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Posts posted by PCA

  1. "I'm talking about ArranP getting independent advice"

    perhaps i am wrong but my experience shows clearly that there is no independent advice. each and every chap, no matter how hard he tries, is somehow biased, has his/her own views and a different risk perception. and that goes for you and me too.

    when i threw in the GS fund i surely did not mean that ArranP should put all his eggs in one basket. but in his case investing a rather small portion of his cash into a broadly diversified HY bond fund would boost his yield without big risk.

    however, as ArranP is already worried that an A+ rated bank could be too risky i prefer to withdraw from this discussion.

    No, how can someone like you be wrong?


    The advantage of an IFA is that he is chosing precisely on the profile of your demand. The risk you are willing to take, the maturity you intend to hold and the performance you suppose to get.

    You will have to pay him also commission and a fee for consulting. But he is not depending on selling a certain fund or basket to you like it is the case in every bank or brokerage firm.

    First he will show you what is possible and then how to optimize it due diversification.

  2. Brokers are safe. They dont pay you much of an interest if any but they are safe. Nobody of the traders, accountholders for example at Refco has lost one single dime.

    A friend who ran a very consistent currency trading fund returning about 2% per month has no access to hundreds of thousands of his own money and is being sued by clients for putting their money in refco's (those dogs don't deserve a capital letter) hands. I believe he is hoping to get something like half back eventually.

    There is now no fund. He lost his money, his income, and his reputation.

    your friend was maybe a contractor of Refco and sharing risk-capital with all other businesses Refco was involved. When he was running a fund for clients then he was capable for the risk.

    I am talking about trading accounts for private traders and investors who are using a broker for clearing and settlement. Every registered broker is backed up by at least one bank and an insurance company. The brokerage and clearing part of Refco was bought by MAN Financial who took over all of the private accounts. Every single of them, including mine. I was even trading during all that noise and histery, entered the market with Refco and exited with MAN.

  3. Brokers are safe. They dont pay you much of an interest if any but they are safe. Nobody of the traders, accountholders for example at Refco has lost one single dime.

    Though investing in corporate or government bonds is not a riskfree investment at all. Exceptions are those with a very short maturity (90days) and the advantage to get out anytime.

    If you have 300k Sterling and want 6 % anualized then talk to an independent financial consultant. I dont understand why asking for advice in such a board or do you want phone numbers?

    "A broker like etrade (or almost any broker account) is a lot safer."


    yeah right! brokers are safe. look at one of the biggest brokers REFCO which got bankrupt 16 months ago causing huge damage for customers who trusted a bloody broker instead of their banks.

    Refco (Pink Sheets: RFXCQ) is a New York-based financial services company, primarily known as a broker of commodities and futures contracts. It was founded in 1969 as "Ray E. Friedman and Co." Prior to its collapse in October, 2005, the firm had over $4 billion in approximately 200,000 customer accounts, and it was the largest broker on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. The firm's balance sheet at the time of the collapse showed about $75 billion in assets and a roughly equal amount in liabilities.

  4. It would be interesting to know the detailed reasons for his view on that. One thing I heard on the rumourmill is that Taxin and his family and cronies had shorted the baht in very big size after the coup. If that's true, then it's one reason why the government is happy to let the baht strengthen for the time being. Maybe in May these positions will be closed out and the baht can resume a more "reasonable" value.

    Personally I think that's cobblers, but there's no way to know, right ?

    You can make a strong case for either a weaker or stronger baht.

    He gave examples on his show how big money could be made transfering funds back and forth between Thailand and Singapore. This would spell the death knell for the dual rate system ...[the rest is my opinion] and of couse we all agree , as soon as the onshore rate /controls go and market forces take over, it is nearly hundred percent certain the baht will inmmediately rise and take up the slack between the two rates resulting in one far higher unified rate for the baht.

    What happens after that nobody knows but Sontee 's forecast is as posted.

    well, if something looks too bad most likely to happen is that it will get worse. Though this has to be seen as a normal process in order to revaluate the baht to a level it came from before the crisis in 1997. I expect a little bounce back and flittering around 35 and a further longterm continuation of the uptrend (down?) to prices between 30 and 25. The pace to there is depending on the strength or weakness the $ shows against other major currencies. The Thais can never ever controll their currency.

