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Everything posted by bannork

  1. The Remainers were fully aware the excrement would hit the fan with Brexit which is why they voted remain. So they're not happy, but not surprised.
  2. And now the Brexiteers are going to get mad at the Spanish too. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/brits-travelling-spain-must-prove-27568620 Oh the benefits of Brexit!
  3. Thank you good people.
  4. Is it possible to turn off notifications for a thread one once took part in? I gave up with the Worst Joke thread, they really were bad, and the Is There A God thread, God doesn't seem to be answering. Is it possible to delist these 2 topics from my notifications!
  5. Rory in absolute cracking form in 74. I prefer this version to the one on Live in Europe.
  6. I listen to this on the farm with the cows in the morning dew and I feel 15 again. The cows act a little younger but that could be the fresh grass,
  7. Regarding fairy tales, it was the Brexiteers who had to believe in the sunny uplands, Remainers were perfectly happy with the valleys and plains we were on. But never mind, as a predominantly Christian bloc, the EU will welcome back the sinner for there will be more joy in heaven over one country which repents than over 27 righteous countries which need no repentance.
  8. The desperate refrain of Brexiteers. 'The EU is falling apart! It won't be long now'. If anything, Russia 's brutal invasion of Ukraine has strengthened Europe's sense of a united identity. Of course there will be differences between 27 countries but the centre will hold. We'll be rejoining before the decade is out
  9. The French booths are in Dover for outbound UK travel and the English booths for entry into the UK are in Calais
  10. Brexif is certainly a factor, a major factor. All the red tape. Did you see the lorry queues? That's not due to 4 Frenchmen being 75 minutes late. The roads around Dover are clogged. It's much smaller than Calais, and was never designed to be a major port of entry to the EU. So long as we're out the Customs Union these delays will reoccur
  11. Have you heard about COVID, and the summer school holidays beginning, first chance to take the family abroad? Jeez, are you deliberately being obtuse or does it come naturally!
  12. I think you should. Try reading this BBC article, already referred to by another poster. It points out the various factors contributing to the massive delays. The 75 minute late arrival of the French custom officials is but one factor. https://www.bbc.com/news/62294901
  13. Mac, are you an admirer or a relation of the notorious wrestler Mick McManus? He was on the telly every Saturday afternoon in the 60s, strutting around the ring, seemingly breaking every rule in the book. My mother would do the ironing whilst he was on and it was one of the very few times I heard her swear.
  14. So much more money lost by leaving the EU The Office for Budget Responsibility says Brexit will have a long-term effect of cutting UK GDP by a hefty 4%, an estimate unchanged since early 2020. The Financial Times says such a decline amounts to £100bn in lost output, and £40bn less revenue to the Treasury a year. The UK is now behind all the other G7 nations in the pace of its recovery from the pandemic, with exports by UK small businesses to the EU down significantly. Jonathan Haskel, a member of the Bank of England’s nine-member monetary policy committee, said on Friday that Brexit was “disconnecting the UK from its main trading partners” in a clear example of de-globalisation. An expert at Imperial College on ways to improve productivity, Haskel warned in 2019 that British business investment would likely be weak for several years because of uncertainty linked to Brexit. Figures from the Centre for European Reform show that the Brexit vote has already depressed economic growth. The independent thinktank said that by the end of last year the economy was 5% – or £31bn – smaller than if the UK had stayed in the EU.
  15. More pointless self inflicted financial costs on the UK economy. How's it going with that search for 50,000 new UK Customs Officers?
  16. But using them at ports will be time consuming as every occupant of a vehicle has to get out to be scanned.
  17. The biometric system has been delayed because the UK couldn't handle it, just like the import checks on goods from the EU that sail through Customs. A smuggler's paradise!. What was that about taking control of the borders?
  18. So many predictions and sweet promises turned out to be hot air.
  19. Dover and Folkestone cannot cope with Brexit regulations. Lorry parks all over the place, demands for more, access roads blocked. It's going to happen again and again until we rejoin the Customs Union Yea!
  20. Thanks for the advice fellow music lovers. Have found the original downloader in the Firefox add-ons.
  21. What the UK tourists are going through, the increase in regulations and consequent obstacles due to Brexif, prompting anguish and frustration, is but a ripple in the ocean compared to what British companies have had to endure since Brexit regulations took hold regarding exports. The self harm can't continue for ever. GDP down 4% because of Brexit. Several sectors of the economy underperforming due to a lack of labour. We'll be rejoining the Customs Union before 2025.
  22. The reasons why the Dover tailbacks may become a regular feature. 1. Brexit regulations 2. Conservative government refused to expand the services 3. Hard to physically expand the port https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/jul/23/travel-chaos-is-the-new-normal-after-brexit-british-tourists-are-warned
  23. Counting how many days in the EU, no more than 90 out of a 180, checking each passport is valid for more than 6 months, stamping each passport. It all adds up
  24. Drones would be no use, they're afraid of barking dogs. Liz Truss said so in Parliament.
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