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Posts posted by ZOVOX

  1. Good advice

    Lets go through tthe scenario then.

    I go back home for two weeks and organise 150,000 in loans.

    I leave 5000 in the bank to pay of the first set of loans and take the rest of the money out in cash.

    I then use a trusted friend (is there another more reliable method) to transfer the money to my bank account in the LOS - (or maybe go to Australia and open one up there).

    There are now no ties with the money to my family.

    How do I then declare myself bankrupt. My story to the court would be if needed a bad investment in Thailand. That did a runner.

    Or can I just not return and let everythng work out.

    You will be better off remaining in Thailand, because if you were to go through the bankruptcy process, they check everything, and you would have to explain where the money went. If you just made a few payments and said you had a bad investment in Thailand, it would look very suspicious, and you would have to produce documenmtation to prove it. Also, once you start the process, they can get you for withholding info, fleeing the country and many more things, so it is best just to not be there at all. The only disadvantage of being absent is that the debt is not discherged, so theoretically the banks could come after you, but i think this is rare, because they would need co-operation from the Thai authorities to get you, and i doubt the Thais would do anything to help.

  2. If I want to declare myself bankrupt in the UK whilst abroad can it be done.

    Do I have to go back or can I get a sloicitor to do it from here, or a family member?

    How long is the statute of limitations now - still 6 years?

    I have a computer cd which is used by the citizen's advice bureau in the U.K: It states that you can declare bankruptcy or the people who you own money too can file for bankruptcy against you. In the latter case, if you are abroad and don't show up to the court proceedings, you will be declared bankrupt in you absense. Personally, i stay in Thailand and just let the courts in the u.k do their thing - do you really want to go back and be 'put through the mill' ?

  3. I've had exactly the same experience as you. I've been looking for a small business for some time, and the quality of the businesses were very poor. It is very difficult to believe the profits quoted by some of them, and the businesses are way over-priced !! If you find a good businesses, it is much better to just open a new business next door with the same idea, and close the other place down.

    business with

    Well in the last few days I have contacted a couple of brokers including the forum sponsor here.

    Signed NDA s,pretty much unheard of in AU got a very basic listing which was little more than what you see on the website ,sent requests for various pieces of important info back and heard absolutely nothing,and I am a cash  buyer.

    I lived for more than one year in Thailand, trying to obtain a minimum understanding of Thailand. During the last 2/3 months looked at SME business opportunities in Thailand and met with Sunbelt Asia et al. All of them were expecting at least 2.4 times nett annual profit as the business sales price. The business brokers commission from the seller is approx 10% of the sell price and all their contracts specifically exclude any liability whatsoever for the seller/buyer process. The nett profits usually didn't include owners salary; or rarely around 10,000 baht a month. Also P/L documents, balance sheets etc never existed in a professional manner. Also the big thing is that Thailand is mostly a cash society, no receipts etc. makes it difficult to qualify what the business is actually generating.

    I decided to return to Australia. I have now bought a Thai restaurant at one times annual nett profit, which is the standard SME investment ratio throughout Australia.

  4. I personally would not leave my money in Thai baht: Thailand is an emerging market and the currency is not well established. also, the interest rate is 0.5%.

    i have my money in the HSBC in Hong Kong (not u.k) - they offer the powervantage account where you can do a number of investments all from the internet banking, including buying stocks,unit trust, time deposits and foreign currency deposits and much more. Go to there website and check out something called 'deposit plus' - it may interest you.

  5. Englishoak, I couldn't agree more.

    Silver, in my estimation, will prove to be the number 1 investment FOR ALL TIME with the price very likely to go up by 1000's of % from where we are today.

    Fortunately I live in Australia so it's not too difficult, at the moment at least, to get my hands on 999+ silver.

    Current prices:

    Silver US$ 7.50 per ounce

    Gold US$ 433 per ounce

    The beauty with silver of course is that it is still so affordable at todays prices.

    How do you invest in precious metals - is it just a case of purchasing it in the shops ?

    If so, i assume that you have to buy the really good stuff ?

  6. My girlfriend and I plan to marry next year after 4 years together. Wondering whether she will be able to buy property here in Thailand in her name when she returns from working for Emirates in 3 years. If we have to do it in her sister's name, so be it, but if we can buy in her name all the better. Anyone know any better?

    Hi BBC:

    So long as you sign an affidavit at the land office saying you have no cliam over this land, you're wife (as she'll be then) can own the land legally. There's a particular notification, circa. 2000, that handles this. I don;t have the name of it here at home, but will post it when I return to the office tomorrow.

