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Posts posted by PCA

  1. They have been recommending bgh, banpu, qh and rrc for a few week already. All except rrc have risen substantially. You need to go into their website to find out as to their rationales and chartings. You need to be their clients first to get into that site. They are quite selective on their clients. I have been dealing with them in cash only for many years.


    thx Irene. What they offer drops my interest below zero.


  2. Hi

    Trawling through the web at the minute look at various options for having a dabble with a few Thai stocks. Could somebody please recommend a good broker or online trading site for me to take a look at?

    Many thanks in advance



    My favourites are www.tiscoetrade.com and www.phatradirect.com

    I am happy with both on my online trading. Lately phatra's analysis on some stocks has been spot on. I like both because they advise me at the end of the day my daily committments. You will be surprised other brokers do no advise you of your outcome.

    As to the other post on the comments that Thai stocks are not worth the paper written on, I pity him on his insulting observation without basis and also his lost opportunities. My return todate is 14% todate.

    Hi Irene,

    how is the charting at those companies and what kind of orders do they accept. Maybe you could post or send me a chart of an individual stock, no matter which one.



  3. Ignorance is never appreciated by those that suffer from it the most!


    I find it laughable that you think the U.S. is doing well job wise. Perhaps you should look around you a little more - if you are in the states - then you would see things as they really were and not regurgitate the planned media diet that most sheeple there seem to believe.

    Inflation at only 2.5% - Am I reading this correctly. Do you actually go out and buy things on a daily basis??? Perhaps you should stop reading the garbage the media feeds the unsuspecting public and try to do some research on your own.

    The stock market at all time record highs??? Am I reading this correctly??? Perhaps you should try to do some simple math using inflation and currency depreciation to see just exactly where wall street is historically.

    Give it a little time as fed insiders have just released a major report to all the industry players saying their economy is about to take a right hook and your lovely wall street and their cohorts in the major industries are about to go down for the count.

    Just give it some time and we shall see ...

    Look at the fundamentals -and they will speak volumes for the future of where china and where america will be. I hope you can figure out this part on your own as it will take some work.

    If I have reacted at all - it is because whenever anyone says something that is not overly thai negative many people seem to think the person an anomoly - BUT - when someone says anything negative ala thai - every monkey on the board who agrees jumps in like its a party. I guess seeing things as they are is just too much for some sheeple to handle.


    you get my vote and you are very right. America will not go down that much in my opinnion but one is going to fall and thats either their currency or their economy. The Fed will chose and I want to point out that the Fed is not an institution of the government.

  4. Hi Gary A,

    Trading is a business similar to many others with many advantages though. Why you didnt achieve what you wanted is simply because you didnt bring up discipline, persistance and the appropriate dedication.

    I fully agree when you stand up against statements that illustrate the markets as a tree full with fruits just waiting to get picked.

    Those results Forex was coming up with are possible for the one who is putting the necessary effort into it. But is it that what one can want to sit 24 hours in front of a screen watching bars or candles flying up and down with red eyes? This is the question you have to ask yourself first. What do I want and what am I willed to sacrifice?


  5. Hi Forex,

    a lot of truth in your last post that changed my oppinion partly. But what did we learn? Trade what you see and not what you think. 99% what people talk is useless noise and the usefull things you might consider in your planning but have to immediately forget when you are in the market.

    Wish you success with the new guy and good trades.

    By the way I had never been to CM (shame on me after more than 10 years Thailand) and will check it out soon. Gotta go for a beer or 2 if you want. One friend of mine (he is also a trader) has moved from Phuket to CM just a few months ago. We have been working together since quite a while and if you want I can bring you two together.

    Nevertheless I want to point out one more time that getting new people into the biz is a dangerous thing. Once you enter you can never leave (unless you have to) - just like Thailand, hehehe.



  6. Forex,

    well well, your buddy must be really stupid or rich enough in that case. Anyway I share the same experience when I brought one friend of mine into trading. Got him all the basics and important stuff to study and he was playing online poker all day and screwing chicks in the night, really funny but seemingly its not everyone's field and some people dont even recognize gold holding it in their hands. Unfortunately I couldnt show him a 1000% up party per year so he might have started with the wrong expectations.

    Back to your stuff now, I am pretty sure that you are not a trader and if then you are not profitable.

