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Posts posted by abrahamzvi

  1. Its past.

    I entirely and absolutely disagree. I'll refer to the OP message as follows:

    It's getting more and more crowded, traffic-jammed and polluted: Agree

    The agricultural burning during the dry season is still done openly and thus won't stop any time soon. Correct, but I am sure that it will be at list reduced and limited in them coming season.

    The weather during April-May-June is insanely hot. I agree, but where is it cool in April - May in Thailand. I maintain that it is more pleasant in Chiang Mai than in Bangkok and the south.

    House prices and rents are soaring--rents being asked for some CM neighborhoods are higher (as in >US$1K/mo) than in some nice small towns in the US. Entirely disagree. Prices of houses and condominiums are reasonable compared to Bangkok or Hua Hin or Pattaya, let alone Phuket. Rents are also reasonable - one can get a one bed room flat for about Baht 20,000 p.m. in a good and central area. If one goes out into the suburbs, one can get a 3 bedrooms nice house for about 30,000 Baht p.m.

    This is very reasonable

    Medical costs are rising quickly too. Also here I can't agree. Admittedly with the opening of the Bangkok Hospital in Chiang Mai, prices have gone up - but only there. Prices in Chiang Mai Ram, in Suan Dok (Government) and in the many private clinics remain stable and very reasonable compared to the USA, Europe and Australia.

    Noise at night is often at stupidly high levels even some ways distant from the city. I have been living in Chiang Mai for quite a few years now and I have really not noticed the (increased) noise during the nights.

    Labor costs are way up. Many housekeepers think they should be paid B100/hour, which is approaching a US minimum wage level. Nannies often want B15,000/mo and up, plus lots of time off... Labour costs have gone up everywhere in Thailand with the introduction of the Baht 300 per day minimum wage. However, if one is prepared tp pay about Baht10,000 p.m. plus accommodation and ( full board and lodging) one can get good housekeepers or nannies.

    [because] CM is increasingly filled with expats who are content to pay that. See above

    So what does everyone see in the place? What is the spark, the charm, that I'm missing? My point isn't to whinge (nor should yours be that I should hit the road). One could find fault with any place. My question is why Anglophone and European expats choose to come here and stay here even though it's far from their homelands. What are the positives I'm overlooking? Because Thailand is a charming place ( with all its shortcomings!!), Thais are very friendly and welcoming (apart fro the immigration hustle..), the weather in Chiang Mai and surroundings is pleasant and the cost of living is still comparatively reasonable. Obviously it entirely depends on the lifestyle one is looking for. Obviously if one wants to live in a place comparable to New York, London. Paris or Berlin, one should not be in Thailand. However, if one prefers a quieter life style (compared to a small town in the US, or Europe) then Chiang Mai could be the right place for some.

  2. The link you provided doesn't tell the complete story, the asset size of the parent bank in many cases is way higher than stated. For example, BAY, Bank of Ayudhya (the yellow bank) is owned by Bank Tokyo Mitsubishi which has assets of over USD 2.5 trillion.

    But to take your question on face value, UOB gets my vote every time, one of the top fifteen safest banks in the world.

    Bangkok Bank PLC gets my vote!

  3. If "The State of Palestine" begins to issue passport, you can expect more worldwide terrorism, including here in Thailand. Those people have their priorities totally screwed up. Had they spent their time and money on improving things within that sh*t hole, and not wasted time fighting with the Israelis, they could have had a really nice country by this time. But they clearly would rather hate the Israelis more than love their own kids and build a future for them. Sad and sick.

    I wonder if you have ever been to the occupied territories. Gaza is the largest prison in the world and the Apartheid system is revived in the West bank, where land is confiscated from Palestinians for Jewish settlement. I decry and condemn any terrorist acts against innocent civilians, anywhere and by whoever against whoever. Having said this, I also condemn the brutal military occupation of the Palestinian territories and the subjugation of millions to such inhuman treatment!

  4. Germany economy is not booming at all, it's a disaster. it s all smoke and fog like the 5% unemployment in the USA.

    you just get enough to buy food and sleep on a bed but not enough to spend your money around.

    Quite frankly, I really don't think you know what you are talking about. Do you know what the average income per capita in Germany is, or in the US? I wish that a country which I really love, Thailand, would have a similar economy to Germany, or for that matter the USA.

  5. Been good with me.

    Just use the coupon codes that come up most nights for 9-11% off or sometimes just a straight code for 50 baht off for smaller things.

    I always use the cash on delivery method for everything and it comes within a few days. I bought a K400 Plus keyboard on late Monday night and it was here Wednesday at 600 baht cheaper then any other online store with discount codes.

    I had one item I bought for 15,000 baht once show up and it was the wrong one. They returned it for free, got me the right one and upon receipt, took another 5% off for the hassle they put me through.

