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Posts posted by Misterwhisper

  1. I paid a visit to the posh new Thai Rak Thai Party headquarters when it opened on New Petchburi Road while Thaksin was in power. It was surreal, to say the least.


    The whole length of the main hallway walls were hung with a gallery of Thaksin pictures. At the far end stood a life-sized mock-up of him surrounded by small altars decorated with flowers and candles.


    Then there was the "Thaksin Library", choke-full with books allegedly authored by him - and on every subject imaginable. "He must've spent a fortune on ghostwriters," was my first reaction.


    I thought this personality cult quite unsettling, reminiscent of what is practiced in North Korea or Turkmenistan.


    Now... just imagine the Thai Rak Thai successor party, Pheua Thai, would've dedicated a "Yingluck Library". It would've brimmed with titles like:

    - "My Life with Burberry Wellingtons"

    - "The 101 of Daily Business Luncheons"

    - "How to Head a Family Business Without Actually Knowing Anything About Business"

    - "The Puppet and the Master - a Novel Centered on Montenegro"


    Yes, she was removed by an illegal coup d'etat. Nobody is disputing that, and it is indeed a deplorable and criminal to remove a democratically elected government in such a way.


    Yet... instead of standing up to the junta Yingluck opted to do a cowardly runner just like her brother. If she had stayed, maybe - just maybe - things would look differently today and Mr. P and his cronies would've long gone.


    That she now deflects from her responsibility for the disastrous rice subsidy scheme only goes to show her lack of class. May I remind everybody: Though being chairwoman of the committee that oversaw and directed that subsidy program, she did NOT ONCE attend a meeting. Moreover, she KNEW that several ministers in her cabinet filled their pockets by siphoning off subsidy funds. yet she did nothing!


    And Thaksin himself... well, he had absolutely no scruples sacrificing his own sister so he could pull the strings from behind the curtain (or rather, from abroad).     

  2. "The CSD police are continuing an investigation to identify the businessman who ordered the smuggling operation, although the unnamed Chinese national is believed to be operating from overseas and not in Thailand."


    Go for the locals then. Should be easy to track back by interrogating the driver.


    Somebody caught these monkeys, somebody packed them into the crates, somebody loaded them onto the truck.


    And I bet there is a very close "associate" of this mysterious "Chinese businessman" right here in Thailand. All these little helpers had to be hired, had to be paid.


    My second bet is that the local associate at the very bottom of this disgusting trade is doing this at grand scale - and has been doing this for years. Somebody has become very, very wealthy by engaging in this.


    Also don't forget the local police and officials that are involved. A large illegal wildlife trafficking operation such as this cannot stay completely under the radar for long.


    Everybody's been making dirty money. And everybody should pay for it!

    • Like 1
  3. The Chinese were flustered when the world came to call that nasty critter the "Chinese virus" or the "Wuhan flu".


    While the rest of the world addressed the horse by its name and called the UK variant the... uhm... "UK variant", the English themselves preferred to call it the "Kent variant".


    And now the Thai government has just announced that they detest the "Thai variant" to be called such, and that it should instead be called the "Egyptian variant".


    The "Indian variant" itself is still known as such... but perhaps only because the Indian government can be a little slow sometimes. Will be interesting to see how THEY are going to deflect.


    I still say it should be collectively called the "Chinese virus", for that's where it originated. And I don't give a toss how "flustered" Xi Jin-ping and his comrades may be over it.


    However, I am rather surprised that this virus seems to have such extraordinary longevity. Usually, anything that comes out of China only lasts around three months before breaking down or becoming malfunctional.

    • Haha 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Sydebolle said:

    Well, the Ministry of Inactive Posts must have seen quite a rise of additions; I mean you're not driving 1'000kms through the Land of Fidelity and Somtam and all the police are busy hunting gangster, hookers, bookies and drug dealers ....... or am I wrong again? 



    You might be right -- if only I could comprehend a single word of what you're trying to imply.

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