card company people certainly won't be !!

  5. I tried to tip my usual 10% at the end of a meal...but my Thai hosts laughed and said it was much to much!

    What is the correct amount and how much do you tip?

    I had the same experience: My ex-girlfriend told me off for tipping too much, and said that 20baht was sufficient, but i felt like such a miser just tipping a twenty.

  6. When i first came to Thailand, i border hopped to penang for almost two years getting 30-day stamps, with the occasional tourist visa in between, and never had any problems !! On my travels, i met many people who border hopped for longer. The trick is not to draw attention to yourself: if you go to penang and get several back to back tourist visas, they stick out like a sore thumb in you passport. If you get 30-day stamps, your passport looks no different to a japanese weekend shopper who comes here every month, and there are many - that is why there's so many japanese department stores here. Unless, the immigration officers checks out every stamp in your book, you're unlikely to have any problems, especially if you cross at several border points.

  7. I stay in bangkok as a tourist . I have address but I have only tourist visa .

    I would like to use internet banking. so which bank have internet banking service for tourist?

    Before thinking about internet banking, you should ask what bank will alllow you to open an account as a tourist.

    I am pretty sure the choice is very limited, if any...

    siam commercial bank (thonglor branch bangkok) open account for tourists - just hand over your passport. And i've heard quite a few others open non-residents savings accounts, including bangkok bank. As for internet banking, they may not let you have that until your account has been active for a while, but if you deposit a large sum, i'm pretty sure they give you the lot, including credit cards, internet banking etc. at the end of the day, banks are businesses and they are there to make money.

  8. Nothing too wierd. My wife says it too me on a daily basis - it's become a bit of a running joke in the family, because i use it back at her. And my 9 year-old step daughter says it to Papa, especially when i haven't shaved for a week - she doesn't like kissing the hairy cheek and says i'm 'no handsome'.

    ZOVOX, next time try the word "ทุเรศ" (tu reyt)* on her instead. It is similar to น่าเกลียด when used in the same context. My wife says it to me alot, especially when I've got gas :o

    * sorry, I don't know how to use the standard transliteration system.

    Thanks ed B ! I'm spending Christmas with about 10 Thai females, including the wife, step daughter, mother-in-law and her friends. As i will be the sole male westerner in the house, i need as much vocabulary armour to fend-off these gossiping women. And Thai women do like to gossip, especially about me !!

  9. A while back I tried to set up internet banking with SCB - until I discovered that *I* would be held liable in the event of any computer-related fraud or screw ups !

    If they don't have enough confidence in the security of their online transactions to guarantee them, then neither do I !

    I was planning to apply for scb internet banking, but i've changed my mind after reading this post !!

  10. Scampy.........in  a  previous  life  i  used  to  work  for  one  of  the  high  street  banks  on  the  collections  side , debt  collecting  and  skip  tracing. What  happens  is  that  for  the  first  couple  of  months  after  you  disappear  your  account  is  worked  intensively  i.e  contacting  relatives  ,neighbours  etc. After  this  your  account  is  "dug  out"  every  3  months  to  see  if  any  new  leads  can  be  gained, this  lasts  for  1  to  2  years  depending  how  hopeful/hopeless  your  account  looks..........after  all  leads  are  exhausted  the  account  is  written  off  to  bad  debt. Depending  on  how  large  the  amount  is  and  how  widespread  the  company  is  across  the  world  they  could  send  the  account  over  here  for  collection  if  they  discover  you  are  here. If  you  have  not  contacted  the  company  for  a  while  they  will  of  already  registered  a  default  against  your  name  thereby  making  it  difficult  for  you  to  obtain  credit  if  and  when  you  return  to  Blighty. It  really  comes  down  to  you.........if  they  have  reg'd  a  default  already  youve  nothing  to  gain  by  paying  them  other  than  peace  of  mind.

    I recall reading in another posting that someone wanted to get off with about £200,000 - is the procedure the same for £200k as it is for £1600 ?

    Surely, for 200k they would not just write off the debt, and they would take stronger action ?

  11. Naked Killer (HK)

    Drunken master (HK)

    Snake in the eagle shadow (HK)

    Once upon a time in China (HK)

    Chungking express (HK)

    If you like erotic movies (not hardcore), the Korean and Japanese do some good stuff. e.g

    Summertime (KOR)

    Perfect education (JAP)

    An affair (KOR)

  12. My wife keeps saying 'Nar guet' to me - Can someone tell me what it means exactly ? I think it's something like disgusting.

    Despite all of my learned colleague's input ZOVOX I think it can best be translated as..

    "She doesn't have a high opinion of you, at times!"

    You haven't bee trying to do something weird, have you? :o

    Nothing too wierd. My wife says it too me on a daily basis - it's become a bit of a running joke in the family, because i use it back at her. And my 9 year-old step daughter says it to Papa, especially when i haven't shaved for a week - she doesn't like kissing the hairy cheek and says i'm 'no handsome'.

  13. Speaking as someone who is Chinese/Chinese, but grew up in the U.K. There is far too much categorisation in the u.k: British/Chinese, British/Asian, Afro/Caribean, northerners/southerners etc, and having to put your race on some forms. one of the reasons i came to Thailand was to get away from all that - here i'm totally anonymous (as i look Thai). Personally, i think Chinese/thais who introduce/refer to themselves as Chinese/Thai are SNOBS !!!! Just like the upper class <deleted> in the U.K !!!

  14. I've been looking for a satellite packege for some time. 'Jsat' (mentioned above) claim they can pickup the satellites pas10 and pas 8, which ranges from 68.5E to 170E, with a 8.5ft dish. The satellite you want is in this range, so they should be able to help you. However, PSI (www.psisat.com) only go upto 134E, so i'm not sure how good the signal you would get at 156E - i would go for a bigger dish !!

  15. I'm currently using yahoo mail, but the largest e-mail attachement i can send is 10mb. Is there an e-mail provider that has larger attachments ?

    I'm particularly interested in Hotmail or Google - What is the largest attachment ?

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