    Well not 100% sure I must admit. If working with you I would also not do what you say simply because you make your money, if any with a kind of system that is not going to survive the rapidly changing markets. Beyond that it sounds so simple that you can basically employ a monkey to press the button for certain if-then scenarios.

    I know many traders, profitable and wannabes. Not a single one of the profitable guys talks about the biz like you do (at least not anymore).

    I knew a Forextrader playing only the reports where markets usually ex- or implode. He is not with us anymore and therefore I want to tell that getting unskilled people into the markets by such encouraging statements is simply irresponsible as you never know whats going on in the mind of others. There are gamblers breeded and not businessmen.

    Next point is why here? Because you want to work in Thailand and think you have a get quick rich sheme? Go to elitetrader.com and release your dust there. You gonna be cut in pieces within 2 hours. In case all your things are true and retraceable there are many Forex boys who gonna travel to your place and check it out just for fun.

    Final sentence: I wish that you achieve what you want without causing damage to others.

  7. Hi PCA,

    tks. Trust in yourself , everybody can acheive the same kind of results like me (or even better) if you know the game well and follow its rules. .............See , if you got 500$ invested in forex, then you learn to make 5$ profit on it every day (which you can acheive by trading just 1 unit of eurousd or gbpusd or audusd or nzdusd and making 5 pips. everyday the market normally moves 200 points in each of these pairs, u can certainly make 5 pips) , or may be 25 $ profit in 1 week (for which you need to make 25 pips profit with any of the previously mentioned pairs) .............so u see u r making 5% in a week........now after making a profit of total 500$ you start trading 2 units........then again after u make another 500 $ profit (i.e. your equity becomes 1500$) you trade 3 units ..........thus go on trading 1 units for each 500 $ u got in your account.........5000 /500 = 10 units........14500/500=29 units etc. ....................If you follow technique then in the 1st year your initial deposit of 500$ will become 4000$, in 2nd year the 4000$ will grow to 48250$ and in the 3rd year it will grow to around 600000 $.......................... Do you think its possible or not............it is very much possible, but you have to work smartly for that (no hard work, smart work).......... and don't depend on any so called systems, which the websites are selling...........create your own system and follow it............stick with your system.....

    Hi Forex,

    nice to hear you are that successfull. I could never achieve such a return with forex and was permanently cheated from every broker I used. Nevertheless lets see what you got here.


    Hi Forex,

    if you can make 40k out of 4k with Forex you should be able to make 900 out of your 90 now. One year of hard work and you shouldnt risk involving an assistant and fear that he gonna share or widespread that magic stuff and making it not working anymore therewith.

    I am a fulltime trader for 11 years now, trading many markets from the 1 minute to the monthly chart . Be it Gold, Oil, Meat, Softs, Grain, Currencies, Bonds, Spreads, Options or Stocks. But as I said: Forex I could not master until today. So how we gonna start?

    Hi PCA, I don't have any majic stuff !!!!!! The kind of opportunities I look for are not for 100 or more pips.........what I do is, whenever I take a trade (which I always take with a big volume ) I make sure that the market will not go against my position a lot and I will not need to go thro the floating losses. To catch such kind of situation I need to constantly monitor the markets. Now to do it alone its not a easy job. I can work maximum for 15 to 16 hours a day full week.....but this ###### market never sleeps...... so I need an assistant to fill out the gap of these hours when I am resting, sleeping, eating lunch n dinner............particularly when I will take a position and then the market is literally stopped moving ( as it happens many times in the late us market till europe opens) in such time I need someone to wake me up incase the merket moves.........See I cannot go to sleep by keeping open a few million dollars position open ......stops and limits cannot do what human eyes can do.....!!!!!before when I turned my initial 300 $ into 90k the tricks I used were different, u see now I have become more experienced as a trader and want to use the best tricks and avoid using risky techniques..........

    If u r interested, n if u r in thailand, let me know how and when n where can we meet .....may be we can work together........giving knowledge only increases your knowledge so i don't mind sharing my techniques with others.........

    Sure we can meet and talk about it. I gonna be in Bkk in August or July and I assume that you live there. Myself staying in Phuket am travelling at the moment in Europe and N-Africa. Sure I am interested in easy money, only a fool is not. If you want we can basically start right away as I am trading everywhere I go, also currencies at the moment.