    Prediction was asked for, here is mine.

    PS:dont panick :o


  5. Sad story, really though I think that there was something else that caused the incident to develop that tragic.

    I am using the tuk tuks in Patong regularly since years, basically 3 to 5 times a week when I go out. I know many of them and cant state that they are more rude than the crowd in the nighlife scene in Patong. Since this is probably not commonly known there are many policemen driving Tuk Tuks in their free time and I have (had) more than a handfull of businesscards with their name and police rankings on it. So you dont need to involve the police in any of those things when you think that you are the first or only one witnessing it. Those actions are all backed up by the bigger guys.

    The situation in particular is just suspicious to me due to the fact that the driver who did the fare to Chalong had to assemble help from the spot. If this all would have been planned as either theft, beating up or both then he would have been accompanied right away from starting in Patong.

    Best way is to always pay in advance no matter where the trip goes when chosing a Tuk Tuk for the ride. There is no meter to determine the price and there cannot be misunderstandings accordingly. This is all business and they are making the rules. Deal with them or let it be.

    All Thais when brought to the boiling spot are ready to kill you instantly, also those with almond eyes and big t..s. But whom am I telling this.

  6. The metals are ending a 'seasonal' bullish pattern this week which started at the end of July--consider close stops!

    Gold was breaking out from an important point on the monthly chart. It is demanded from people like you and thats what is feeding the trend. The trend is there and Speculators are well aware of that, thats all.

    Gold was never a save investment fundamentally since the US were not able to hedge their cash reserves against it by printing new money all the time and inflation accordingly (20 years ago).

    There is no point for gold to be priced at 600 or 1000 or 100. There is a trend and a chance to follow it until its over.

    Nevertheless currently the seasonality is driving the lately move and it is behaving abnormal at the moment.

    Gold as an investment is stupid, so is oil or the US-Dollar.

    Thats my 2 cents.

  7. Well I am done checking, not only the software vendors but the SET, and they all say the same thing.

    You must have a registered broker IN Thailand to use any of what you said

    QUOTE(meelousee @ 2005-08-28 23:27:28)

    QUOTE(PCA @ 2005-08-28 23:12:35)

    QUOTE(meelousee @ 2005-08-28 23:08:16)

    Are you a Thai national?

    Are you a licensed broker/trader?

    , I am a private trader not a broker, also not Thai.

    I see so how do you trade, with a e-trade account online or some other mode?

    I am working with Refco, IB and Strategyrunner via Internet and phone.

    That means your either full of it or a 419er spammer, the crummy curd we receive in our email boxes about BS trades you can make for us that are ILLEGAL anyway.

    So you have a choice here, dispute my word or post your physical address so the SET can come for a visit so you can prove your not neither of the above.

    OK? :o

    You can talk to my lawyer if you want Sherlock. I am trading US markets only. All the services I am using are based in the USA. By the way they are all for free to use (0 $ per month) understand that? Refco+IB+Strategyrunner.

    What I will be allowed to offer is education.

    And what I AM allowed to do here is trading with MY money which is NOT in Thailand.

    I am not offering financial services and also not signals to buy or sell anything.

    Good that everything about it is still only in my brain as most of you are really keen to see me down. Despite that, its a nice lesson here.

  8. Also I am not interested to work for anyone except for myself. With someone is another thing.

    Many enterpeneurs say that; then they (or we, for that matter) realize that instead of having one Boss, you end up having 100 (all the clients you need to serve). This is especially true in training services such as you offer, where you are a main component of the deal.


    not much to add to that just that trading makes my income and it is more a passion to me. A job for someone else in this business would mean to work for a financial institute (as one of these cr...s I mentioned in another post here)

    Sure it is a high responsibility to customers but I have stated that I am not offering a fast way for dreamers or gamblers to get rich. I got my skills and will use it for the people who are interested.

    Its a bit sad for me to make enemies here even if noone really knows the other.


    As an old member of this forum you must have noticed that anyone openly offering any services here is bound to be thouroughly cross examined. Sometimes these questions are fair and sometimes they might be just argumentative. Even the forum sposnors sometimes get some fire directed at them regarding their services, justified or not.

