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Posts posted by Misterwhisper

  1. 16 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

    Police arrested four men for allegedly possessing 3.5 million methamphetamine pills and suspected them of actively trafficking illicit drugs in Nonthaburi and Pathum Thani provinces.

    So... did they possess them or not? Why "allegedly"?

    And as per the "suspected" trafficking... noooo, I am sure they intended to consume all 3.5 million pills themselves.

  2. 22 hours ago, webfact said:

    Two got two months in jail, halved to one month then suspended for six months. 


    Two were going through the youth courts and warnings had been issued to their parents about their offsprings' future conduct.


    In the second case 3 youth were arrested by the Wang Nam Yen police in Sa Kaeo on May 26th with the parents warned and promises about their future good behavior made. 

    In other words: They ALL are racing again.

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  3. 1 hour ago, judokrab said:

    It’s Dollars. Not Baht. 

    You are correct. My mistake. of course it's $.


    So that would make it THB206,000 minimum monthly income WITHOUT degree,

    and THB103,000 minimum monthly income WITH degree.


    Doesn't change anything in the strange logic, though. Unless it's quite common in Thailand that non-degree holders earn double the income of degree holders... which I highly doubt.

  4. And this, dear ladies and gentlemen, is another prime example why surveys conducted in this country are not worth being taken seriously.


    Has it occurred to the good professor that people have cut down on their alcohol consumption because bars and other entertainment places are CLOSED and restaurants are PROHIBITED from serving alcohol?


    And the assumption that alcohol consumption per se could cause contracting the virus is simply idiotic.


    What DOES potentially spread the virus is if groups of drinkers are huddled together and pass around a couple of glasses or plastic cups from which everybody drinks in turn. But that is hardly the case in restaurants or bars, now is it?


    In that context one could just as easily claim that EATING is causing Covid-19... yet only if the diners share the same plates and spoons.


    After this shocker of a moronic survey I really am going to need a stiff drink. And I assure everybody - including that joke of a professor - that I am NOT going to contract Covid-19 because of it. 

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  5. 21 hours ago, webfact said:

    Using an unroadworthy vehicle 400 baht


    Having no registration plate 500 baht


    Contravening emissions regulations 1,000 baht


    Not following the instructions of traffic signs 500 baht


    Having no licence to show 200 baht


    Negligent or "scary" driving 400 baht


    Driving on the footpath 500 baht


    Illegal use of mobile phones (without such things as hands free devices) 400 baht


    Illegally stopping in restricted areas 300 baht


    Finally, they said that there was a 500 baht fine for overtaking on the left a practice known as undertaking. 

    Okay, so... if you race your unroadworthy Toyota Vios with a souped-up engine that spews thick black smoke down a footpath while talking on your mobile phone, undertake several motorcycles in the process, then disregard the no-parking sign before parking on said footpath while at the same time having neither a registration plate nor a driving license, you'll be fined the unimaginable fortune of... let me quickly calculate... 4,700 baht.


    Wow! That's really gonna hurt! 

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