  8. Hi PCA,

    tks. Trust in yourself , everybody can acheive the same kind of results like me (or even better) if you know the game well and follow its rules. .............See , if you got 500$ invested in forex, then you learn to make 5$ profit on it every day (which you can acheive by trading just 1 unit of eurousd or gbpusd or audusd or nzdusd and making 5 pips. everyday the market normally moves 200 points in each of these pairs, u can certainly make 5 pips) , or may be 25 $ profit in 1 week (for which you need to make 25 pips profit with any of the previously mentioned pairs) .............so u see u r making 5% in a week........now after making a profit of total 500$ you start trading 2 units........then again after u make another 500 $ profit (i.e. your equity becomes 1500$) you trade 3 units ..........thus go on trading 1 units for each 500 $ u got in your account.........5000 /500 = 10 units........14500/500=29 units etc. ....................If you follow technique then in the 1st year your initial deposit of 500$ will become 4000$, in 2nd year the 4000$ will grow to 48250$ and in the 3rd year it will grow to around 600000 $.......................... Do you think its possible or not............it is very much possible, but you have to work smartly for that (no hard work, smart work).......... and don't depend on any so called systems, which the websites are selling...........create your own system and follow it............stick with your system.....

    Hi Forex,

    nice to hear you are that successfull. I could never achieve such a return with forex and was permanently cheated from every broker I used. Nevertheless lets see what you got here.


    Hi Forex,

    if you can make 40k out of 4k with Forex you should be able to make 900 out of your 90 now. One year of hard work and you shouldnt risk involving an assistant and fear that he gonna share or widespread that magic stuff and making it not working anymore therewith.

    I am a fulltime trader for 11 years now, trading many markets from the 1 minute to the monthly chart . Be it Gold, Oil, Meat, Softs, Grain, Currencies, Bonds, Spreads, Options or Stocks. But as I said: Forex I could not master until today. So how we gonna start?

  9. Cheated by brokers? How so?

    Forex is an unregulated market and the very majority of Forex Brokers have very low trading volume. Unlike at the CME and Globex where you have an orderbook and everything is settled with tickets (electronic these days) with forex you fully depend on if your broker wants to give you a fill and at which price. He basically can cheat you on every single trade and there is nothing you can do about.

    So when your Forex broker is telling you that there is more liquidity and volume than in the futures markets this is only true for exotic currencies (which you probably dont want to trade actively) but not for the major pairs EC,YJ,CAD,AD,SF,BP

    Under these conditions it is almost impossible to make money with daytrading forex. Given the chance that you are good and still profitable you will have your broker working against you because you are only trading with him and he sits on the other side of your trade. So he will cheat you and nothing you can do against it.

  10. "In your case I would go to a private bank which is specialized in currencies and global government bonds...You can expect a return of 10-30% a year."

    A list, please, of government bonds that return 30% per year. Thanks!

    i am interested too :o

    Starting a question with cutting out one essential point of my initial message shows already a lack of interest.

    Though I know your motivation for this, anyway there are others reading so here we go.

    It is not the yield in government bonds what makes the performance but the move in the currencies be it based on seasonality, economic or political situations or simply corellation studies in combination with the yield.

    The pros are using that studies since decades and invest there accordingly. So you want to have an attractive bond yield filtered with a confirming move in the underlying currency. You have to stay in the bonds depending on maturity starting from 3 months. The specialists for example at the banks I mentioned are offering during the time you are invested in the bonds a hedge for the risk part of the currency in case both investments (and they are 2) dont get along like expected. They have various ways and basket models for doing that.

    Looking for 30% yield bonds you might find them but with an immense currency risk and they are not the ones to look for. I said between 10 and 30% performance a year. So put your glittering bank brochures in the trash and either become a specialist or let one work for you.

  11. As for the stock market being a gamble, so is getting out of bed each morning.

    The stock market is a losing game for the small private investors in the long run and it always was. The problem is that you are buying too much of an illusion by looking back to historical price developments. Millions of stocks and thousands of funds come and go like the people participating in the markets. It is a permanent washout and ripping off idiots who have absolutely no idea about the markets but start smelling a fast buck and get trapped in a casino. You dont know when to get in, you dont know when to get out, you dont have a plan and so you gonna blow your money away like 95% of the rest. One leaves and two come.

    In your case I would go to a private bank which is specialized in currencies and global government bonds. They select investment opportunities (3 month up to a few years) based on economic fundamentals + seasonl currency fluctuations. You can expect a return of 10-30% a year.