    I entirely agree. I live in Chiang Mai and my experience with Lazada has been nothing else than absolutely excellent!

  6. The future of pattaya is bright with brits escaping Dopey Dave, germans fleeing from frau Merkel, americans from obama ànd canadians from trudeau,

    Apart from the Brits escaping Dave, I can't see any German escaping Angela, as the economy in Germany is booming, and the same goes for Obama and will soon go for Trudeau. Pattaya has its attractions, but it most certainly is not a shelter for decent Brits, Germans Americans or Canadian!

  7. A change made just in April this year, but that's what you get for electing a Conservative government. I'm inclined to think that people get what they deserve when voting for that lot.

    I don't have to worry, I've got enough to supply my health care needs, so screw people who haven't : it's the Tory way!

    Actually over 4,000,000 in the UK did NOT vote Tory but voted UKIP. I voted for UKIP from Thailand using a proxy voter quite legally but sadly the electoral system in the UK only gave the UKIP one parliamentary seat.

    IMHO I think that at the next general election, The Labour party if they are still under Jeremy Corbyn will not win, the Tories who will not be under Big Dave Cameron will lose a lot of seats, the Lib/Dems under Tim Fallon (I had to look who it was on Wikipedia) shot their bolt last time probably don't stand much chance either. The SNP under Nicola Sturgeon and Alex Salmond probably won't do that much out of Scotland.

    To me that leaves Nigel Farage with UKIP, the Green Party under Natalie Bennett and a hodgepodge of other parties with no clear ideas or directions to fight the Tories.

    For myself I truly believe that if UKIP don't win they will be a very strong opposition party to the winners.

    Then perhaps things may start to get better for us expats and for the UK as a whole.

  8. Despite all the problems that the EU has, it is still an extremely powerful and important organisation. The Junta have been given a real dilemma here, if they refuse to let her go they risk souring relations with the EU even further, and with millions of baht on the trade table they risk loosing such things as fish imports.
    On the other hand if they do let her go she will no doubt give the EU representatives first hand knowledge about what is going on in this Country at present, after all she has plenty of experience of 'attitude adjustment' and personal vendetta through the so called Thai 'justice system'
    As for the nonsense post about her not speaking English well, President Xi of China has just had a very successful tour of Britain. I'm sure David Cameron spoke to him in fluent Mandarin all the time - that's what interpreters are employed for.
    Actually she speaks perfectly serviceable English but it has become the mantra among the "good people" that she does not.The slightly comical aspect is that when the "good people" made this point on social media (invariably in a vile and abusive way) their own English was deplorable as is too often the case among the "educate" Sino Thai middle class.

    Put up or shut up : link please.

    I saw her BBC interview and embarassing doesn't come close.

    'I am from election' was not an appropriate answer to any of the questions I heard him ask.

    Her English is perfectly adequate and on a par with most of the Sino Thai business class who have attended a third tier US university.

    I would take the criticisms more seriously if they were applied across the board to all Thai PMs including some who spoke no English at all and some who do[emoji8] but don't dare face the BBC.

    As for foreign critics like you unless you attended Eton like Abhisit or Winchester like Korn, there are plenty of your fellow countrymen who would look down on yours shoddy syntax (""embarrassing doesn't come close") or your common lower middle class or regional accent - so a little humility is in order.

    Oh do stop being such a pompous oaf. It does nothing to add to your argument, and makes you appear one of those red brick university graduates who constantly mentions their degree.

    The forum has rules against being "language police". Maybe you should read them. This is a discussion forum, where all comments are valid, even yours. Who appointed you a judge of English btw? Are you a former TEFL teacher or school master? Perhaps you are a language professor as you think you can determine the class, even down to small divisions, and regional accent from how someone writes. Your's would perhaps be a working class lad whose university education, the first in his family, leads to his insecurity and class conscious riddled responses that require constant reinforcement by adopting a superior sometimes insulting attitude to others?

    Yingluck's English is appalling. This thread is about Yingluck or hadn't you noticed? She has a Master's Degree which had to be written in English so it would be reasonable to expect a higher capability. Based on her TV interviews, she has very limited ability and would be advised to use an interpreter.

    A more pertinent question is why do we suddenly get the invitation, issued by 2 German veteran career politicians, who are both members of Merkel's CDU?