    As samran said, it is not rare to find people who have lost money here in this or that venture. In these circumstances, every offer will be doubted.


    agreed! But 3 things to add:

    1 I was not offering services here, just introducing myself and asking if anyone

    might be interested to join into a project containing "Trading Education". That I

    didn´t expect a quick yes or no from anyone doesn´t need to be mentioned.

    But how to do better (well yeah, better not here could be an answer)

    2 Nothing against critics, its always the weak hands who pay and most people

    here, sarcastic or not have learned that lesson. But I had expected

    upcoming questions about the real subject and not sarcasm and crap

    3 All about there is no investments required (except time, interest, ambition and

    skills I requested - which will be paid back by my work to them), so who might

    lose which money?

  9. Thanks for the fortune cookie advice there.

    As for motive, its not to spit on anyone...although it is very tempting, but if you do know Thailand, it is financial shonky b@stard central for Thai's and Farangs.

    At the risk of asking semi probing questions.....geez, working in regulation has been my job from time to time. So are you the Chaff, or are you the Hay? Transparancy is key to a well functioning financial market. An investor in the markets would know that better than anyone.

    Transparency in a functioning financial market? Do yo wann know for how much money I have been cheated already from "my good broker friends".

    The only thing the markets are is loud and manipulated. Greed+Fear=Price.

    But still there are ways and laws to be found to get your share.

    No hard feelings man, just do your job and I do mine.

  10. Also I am not interested to work for anyone except for myself. With someone is another thing.

    Many enterpeneurs say that; then they (or we, for that matter) realize that instead of having one Boss, you end up having 100 (all the clients you need to serve). This is especially true in training services such as you offer, where you are a main component of the deal.


    not much to add to that just that trading makes my income and it is more a passion to me. A job for someone else in this business would mean to work for a financial institute (as one of these cr...s I mentioned in another post here)

    Sure it is a high responsibility to customers but I have stated that I am not offering a fast way for dreamers or gamblers to get rich. I got my skills and will use it for the people who are interested.

    Its a bit sad for me to make enemies here even if noone really knows the other.

  11. You can join Mooq, you two should open a bottle together.

    Moog, Bendix, may I join you for a drink then?

    For the benefit of others, can I ask the OP if your potential education would pass muster with the FSA in the UK, or the Australian Securities Commission for instance? What are your qualifications? Do you have a CFA?

    when you read a book and you´ve closed the last page, do you remember the first one? My statements are clear from the beginning. I have no license but I do manage some friends accounts - are you shocked now?

    You all don´t have any idea whats the project all about and how it can be maintained or expanded but spitting on it just because you are unsatisfied in life somehow.

    I hope you´ll not appear with that tie for the party also your shirt might lose its glance. Nevertheless Chok dee

  12. i think your ideal is not entirely bad except...

    what's the legal aspect of this project ?

    in my turf, we need a licensed broker to market stuff like that

    but of course, to teach a skill is another story as long as one does not go to the extend of getting people to put up monies to do trading...

    just for background / i am in the financial market for over 15 years...

    Hi there,

    sorry but I am working at the opposite side. Your questions are answered during the posts I made previously.

    Also I am not interested to work for anyone except for myself. With someone is another thing.


  13. Again, PCA.  Another example of your astuteness

    I didnt send you a PM.  I left a mock sarcastic message on the open forum, to which you replied in private.  Check it out a few posts back.    Please pay attention if you want to be a good trainer.

    you are right, I rechecked and there was no PM from you. I didn´t count your first message as sarcastic, was my fault. Just replied to a couple of statements and PMs.

    Finally you got the right teacher and to buy a few bananas is affordable for you I guess.

    But to conclude this dialog which is going nowhere I wish you a relaxed evening and a good sleep as tomorrow life is probably going to suck on you again :o

  14. Well, my comments DO relate directly to PCA.

    He is so obviously an astute judge of character and so full of insight that he thought my (I thought obvious) tongue in cheek expression of interest as genuine  that he has sent me a PM wanting to continue negotiations.

    ummmm ....

    let me see if I can make this less obtuse.

    PCA, I'm not interested in working for free for anyone, irrespective of what dubious skills you could pass on to me.  If the quality of your posts reflects the quality of your business, I suspect I'd get better value from a trained monkey.

    There . . . . . now I feel better.  It's been a difficult day.


    well, you were not the only one who got exactly the same reply to the PM you sent me.

