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Everything posted by bannork

  1. A new month and the rain is back. About time too!
  2. Jeez, like Dylan, he had a genius for melodies And what a voice!
  3. This song by Lennon is great to play on the guitar.
  4. One of McCartney's best in my view. Great melodic lines, as in the song below.
  5. A potential rival to Boris at cross purposes regarding the US Supreme Court decision on abortion and cross Channel migration
  6. Paul McCartney, 80 years old and he plays for nearly 3 hours at Glastonbury! Extraordinary, maybe the music does always keep us young.
  7. Brexit, intentionally raising trade barriers with your biggest trading partner to result in a 4% drop in GDP, was a uniquely British endeavour.
  8. He's finished, the Tory blue wall MPs' knees will be knocking. If the voters of Tiverton and Honiton, one of the safest Tory seats in the country, can reject the party under Johnson with such vehemence, what will their future in much more marginal seats be? And who to replace him in these catastrophic times with inflation and the crippling effects of Brexit rendering the UK the sick man of Europe? The Cabinet possesses only weasels, toeing the hard-line anti EU rhetoric nonsense demanded by Johnson's backers. The Conservative heartland despise Johnson and the northern working class of the Red Wall are realising the Tories take care of the CEOs pay packets much more than the working class' struggle against the cost of living increases
  9. Alvin Lee, giving us the buzz that amphetamines can without any of the downsides.
  10. A mesmerising and haunting melody, like below. What an album!
  11. You leave the world's largest trading bloc which conveniently lies on your doorstep in the vain hope of finding new markets half a world away. The definition of financial stupidity.
  12. Got the same problem, it's very annoying, almost stopped reading Thai Visa on my phone.
  13. Time and place leaves certain songs and/or albums forever impressed on our memories. 13 years old, imprisoned in a stuffy English boarding school, we had one way to escape the suffocating establishment, personified by the prefects, stooges of the teachers and headmaster. We had our own studies, tiny rooms but free to decorate at will, posters of Hendrix and psychedelia, Granny Takes a Trip plastered the walls. In addition, stereo systems with separate speakers and headphones were just coming into vogue, prices ranged from 30 to 50 quid. And then we listened to Piper At the Gates of Dawn on headphones. A wonder! Transported from a mundane existence to Syd's magical world of catchy melodies and extraordinary variety of musical sounds and instruments.
  14. Whilst many observers of Russia speculate about a possible palace coup against Putin, the post below considers how Western sanctions might cripple Russia's railways, leading to conflicts between regions and de facto separatism.
  15. The government keep going on about turning the UK into a high wage economy, so put their money where their mouth is- give the rail workers the rise they're asking for
  16. But you know for every immigrant sent to Uganda, the UK has to accept one from Rwanda, probably a Congolese.
  17. Great singing, JSB, thank you for introducing such a talent.
  18. So the Congolese refugees sent from Rwanda to the UK in a tit for tat exchange, will be delighted with the benefit paved streets. Drinks all round, ladies and gentlemen!
  19. A couple of queries regarding this Rwandan policy. As the government have been talking it up, saying it's a safe place, employment prospects, etc, how is that a deterrent to a prospective migrant to the UK? Secondly, I believe for every refugee the UK sends, it has to take one back from Rwanda, mainly Congolese I read. What a farce!
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