    SM :o

    When me and my wife purchased our house, i was not asked to sign any affidavit at the land office. In fact, i signed no documents at all, except for at the bank when i got the cheque from my account to pay for property - do i have a serious problem ? Does my wife legally own our property ?

  7. Odd that so many are prepared to give their oh-so-very-high IQ score, and yet so few care to mention the university they went to.

    On the basis of all the crap I've just read, everyone on this forum is either an Oxford, Cambridge or Harvad grad.


  8. Thanks all for your replies - I have a few more questions :

    For Post Office 150bt a year PO Boxes :

    * How big are they

    * How long does it take to get one

    * Do you get a key and just go in and open up when you go to the post office

    * How secure are they

    * What is the process to get one

    * Is there an application form

    * Are there good places/bad places to have them

    * Would it be possible to have one say in bkk and khon kaen

    * If you dont empty your box for a while - what happens when it fills up

    * Anyone have any further experience with Thai Post Offive PO Boxes

    On the point raised by astral about uk banks and addresses - is it possible to make your po box look like a real address ?  or how did you deal with this one ?

    I have seen Mailboxes ETC in bkk and they do offer a range of services.  Not sure which ones are good and how it compares to the Poist Office PO Boxes

    Thanks in advance for your help

    the box size varies, but most will accept standard mail. larger items will be kept for you and a note will be put in your box to collect. post office boxes tend to be larger than the private boxes.

    usually, you get a box and key immediately, but my post office took two days to check my home address - im not sure that this is done with all pst offices. private boxes don't check address.

    the boxes are secure from outside influences, but it's more a case of someone internally tampering with your mail - test the box out for a few weeks !!

    no or a very small application form - very easy !! need to show passport with post office, but private boxes they asked for nothing.

    i believe you can have as many boxes as you like, certtainly with the private boxes you can.

    if you plan on not emptying your box for long time, get a large box. although most places will keep the post for you, most probably don't like it if a large amount build up. also, the post will more likely go missing.

    I've heard of some people replacing the box number with a room or suite number to make it appear it is residential. you probably can't do this with the post office box, but private boxes may allow this - check first !!

  9. All the atms i've seen take Cirrus. The 20000/30000 bt limit you refer to is not the daily limit - the daily limit is much higher and set by your card issuer. the amount you refer too is the per use limit. for example, if you wish to withdraw, say 100000bt, you just have to insert your card and input the pin number several times. i think you can do this as many times as you like until you reach your daily limit.

  10. I have an IQ of 156 and have two university degrees - in Mathematics and Mechanical Engineering - and a Masters, but i think it's all a load of <deleted> because i can't even remember what day it is sometimes !!

    Also, i believe there are various tests with different scales, so you could be comparing apples with oranges.

  11. Don't know about the private services, but boxes at most PO's are the grand sum of 150 baht a year.  Access only during PO hours, no fancy services.  Reliable and safe, though (in my experience).  You'll need a copy of your passport in order to open one.

    I had a box with a private company for 1000bt a year and they were opening up my mail, so beware if you plan on recieving any valuables. I since opened a box with the post office for 150bt a year, and it's fine so far.

  12. Are Star and Astro one and the same? Astro is certainly obtainable in Thailand but I have no idea how you get it apart from the satellite dishes already mentioned. I'm moving to Phuket shortly so will investigate. Astro does have many of the same channels as UBC, though, as said before, Star World is more up to date than UBC Series (and you get The Simpsons most nights).

    But, surely you will miss the lovely UBC music! (The current "score on screen" background has to be the most annoying music ever)

    Star is a broadcasting company, which produces programming. Astro is a satelite company and they licence programming from star. That is why star is not the same throughout asia: just check out star sports from country to country - they have a completely different schedule and programming. Astro is meant for the Malaysia market, so unless you have an address in malaysia, you can only recieve it through a pirate decoder.

  13. Same as for computers,

    Low end can be had very cheap, high end either unavailable or very high priced...

    Cellphones are cheap compared to Europe (considered they are contractfree, if you subscribe to a contract in Europe they're cheaper over there, but of not much use over here!)

    After a year - when your initial contract is up in the UK, you can get the phone unlocked, at which point it is usable in Thailand. (Cellphone operator is required to give you the unlock code if requested).

    I have an orange mobile phone, which i want unlocked - how do i do it ? Can i get the info via e-mail or a website ?

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