  9. Resentment of English Teacher's being paid double what a Thai teacher receives is coming to head.

    I am not saying, English foreign teachers are unnecessary. It'll take some time, beforeThailand can do away with ALL foreign teachers. But, what is happening now is absolutely wrong, particularly in private International and bi lingual schools, where anybody who is not a native speaker can hardly get a teaching position( there are highly qualified Thai English teachers - I know of a lady who has a teaching masters degree from a well known English university, who had difficulties getting a position in Chiang Mai with any international school and was lucky to get a reasonably paid position with a bi lingual school, where she is doing so well that after 6 months she was promoted and her salary increased by 50%!). It is high noon that schools and parents accept the fact that there are well qualified good Thai English teachers ( and other Asian like Philippinos and Indians), and if that happens more Thai students will be encouraged to seriously consider taking the right teaching qualifications, either at 1st class Thai Universities (like Chula and Mahidol), or go overseas to get the right degrees. The present situation is such that no Thai student considers it's worthwhile taking a masters degree in teaching English as a second language, as it may turrn out to be useless. This situation has to change and the sooner the government does something about it the better!!!

  10. Without well developed Thai Language skill (or the assistance of a Thai/English interpreter) you will find navigating the Thai public health system virtually impossible. The hospitals are crowded and waiting times can be very long.

    Everything you need can be found in the link


    There are cheaper options but best stay away from "clinics"

    if I were you I would stay away from "clinics". For an adequate medical attention for a foreigner one should go to thr international hospitals like Bamrungrad or Bangkok Hospital, where one can get the best and most professional attention. They are not cheap, but compared to the US they are.
  11. Foreign model? Who needs them, Thai women are the most beautiful, stunning, gorgeous women in the world. You don't have to search long to find a beauty in Thailand. Perfect in everyway.

    Asia is the land of 6s and 7s.

    Finding an 8 here is a rare thing.

    They have great bodies though... and are easy to lay... (which in many desperate men's eyes makes them a ten) but best of all they have a lovely femininity sadly lacking in the West.

    Nordic beauties leave Asia in the dust by a very long way indeed... in all departments...

  12. Please stop with the usual nonsense. Israel did not get a lot of material support when it first began and the USSR was lot more helpful than the USA. If you want to make up false history, please post it on one of the hater websites.

    I suggest you study the history of Israel. Even to day the USA is granting Israel 3 Billion Dollars annually in addition to the military aid. The financial support Israel has been receiving (with good reason) from world Jewry amounts to hundreds of billions of Dollars. All these are undeniable facts, which neither you, nor anyone else can quarrel with!
    Money invested (yes Invested) comes back with interest. This is so in every area from medicine to agriculture, to high tech to military; which is all in marked contrast to money wasted in supporting a booming unproductive Palestinian population. Iron dome alone will sell for a small fortune and is about to be sold to the GCC states of all people.

    What you are saying is ungrateful cheap propaganda. Yes, Israel is a leading force in IT, medicine and it used to be in agriculture. However, the moneys received from the US taxpayers and from world Jewry have nothing to do with investments, where the investor reaps the fruit of the investment. Tell me, who profited from the fields that you mention, the USA or Israel? As far as the Iron Dome is concerned , can you tell us who financed and assisted in its development. I really admire the development of the Israeli economy, but all should realise that without the immense, yes overwhelming, assistance that Israel has been getting this would not have been possible.

  13. Please stop with the usual nonsense. Israel did not get a lot of material support when it first began and the USSR was lot more helpful than the USA. If you want to make up false history, please post it on one of the hater websites.

    I suggest you study the history of Israel. Even to day the USA is granting Israel 3 Billion Dollars annually in addition to the military aid. The financial support Israel has been receiving (with good reason) from world Jewery amounts to hundreds of billions of Dollars. All these are undeniable facts, which neither you, nor anyone else can quarrel with!

  14. Had this man not been murdered as a sacrifice to the xenophobic jingoistic warmonger of the extreme right of Zionist politics the current situation in the area would be a lot different, people would by now living in unity and peace would have been the scenario,

    But than again, if it weren't for the xenophobic jingoistic warmonger of the extreme right of Zionist who

    against all odds, took this barren, swampy, mosquitos infested swath of land, fighting the British and sea

    of backward, menacing, well armed Arabs and made it to what it is today, what of the most advance country


    Ezra, you are mixing things . The Zionists who built the present Israel, pesonalities like Ben Gurion and Rabin, who established it, did make mistakes, but were democrats and were fighting for a democratic egalitarian society in Israel. The extreme right nationalistic neo fascist settlers, are leading Israel to its doom. The present Israeli government headed by Mr. Netanyahu, who at times contradicts himself two times a week, wants no peace and he himself admitted recently that Israel will live by its sword practically forever. No country, or society can live by its sword forever, and if Mr. Netanyahu had studied history, he would have learnt of great empires which disappeared because they thought they could live by their swords forever. Even the crusaders had to learn this lesson in the "Holy Land". If Israel continues its undemocratic, expansionist policies it will meet the same fate. It will be a disaster for the Jewish people worldwide!