    There is one bank in Denmark (Jyske) and they are the best worldwide. Another one is the Everbank in USA which you would probably like to avoid due to taxation issues.

  12. Brokers are safe. They dont pay you much of an interest if any but they are safe. Nobody of the traders, accountholders for example at Refco has lost one single dime.


    = BULL_STIH² ! one more clown who spreads rubbish :o

    Then please help me find the $55 from my Refco account. If I spent a great deal more money in phone calls, mail, and more importantly, time, I may be able to get it back. As far as I'm concerned, that ammounts to 550 "single dimes" lost and I pity other account holders who had more substantial money tied up with them. It's funny how I keep getting solicitaion emails from FXCM, whom Refco was a subsidiary. No thanks, <deleted> me once shame on you, <deleted> me twice shame on me!

    Kudos for calling it like it is Dr. Naam!

    really, you spent 550 bucks to get 55 back? Wow. Are you a private trader using a Refco account

    for settle and clear your orders? I still work together with my Refco Brokers. PM me your account number and they will check that. Shouldnt be a problem as you have nothing to hide or to lose there.

    Not to understand this wrong, I am not taking party of Refco here and all the sh.t what was going on there.

    There are thousand things to say about Forex and Forex"brokerage" but I dont really get the context in your message here.

  13. I have more money than you, I make more money than you and I kick your ass in every market in any time frame. How does that sound to you?

    it sounds terrifying that you are able to look into my portfolio and compare my holdings with yours. are you a clairvoyant or do you possess a crystal ball? can you tell me what trading hours you use that i can avoid your kicking my ass in the markets?

    now go to Mama and tell her you made again an ass of yourself.


    Oh you bad boy, I am really depressed now. I doubt that Mama can help me here so I will rather go to see the Doctor.

  14. Come on children, please play nice, or the mods will close the thread (maybe about time actually!)

    Unless you disagree with what I said in my previous post, Dr Naam and PCA, you are both right. You are just talking about different things.

    Its not about being right or being wrong. Its about how all is presented and how one gets treated after posting more or less useable informations. When a wannabe professor is not able to show some respect to other posts especially in a field where he doesnt have the slightest idea what is going on then it is normal to drag it to a personal level. (Which I didnt start with the little Doc here.) Financials is a very wide range topic and nobody knows everything. Essential is to develop ones own thoughts. Oppinions are important and very good to learn that they are/were mostly wrong or not leading to the projected results while being right. Thats all about it, reaction is asked and not philisophy. Ok, peace from my side now.

    This might be a case of the pot calling the kettle black ?

    He said:

    "i strongly beg to differ! for a private investor bid/ask spreads and trading fees are much too high and price fluctuations of bonds too low in order to achieve any profit in day trading. "

    which was polite, to the point, and correct if I may say so, and then you went off at him rather strongly to say the least.

    The subsquent replies by both of you are shameful.

    yeah, was my fault since that little discrepancy started actually in another thread on the same topic field. You cant know that of course. Therefore I apologize to you and all others here reading and posting (except 1 of course :o )

  15. Come on children, please play nice, or the mods will close the thread (maybe about time actually!)

    Unless you disagree with what I said in my previous post, Dr Naam and PCA, you are both right. You are just talking about different things.

    Its not about being right or being wrong. Its about how all is presented and how one gets treated after posting more or less useable informations. When a wannabe professor is not able to show some respect to other posts especially in a field where he doesnt have the slightest idea what is going on then it is normal to drag it to a personal level. (Which I didnt start with the little Doc here.) Financials is a very wide range topic and nobody knows everything. Essential is to develop ones own thoughts. Oppinions are important and very good to learn that they are/were mostly wrong or not leading to the projected results while being right. Thats all about it, reaction is asked and not philisophy. Ok, peace from my side now.

  16. Man you are really funny. Where is all the great wisdom from? Bid/ask is narrow for the spot month and fees are fractions of those that you pay.

    Who or what do you want to advise here? You claimded that your few shots for 30 years were mostly lucky in hindsight. Collecting informations (all crap) digesting and blowing it out with your own 2 cents is not more than an oppinion (not even your own) entirely useless when it comes to make decistions in the financial markets.

    Yes and do me a favor and stop quoting my posts when you just want to criticize them.

    i am quite aware of that. all little boys who have no money in their pockets and are therefore trying to make a buck or two trading options or futures keep on telling me so.


