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Posts posted by Misterwhisper

  1. "Sorayuth returned to the news program last month after being released early from an eight-year sentence. Last year, Sorayuth was found guilty of embezzling 138 million baht from the state-run MCOT. In March, he was granted parole after serving 14 months."


    It is really strange who Thai people choose as role models, even to the tune that company shares jump just because a convicted felon returns to his former TV station.


    The other aspect is about ethics, of course. Is it ethical and morally right that a TV station - or in fact any company - re-employs somebody who had embezzled a whopping 138 million? He was NOT cleared of those charges and deemed innocent, but was actually convicted.


    As another poster noted: He is wearing an ankle tracker, has "repaid all the money" and previously proved himself a "capable journalist asking tough questions" of politicians and influential people, exposing their corrupt shenanigans. I am not sure how that is supposed to be a valid argument. If you are a journalist exposing corruption, you better make damn sure that you are not corrupt yourself. And repaying what you had stolen does not make the crime that had been committed disappear.  


    Furthermore, I am wondering how many other "normal" Thai citizens would be granted parole after serving only 1 eighth of their sentence for stealing 4.5 million US$ - and from a state agency, no less.


    Actually, I know of a guy in my neighborhood who went behind bars for 3 years for stealing a mere 1,000 baht from our local mom-and-pop store. He repaid the 1,000 baht, yet still had to sit out the full term, dying shortly after his release due to poor health. No parole for the poor.

    • Like 2
  2. 2 hours ago, kevc said:

    Can't think of one thing Thailand's invented, unless you include cons.


    You forgot the invention of the "sick water buffalo fairytale". It worked perfectly fine 50 years ago, and it is still working perfectly fine today. Now... that's what I call a success story as far as inventions go.

  3. 53 minutes ago, MrJ2U said:

    "UV light disinfecting machine"


    Someone needs to let them know that was invented in the 20th century

    Just you wait! Before you know it they're going to invent an oven that emits a certain type of ultra-short waves that can cook food in seconds; and then they're going to come up with a method to cushion vehicle wheels by "upholstering" them with a rubber tube.

    • Haha 2
  4. How ironic that the parents, grandparents or great-grandparents of 80%+ of the people who concoct these delusional schemes with their fanciful financial requirements once arrived in this promised land as dirt-poor coolies from China, who (even if they tried) would have found it challenging to scrape together 2 (silver) dollars.


    Yet they were permitted to work their way out of abject poverty by the then-Thais, whom they by now have largely assimilated and replaced by taking over entire sectors of the economy for themselves. 

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