  15. ^^^ Probably just significant loans. Germany is panicked about the fallout from VW. Just since this fraud announcement, Toyota passed VW as the world's #1 automaker.

    Germany's latest in a long line of attempts to rule Europe is failing again. Maybe Sharia law will have better luck in Germany. It's time for smarter countries to begin exiting the EU.

    NeverSure, I don't think you know very much, or anything, about Germany. Yes, the VW affair has shaken Germany. The Deutsche bank is paying for its sins, but it will recover. Germany has never wanted to rule Europe since the end of WWII and if the EU collapses as you seem to wish, the loser will not be Germany. SP has just announcesd that if the UK deceides to leave the EU, its Loan Grading will be reduced two steps. Other measures will follow. What is wrong with the EU??? It is not perfect, but it is the best Europe has achieved in hundreds of years. Let's hope that one day we have a United States of Europe.

  16. Thanks for all the advice.

    I'm still hopeful that the option of the 30-day border run to Cambodia will become available again - the agent she uses has told her he expects it to.

    In the meantime she'll have to another trip home next week. We will also look at a multi-entry tourist visa if we have to, in November. Most of her relatives have just decided to overstay, but I want her to stay legal.

    Living in Laos is not really an option as Soutpeel points out, my work is in Bangkok. Also my GF is from a very poor village near Pakse, which offers little in the way of work or comforts. After 6 years living in Thailand, it's not what she wants or what I want for my son.

    Marriage (and then a dependent visa) is my preferred option, but the feedback I've had from her family back in Laos when they looked into getting the documentation together, is it's "too difficult". If there was an agent in Thailand who could process it, I would certainly consider using them. However, the agents I've approached don't seem to have Laos contacts.

    If I were you, I would approach the Laos Embassy (in Bangkok??) or their Consulate General in Khon Kaen and get the necessary, reliable information regarding marriage. It may not be as difficult, as some say. I really wouldn't know, but it's worth a try. Isn't it???

  17. Does this " kinder politics" include support for the IRA and the various other murderous terrorist organisations which he has consistently espoused?

    He certainly advocates a united Ireland, and is apparently indifferent to the majority Ulster loyalists who do not want to leave the UK.

    He is acquainted, on very friendly terms, with certain Moslem terrorist groups.

    He wants to remove the UK's nuclear capability and reduce the armed forces to token home defence strength.

    He's a throw back to the "loony left" who screwed the Labor Party up, and nearly the country, in the 70"s and led to Thatcherism.

    Problem is many people will believe his " we'll give you a lot for nothing, take off the rich and give to you" spiel because it's what they'd like to believe.

    If he ever gets into the PM role, with poison dwarf Sturgeon running Scotland, you can kiss the UK goodbye.

    He will never become PM in the UK. The British people have too much sense . I agree with most of what you say, but would add that the "loony left" (a term I disagree with) were decent and honest people as opposed to Croydon. He befriended a Holocaust denier and recently said he didn't know that. He led the republican movement (with which I completely disagree) but now he says, this is not one of his priorities. Is that an honest leader???And these are only two examples of his "honesty", there are many more.

  18. Does this " kinder politics" include support for the IRA and the various other murderous terrorist organizations which he has consistently espoused?

    I do believe that one HM Queen was recently seen to shake the hand of the former commander of the Derry IRA brigade.

    The ThaiVisa Daily Mail right wing nut jobs will be all over this topic. Cracking speech JC.

    I can only speak for myself, but I am by no means "right wing", rather a leftwinger. However, I do think that this man poses a danger to the left wing not only in the UK, but in the whole of Europe. If he is allowed tom stay as leader, he will ruin the Labour party and the only people happy to have him as Party Leader will be the Tories and people like Mdame Le Pen and her ilk.

  19. The picture and you may have a point. Has the teacher involved been faced with the accusation and if so how did he react? His reaction may say a lot.

    However, I tend to believe the child in view of some conversations of expatriate teachers I have overheard in a restaurant in a town in Issan. The language they used, their descriptions of the children they teach ( remarks referring to their bodies and the like), made me wonder how people like this become or are allowed to be teachers. Luckily enough my two daughters are grown ups and I have no worries in this respect, personally. However, I believe this is something which should be of concern to ALL!!

  20. Department of labour, and immigration, given that immigration are police as well

    Go ahead with the Ministry of Labour and at the same time tell the school involved that you are going to publish their name and it will damage their reputation - I assume it is a private school.

    I think it is a disgrace to Thailand and to the schooling system as a whole that school want to and are allows to employ "criminal" teachers, dangerous to children. I really think it is the duty of every parent, Thai or foreign to do whatever he/she can to get rid of such teachers, again foreign or Thai. The safety of the children should be the first and utmost concern to and of ALL!!!

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