    You can join Mooq, you two should open a bottle together.

    Beyond that it shows what sort of character you are by replying private and then show off in public to widespread confusion. (though I am still not sure what you mean as I sent only my contact adress)

    Anyway, good that you feel better now when it was such a difficult day for you even if I suspect that your whole life is and probably will remain like that.

  15. Hi to all who showed interest in participating,

    I will continue with informations by PM as we should know a bit more about each other and a personal meeting is necessary to proceed. Since you know that I stay in Phuket and all my work is currently based there it is only possible to gather here.

    An other option for those who are not in Thailand at the moment or can´t spend a stay here is to use MSN or skype for negotiations. I will send my ids + phone number to all of you by PM a little later this afternoon.




    if you want to save the world then go to your garden, dig a hole and plant a tree.

    Don´t underestimate everyone who might read the thread not with such a pessimistic and sarcastic view like you.

  16. PCA, sorry to be a bit repetitive, but you did not answer my question as to what kind of help you require.

    Another question is what will be the legal body under which you shall operate?

    I need someone with basic understandings of the capital market + skills to create Adobe files, Powerpoint Presentations, and the knowledge to build a simple website.

    Me and my partner(s) are entiteld to arrange and hold seminars and offer Education. 2 workpermits can be provided.

  17. Are you a Thai national?

    Are you a licensed broker/trader?


    No, I am a private trader not a broker, also not Thai.

    I see so how do you trade, with a e-trade account online or some other mode?


    I am working with Refco, IB and Strategyrunner via Internet and phone.

    Interesting, :o

    So do you use Refco Pro? or Strategyrunner to do your trading? Or the Interactive Brokers Group's software TWS. If you are using all three that would seem a little expensive as the signups are high, but they pay well for MLS marketing of the accounts.

    As all 3 are software programs and have all sorts of input output modes and risk management features, the front end being programmable with Real-time audit trails. Using all three would be a nightmare!

    Is this what you are going to do is sell us some software and teach how to use the front end, and show us your model? Or sign us up for accounts with the vendors IP networks?

    I am using Refco Express for Commodity Futures and Spreads, Strategyrunner for the E-minis System Trading and IB for daytrading and Stocks. IB not much during the last 2 years.

    More tomorrow if you want, I am going to sleep now.

  18. If I understand correctly, you plan to operate some kind of training center for Trading stocks, currencies and other commodities and looking for a partner.

    What kind of help do you require?


    I am not opening a training center. I will teach how to trade the markets with the purpose to make money on a regular basis, as a business and as a job.

    I am trading Commodity Futures and Spreads mostly. Sometimes Stockindizes, but no single stocks though its also not a problem to do that.

    I want to offer education by arranging introductions, seminars, private tutorings and support via internet by trading suggestions (for free) or phone.

    I am not selling signals.

    I am teaching when and where to do what and when or where not.

    I hope thats an answer to your question

    I have an economics degree from an Ivy League university and have been trading stocks with Scottrade and forex with OandaFX for years.Could I get in on your infomercial wealth seminars on something so hard as how to hit a button to buy or sell?When and where to do what and when and where not?Sheesh!

    yeah really? But still you´re not profitable or what do you want to say?

  19. Conundrum;

    If one was a red hot trader with a good strategy, why spend valuable time formulating an instruction programme, when one could be making top dollar trading the markets !?

    you know Mooq, a good trader is most of the time NOT trading.

    My strategy is not frozen and to be copied but thats not important for someone who wants to find out if he can make it on himself. Strategies need to be adjusted according to the market condition. Its not a cooking recipy. Purpose is to bring people to a point where they don´t have to read and listen to all the bullshit what they are tempted to by those who can´t make it on their own or just want to earn a quick buck.

    The Financial Industry is the most corruptive in the world and very related to the Media Industry.

    Trading is a business where most are failing who try it without knowing enough.

    What I offer is not stimulation to complete Newbies, its rather for people with some basic skills or for those who have the tendency to step into the bathtube when the water is far too hot.

    It can be a business or at least an additional income for people with not so deep pockets.

    The idea to get rich quickly is very soon forgotten when one understands what the markets are and who is driving them.

    I know many traders, good traders and survivors. Those who can´t make it get washed out quickly and either stop it or become Financial or Technical Analysts or Brokers.

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