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Posts posted by Misterwhisper

  1. Finally an assessment that is closer to reality than the wishful thinking assorted government agencies and dubious "analysts" have disseminated practically on a weekly basis for the past 20 months or so.


    Here are a few more facts that I believe are in the books:


    Rather than immediately jumping on a long-haul flight as soon as countries open up again, the vast majority of European vacationers for the foreseeable future are going to opt for "sun and beach" destinations that are not only closer to home but also very affordable for family holidays: Spain, Portugal, Tunisia, Turkey, Greece, Cyprus, Morocco.


    As far as North Americans are concerned, a quite similar pattern will emerge: Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean.


    Destinations in Southeast Asia, such as Thailand, the Philippines and Vietnam foremost are going to attract regional visitors, e.g. from China (no surprise there!), India, Japan, and South Korea for the same reason: they simply are closer to home.


    Flight ticket prices are going to be more expensive than before for the average traveler, thus a more careful choice in the actual travel destination will become prudent. Personally, I think the days of $800 economy class return tickets between Europe and Southeast Asia will be over for a long time.  

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  2. Breaking News indeed.


    This persistent situation where one official is saying one thing just to be contradicted by yet another official the next day, only to be overturned yet once more by a third official on the day thereafter is really breaking me.


    On the other hand, it is eerily similar to the situation that apparently no centralized database for foreigners seems to exist --- in 2021 --- in a country that not too long ago hosted up to 39 million foreign tourists a year --- in a country that CURRENTLY still hosts tens if not hundreds of thousands of foreign residents, retirees, expats and stranded tourists. 

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  3. Why don't these monks just simply wear amulets? -- You know, the very same amulets that THEY produce, THEY consecrate, THEY claim to protect against anything from gunshot wounds to car accidents to serious illnesses, and which THEY sell to the gullible public.


    Sorry for my cynicism. Just couldn't help it.

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    • Haha 1
  4. 4 hours ago, smedly said:

    really ?, sounds more like plausible deniability, this shipment could very easily be traced all the way back to its source in Thailand

    Don't be so sure about it. In Thailand it will take 6 committees that take several months to find out where the shipment originated. Following that, another committee (supervised and guided by yet another committee) is going to check whether the conclusions reached by the first 6 committees are sound.


    By which time the alleged shipper of the consignment will have long embarked on a "vaccination holiday" -- never to return.

  5. I fail to see the scientific correlation by numbers between vaccinations administered to the local population and tourist arrivals. Sorry.


    It's like these "analysts" are comparing the vaccination/tourist arrival relationship with the laying out of sugar cubes to attract ants. You know...


    - 1 sugar cube attracts 100 ants, hence...

    - 10 sugar cubes attract 1,000 ants, and so forth.


    I'd expect such brilliant mind flashes to come from 6-year-olds but certainly not from supposedly adult, trained "economic analysts". 

    • Thanks 1
  6. I fail to see the scientific correlation by numbers between vaccinations administered to the local population and tourist arrivals. Sorry.


    It's like these "analysts" are comparing the vaccination/tourist arrival relationship with the laying out of sugar cubes to attract ants. You know...


    - 1 sugar cube attracts 100 ants, hence...

    - 10 sugar cubes attract 1,000 ants, and so forth.


    I'd expect such brilliant mind flashes to come from 6-year-olds but certainly not from supposedly adult, trained "economic analysts". 

  7. 13 minutes ago, NanLaew said:


    “An honorary ambassador in any branch or organization must have a clear, scrupulous history and behavior that represents their country,”


    This ROFLMAO moment brought to you by Narisroj Fuangrabil, former Thai ambassador to Argentina.

    Without doubt Narisroj was referring to people with a "clear, scrupulous history" such as the current deputy minister of agriculture and cooperatives, a shining beacon of honesty, transparency and decency. I mean, who is better suited to "represent their country" than a convicted heroin trafficker?

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