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Everything posted by bannork

  1. Covid stopped mass travel for 2 years, this was the beginning of school holidays in the UK so authorities expected a mad rush. Brexit places cumbersome checks on passports,stamps and adding up days spent in the EU. End of freedom of movement.
  2. True, we have to say, like the Tory victory with an 80 seat majority yet only 43% of the electorate voting Conservative, its the will of some of the people. Meanwhile, Liz Truss, you used to speak sense. What went wrong?
  3. UK citizens can now only stay in EU countries for 90 days in a 180 day period. So EU immigration has to check each passport to see how many days left. Plus passports must be valid for at least 6 months.
  4. Thanks for that jvs, but I only found an audio youtube downloader on my add-ons. Thanks to whoever posted Natalie Merchant's songs. Quite a talent. One great singer to another.
  5. But Boris said it was done, an oven ready deal. Boris had fixed it. No need to think about Brexit anymore. As it happens Boris was telling a porkie, one of many to come
  6. Only 37% of the electorate. That's a minority.
  7. Not off topic at all. The 11 are now only two, every day they are announcing their contrasting policies on various issues to woo the blue rinse brigade. Now the Rwanda proposal for Channel migrants has descended into a joke, it will be interesting to see their responses to the inevitable questions from reporters.
  8. I would like to ask the two candidates about the issue of Channel crossing migrants now Rwanda has announced they only have room for a maximum of 200 migrants. In addition, the UK has paid Rwanda £120 million in spite of the fact not one migrant has been sent. Who is responsible for this farce, Patel or Truss?
  9. I'd like to ask the two candidates how they will deal with the inevitable long delays at ports when mandatory biometric checks come into force later this year for all non-EU citizens entering the EU. Everyone will have to get out of their vehicles to be checked. It should make the current six hours wait at Dover seem like the blink of an eye Of course the Tories haven't helped the situation with a cutback on booths' construction.
  10. Isn't it extraordinary that Brexit and its damage to the UK economy, another £10 billion, is not mentioned by either Truss or Sunak?
  11. There were never these delays when we were in the EU, seamless travel and trade as part of the EU. Now we're a third country, an outsider, the red tape, restrictions and prohibitive costs for access are hurting the UK in multiple ways. Brexit- the economic elephant in the room that future leaders of the UK will have to face.
  12. Calling out to fellow posters, especially the regulars. I had to replace my hard drive and consequently lost my Youtube downloader which a few months ago. someone kindly showed out to download from the Youtube video itself, I looked for that post at the beginning of this thread but couldn't find it, perhaps it was in last year's posts. If anyone could post the link, I'd be most grateful. It made downloading so easy.
  13. They can't elect Liz to be PM. It's as plain as day the poor woman is not up to the job. She doesn't know the Black Sea from the Baltic, she believes dogs scare drones, Johnson only supports her to get back at 'treacherous' Sunak and to make himself look better when compared to the future dimmest PM in UK history.
  14. We should start naming heatwaves after fossil fuel companies.
  15. I think the photo was actually taken on Thursday or Friday, not Saturday, prior to heatwave perhaps. They may not be desperately ill but when told a doctor's appointment is weeks or months away, many will head to the A&E.
  16. A long queue of people waiting outside for A&E treatment at Northampton Hospital yesterday.
  17. Oh how the Welsh can sing. I once worked for a chicken wholesaler in Chew Magna near Bristol, he liked to belt out one of the rousing Welsh tunes in the office now and again. I reckon he missed a boozy knees up in a Welsh pub. Chew Magna was, oh so genteel.
  18. Mark Thomas hitting the nail on the head regarding Johnson.
  19. Liz Truss trying to look like Margaret Thatcher in 1979. Hey Liz, the Iron Lady was a big supporter of the Single Market, like you used to be, and will be again.
  20. Why Rees-Mogg supported Brexit
  21. People go on about Sgt Pepper being a revolutionary album but I never saw that. 3 outstanding tracks- Miss LSD in the Sky, Within You/Without You and A Day in the Life, Love some of George's songs from this time
  22. Shin kicking stuff, JVS, superb. On the dance floor everybody! What a band they were .
  23. 200,000 UK citizens have died from Covid during Johnson's tenure whilst he partied. The Tories have been hammered in every recent by- election, even in cast iron seats. The public have shown their disgust for Johnson and his lies. The Tory financiers realised he had turned into a liability so he had to go. The shot economy with rampant inflation and staggering energy price increases is a poisoned chalice for the next Tory leader.
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