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Posts posted by Misterwhisper

  1. 6 hours ago, mikosan said:

    To cover those points and more would require a proper and thorough investigation.  I doubt that has happened.  That said, I imagine they would have to provide enough evidence for a prima facie case.

    As some posters have pointed out, most of the questions I posed (and several more) have already been answered sometime in the past. It's just that these details were not included in the Mirror article.


    So, yes, if there is DNA evidence, if the suspect and the victim (still alive at that time) traveled to Kanchanaburi together, and if the stones used to weigh down the dismembered body were indeed purchased by the suspect, the entire picture changes.


    I think there is now definitely a case. 

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  2. 2 hours ago, ezzra said:

    I wonder whether Thai people clean the supermarket shelves from toilet papers like people do in Australia that no one understand why they do that...

    Probably not. But they'll surely clear all shelves of Mama noodles. Just as Australians seem to be unable to survive a few days without toilet paper, Thai people are incapable of surviving without instant noodles. At the same, for some expat posters in this forum its apparently inconceivable to survive without beer -- and regardless whether there's a virus pandemic going on or not.


  3. 4 hours ago, webfact said:

    And the health minister is central to the ongoing fight. 

    Yeah, yeah, what would we do, where would we be without this beacon of wisdom and rationality, this paradigm of professionalism and competence, this shining light of efficacious planning and foresight, this champion of transparency and uncompromising honesty. He deserves a bronze statue in a park for his tireless efforts, unparalleled humanity and unceasing charity.   

  4. 17 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

    The baht plummeted from Bt25 per US dollar to around Bt50 before eventually recovering to the Bt30-Bt32 level we see now.

    Yes, "eventually"


    I distinctly recall that it stood at 45 - 46 for a couple of years before recovering to 36 - 38, a level where it remained for at least half a decade. It then climbed further, staying at around 33 for a few years hence.


    So all in all, that "eventual" level of 30 - 32 took more than a decade to attain..

  5. Thank you, Thai government in association with the always trustworthy and entirely unbiased NNT. Full of deflections and pointing the blame finger at others as usual, your statement reads exactly like something the Chinese Communist Party would release. You've learned well from them. Congratulations!


    I wonder if Burmese slave workers on Thai fishing trawlers will rather believe the TIP report or the Thai government deflection piece.

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