    QUOTE(PCA @ 2007-04-01 01:19:49) Bonds (Government bonds) are also excellent markets for both, day- and position trading.

    by the way, i did not criticize you but only proved that you spread rubbish. :D

    What did you prove, you are so poor in your thoughts that you dont realize what crap you are releasing.

    I am not 30 years in the market thats the only advantage you refer to. I have more money than you, I make more money than you and I kick your ass in every market in any time frame. How does that sound to you?

  17. Bonds (Government bonds) are also excellent markets for both, day- and position trading.

    i strongly beg to differ! for a private investor bid/ask spreads and trading fees are much too high and price fluctuations of bonds too low in order to achieve any profit in day trading.

    edited for grammar :o

    Man you are really funny. Where is all the great wisdom from? Bid/ask is narrow for the spot month and fees are fractions of those that you pay.

    Who or what do you want to advise here? You claimded that your few shots for 30 years were mostly lucky in hindsight. Collecting informations (all crap) digesting and blowing it out with your own 2 cents is not more than an oppinion (not even your own) entirely useless when it comes to make decistions in the financial markets.

    Yes and do me a favor and stop quoting my posts when you just want to criticize them.

    PCA, it sounds a lot like you are not talking about government bonds at all, but rather about futures on government bonds ? I've never seen or heard the terminology of "spot month" in relation to government bonds (it doesn't really make any sense) - only in futures (where the more usual terminology is "front month". And of course you are right about the bid/ask and trading commissions on futures. However, a big distinction should be made between government bonds and futures on government bonds.

    Amen and agreed.

    My post was more a reply to Khun Bob's post asking about Forex and that stuff. I have stated that Bonds are good markets for daytrading and for position trading, actually all readable in my post before.

    Daytrading of course applies to the Futures Contracts, so here's my apology for/if widespreading confusion.

    Fact is that one should read all posts in context as a whole and reply as constructive as possible and not driven by lime light emotions. With the last sentence I don't mean you sonic.

  18. Bonds (Government bonds) are also excellent markets for both, day- and position trading.

    i strongly beg to differ! for a private investor bid/ask spreads and trading fees are much too high and price fluctuations of bonds too low in order to achieve any profit in day trading.

    edited for grammar :o

    Man you are really funny. Where is all the great wisdom from? Bid/ask is narrow for the spot month and fees are fractions of those that you pay.

    Who or what do you want to advise here? You claimded that your few shots for 30 years were mostly lucky in hindsight. Collecting informations (all crap) digesting and blowing it out with your own 2 cents is not more than an oppinion (not even your own) entirely useless when it comes to make decistions in the financial markets.

    Yes and do me a favor and stop quoting my posts when you just want to criticize them.

  19. All - this is off topic - but this thread has soem well educated and informed people contributing to it. If I wanted to learn about forex and bond markets and how to trade in them to potentially my advantage, where would be the best places to look for resources and to get initial experience in this ?

    Hope you can cast me a few good leads, as I aspire to do what you are doing...

    Thanks in advance


    if you want to trade currencies then dont go to start with Forex. All Forex Brokers are bucket shops. Forex is an unregulated market and the so called advantage of no fees but only the pip Spread to pay is a very dangerous trap.

    The easiest way to trade currencies is with the futures contracts at the CME. Best and most profitable strategy therefore especially for beginners is trading Currency Spreads like the example shown below. There are a few trades for different Currency pairs with low risk/high reward ratios based on seasonality every year. Margin requirements are reduced compared to trading outright futures and those Spreads trend more often, nicer, safer and even more dramatically most of the time.

    Absolutely keep your fingers from intraday trading the outrights unless you really know what you are doing.

    Bonds (Government bonds) are also excellent markets for both, day- and position trading. Corporate bonds are good for medium to long term investments chosen on your risk profile.


  20. Inflation is high, very high actually and those who dont feel and see it yet are either blind, dumb or both.

    As an expat living here one might not be hit hard on the wallet while having many chances to save at one or the other side of expenses.

    More scary is that it hurts the Thais by themselves. Since we are no more than paying guests, as hard as it sounds, we get also treated like that with little to no rights and jealousy on our life style.

    So finally less purchasing power of the Thais and it hits the very majority of them leads to growing hate against the "rich" and especially on the foreigners.

    Thats another valid aspect of inflation beyond price change. Just think about it.

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