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Posts posted by PCA

  1. thanks for your concern...

    fortunately it has helped me to trade profitably.... amazing eh...?

    anyway back to my charts...and all that smoke and mirrors stuff...

    see ya...

    yeah you should, lot of work ahead of you. It's a lonely business but if you work hard enough one day you really might trade profitably.smile.png

    yep you're dead right.. its a lot of work and a lonely business....sounds like you might have tried it once..

    how did you get on?

    hang on.. maybe I can guess....

    I am usually on the other side of your trades so I help you guessing, before you came to the playground I did the same thing with the boy running the board you recommended first.tongue.png

  2. for anyone interested in a purely technical take on markets based on Fibonacci levels have a look at this site (can we post links?)

    eminiaddict . com

    there is a free video offering trading potential for next day...you can click on chapters tab to jump between SPX, DOW, currencies and gold at end..

    he has a live chat room but it is subscription..has helped me.

    good luck..

    Fibonacci numbers are like any others just numbers. Big traders and market makers use them to determine what the "fools" are going to do next in order to screw them. This applies as well to any other kind of technical/mathematically derived indicator and Technical Analysis in general. By following those things or using them as entry/exit criteria you are building up the believe that the market owes you something but it doesn't.

  3. Thank you for your reply.

    Actually, I should have clarified, I am interested specifically about the visa and legal aspects of starting this kind of business in Thailand.

    present it as kind of yoga stuff and you'll get around the hurdles. Even better is to create your own name for this treatment style and therewith bring something new to the market. For sure there are ways for you and if you have something to offer which you are claiming then don't get put down from the comments you got here so far. This is only titled as Business and Investment Forum and if you take a glance through most of the threads you will understand what i mean.

  4. You have my email mate. nothing has changed. smile.png

    How are you doing on the trades i am sending? longtime no see. thought you were fishing and not trading,

    think you are confusing me, once in a while I have a Chivas thoughsmile.png .

    Hmmmm, got pissed on it at 15, can not stand the smell, let alone drunk it. smile.png

    I do like it as a last drink because it lets me stop after easily, most other whiskeys flow too easybiggrin.png

  5. Today I have been requested by a signal service company to stop providing trades on Thaivisa as they have been monitoring my trades for sometime. About 1 yr. In a world of money good things for free are becoming harder to find. So will see what happens as the offer will need to be pretty good as i don't need any stress or even need to trade at all.

    Hope some of you have benefitted from the thread.

    A black day for Chivastongue.png

    You have my email mate. nothing has changed. smile.png

    How are you doing on the trades i am sending? longtime no see. thought you were fishing and not trading,

    think you are confusing me, once in a while I have a Chivas thoughsmile.png .

  6. Today I have been requested by a signal service company to stop providing trades on Thaivisa as they have been monitoring my trades for sometime. About 1 yr. In a world of money good things for free are becoming harder to find. So will see what happens as the offer will need to be pretty good as i don't need any stress or even need to trade at all.

    Hope some of you have benefitted from the thread.

    A black day for Chivastongue.png

  7. I think each account is covered for 10.000.000 Baht by the Thai government.

    If that means you also gonne see money in case of a foreclosure is something completely different.

    Wrong! The amount covered by the government is 50M baht. There was talk about changing to 1M, but the amount was left unchanged. @ OP I think you should tell your bank, that they are talking a lot of garbage. Since the financial crisis here in 1997, no Thai banks have gone bust, but plenty of banks in Europe and the US.ermm.gif

    How sure are you of those figures?

    I always believed it to be 1.25 MB in Thailand and £75,000 in the UK (but I could be mistaken).

    Yes I am sure, but as mentioned theres was a lot of talk about changing it, to that extent that people started to open account in many different banks to be covered by the guarantee. But then came the Euro-crisis and the government left the guarantee-amount unchanged to attract money from the Eurozone.

    do you have a source for this claim? I would bet my ass on that the figure is much much lower than 50 and half of my ass that it is also much much lower than 10 Mill.

  8. Connections are reasonable stable. Considering you take daytrading seriously you have a back up line and mobile phone at hand. Disregard the work permit nonsense.

    2 lines hardly break down at the same time and in case there is a power black out you have your phone to call the trade desk (putting stops in place might also be an optionsmile.png ). Have been trading here since almost 15 years and even that time internet was good enough.

    • Like 1
  9. We dont ,its very hard to earn a living here for a Falang ,most of us have investments and pensions,thats why so many of us are older.

    Thailand is a big drain for all our money, you just don't know it till is too late

    You are dead right there, I am bankrupt, well nearly.

    Not true. I came here 2.5 years ago and have more money now than when I first arrived. My money grows most months. It's difficult to overspend here, as most things are pretty cheap compared to back home.

    well, as you stated above you made/make your money abroad so where is the point of your posts in regard to OPs question? Probably nobody is interested to know how much you spend or save here.

    I agree with one of the above posters that good jobs for foreigners in Thailand are rare and if you are not bringing special skills or connections to the table then sorry to say chances are slim.

    Not talking about internet based businesses (which is of course also a special skill) that can be run from anywhere.

  10. So it looks like oil had some funky price action and that immediately spilled over into the gold market


    the move is being investigated by the CFTC


    it's jewish New Year Rosh Hashanah and some other markets had also extraordinary moves as there is usually not much volume and accordingly it is easy to manipulate dramatic moves. Nothing really unusual but hopefully a red mark on next years calendar for unskilled daytraders.

  11. ok then, the target rate of 1.20 has already been in place since April though.

    Since last September.

    let's ask the market, shall we?

    Let's ask the Swiss National Bank, shall we?


    "Monetary policy assessment of 15 September 2011

    Swiss National Bank enforces minimum exchange rate with utmost determination

    The Swiss National Bank will enforce the minimum exchange rate of CHF 1.20 per euro set on 6 September with the utmost determination. It is prepared to buy foreign currency in unlimited quantities. It continues to aim for a three-month Libor at zero and will maintain total sight deposits at the SNB at significantly above CHF 200 billion."

    And the latest news is no change.


    "Monetary policy assessment of 13 September 2012

    Swiss National Bank leaves minimum exchange rate unchanged

    The Swiss National Bank (SNB) is leaving the minimum exchange rate unchanged at CHF 1.20 per euro, and will continue to enforce it with the utmost determination. It remains committed to buying foreign currency in unlimited quantities for this purpose."

    no, I better say nothingtongue.png

  12. German Constitutional Court decided in favour of ESM. Armaggedon postponed, can kicking further down the road continues. outlook for worthless fiat paper positive.

    Gold's falling - this and earlier lower borrowing costs for Spain and Italy kinda confirm my earlier thoughts about the market considering this milestone as the turning point or bottom of the crisis.

    What's the best strategy now?

    High yield bonds?

    Equity indexes?

    Some FX?


    HY bonds (any currency) have been my strategy since i saved the first substantial amount of money to invest; that was 35 years ago. never changed the strategy except accumulating cash too since a few years.

    I need some trends to trade on, because I don't have enough cash to live on interest, even high yield, and I will soon have even less cash because of a divorce...

    you might want to look into Commodity Spreads and Outrights. When many other markets don't trend they do and it's a nice diversification to Currency and Stock Market plays.

  13. Yes, went out at 1.03, then I made some cash with gold, and I have been flat for a week now, sitting on CHF and I still don't know what to do with it.

    EUR strenghtening against CHF is the weirdest thing I saw in the past months, I can only explain it with CHF massively flowing into EUR.

    AUD free fall stopped... well it has just been a couple of days, let's see what the trend is.

    I wonder if the constitutional court will withdraw Germany's support to the ECB or not. Isn't the verdict due Sep. 12th?

    No, not weird. The SNB have deliberately been entering the market and selling CHF against EUR. Their target rate is 1.1

    You can take CHF off the safe haven list unless you think the EUR will disappear, but even then the SNB will have a few shedloads of EUR to dispose of.

    what???? Where would you have that weird information from?

    Here are two link references. One from the WSJ and the other from Bloomberg. My one error is that the official target rate is 1.2 and not 1.1.



    ok then, the target rate of 1.20 has already been in place since April though.

  14. Yes, went out at 1.03, then I made some cash with gold, and I have been flat for a week now, sitting on CHF and I still don't know what to do with it.

    EUR strenghtening against CHF is the weirdest thing I saw in the past months, I can only explain it with CHF massively flowing into EUR.

    AUD free fall stopped... well it has just been a couple of days, let's see what the trend is.

    I wonder if the constitutional court will withdraw Germany's support to the ECB or not. Isn't the verdict due Sep. 12th?

    No, not weird. The SNB have deliberately been entering the market and selling CHF against EUR. Their target rate is 1.1

    You can take CHF off the safe haven list unless you think the EUR will disappear, but even then the SNB will have a few shedloads of EUR to dispose of.

    what???? Where would you have that weird information from?

  15. I always thought Fatty's was good on the portions but low on the quality

    Wrong. In fact, the portions are not huge, only the plates themselves. Quality of the food is very good, and importantly, is consistent every time you go there. Not always easy to get a table after 7 p.m. any evening, regardless of the 'season', which wouldn't be the case were my views not shared by the majority.

    Id say a big majority there are Muay Thai fighters who are there for a good price and a big meal, not necessarily the finest dining in Phuket. I will give it another try though

    I agree with you: good size portions, but on the lower end quality wise.

    same experience here, tried twice and off the list it went. To be fair highlight was the home made rye bread which he doesn't sell over the street, I wont go for just a butter bread though.

  16. I do understand .......

    but wonder why the government didn't pay off the unemployed alcoholics debts directly, instead of bailing out the banks.

    (as then all the drunks wouldn't be homeless and living in tents, and the banks wouldn't be owning worthless empty houses)

    The problem would still have existed. The drunks probably were all homeless and living in tents anyway, but the problem really is that these worthless debts (which as you suggest could have been paid off earlier) have created lots of paper securities (which are basically worthless) but which are viewed as a sound investment. So long as they are demanded and sold and rise in price and value as assets the whole charade continues.

    Paying off the original debt at this stage doesn't stop the collapse and unemployment of those firms whose balance sheets are made up of the worthless paper.

    By the way banks love to see complicated paper bonds rated AA. They hate drunks with no money. They are also staffed by greedy people who want to earn bonuses by selling the paper bonds. All the poor drunks want is to drink themselves to death!!

    just wondered why you opened this thread double you are not one of Helga's customers, are you?w00t.gif

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