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Posts posted by abrahamzvi

  1. 4 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    That's indeed a more complicated question.

    Of course there are Jews that have converted to every religion you can mention. Are they still Jews? Probably not according to Israeli immigration law or most rabbis, but probably so in the eyes of their Jewish mother! 

    Israeli citizens of course are of course free to convert to anything.

    I think this is getting way too granular for this thread though. 

    I entirely agree with your last sentence. However, I maintain we really, all of us, must be careful when using words and definitions.

  2. 13 hours ago, Johpa said:


    Israel does not require religious beliefs, only a provable ethnic background.  They will accept both observant and non-observant Jews.  Japan defines their citizens by ethnicity in the same way and is democratic. I believe Korea is the same.  Good luck as a foreigner obtaining Japanese or Korean citizenship. 

    We are now getting into a very comlicated and arguable question - what its Judaism, a religion or an ethnicity. If the latter is the case, then there must be Christian or Muslim, or Buddhist Jews. The same as there are Koreans and Japanese of many religions, which I believe is not the case in Israel. Or is it?

  3. 14 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


    No. It is your reply that is ridiculous. I did not say that it was easy for a non-Jew to get citizenship. I said that it was possible and it is. The poster that I was responding to said otherwise. There are many thousands of non-Jewish citizens, including many Muslims. Claiming that Israel is exclusively a Jewish country is a blatant lie.

    YOU are knowingly trying to cover things up. It is, of course, THEORETICALLY possible for non Jews to apply for Israeli Citizenship. However, as I pointed out, this is theory and not practice. Practically all the non Jewish population of Israel (the non Arabs - there is an Arab minority in Israel of about 20% of its population. These are Palestinians who have lived in what is now Israel for generations and became Israeli citizens automatically), is nearly 100% either married to a Jew, or a person falling under the "Law of Return" (as I said in my previous answer, any person whose one of his 4 grandparents was a Jew falls into this category). I would be surprised if there are more than a very few thousand non Jews without any familiar connections to Jews with Israeli citizenship. 


    I was not criticizing the Law of Return, but the racial attitude to non Jews and in particular to the refugees, termed by Israel as "Infiltrators" and treated as such. You have not commented on any of the sad reports contained in my reply. Why? Aren't they an expression of inhuman racialist attitude?


    No, Israel is not an exclusively Jewish State, but one of the conditions of the Israeli government to enter into negotiations with the Palestinians (WITHOUT preconditions???) is the recognition of Israel as "The Nation State of the Jewish people"., whatever that means. Are there any democratic states in the world that define their state by religion ? Does Italy call itself "The catholic  Italian Republic", does any democratic state do it? Yes, dictatorial theocratic states like Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and the likes do it. Does Israel wish to be in that "liberal" group??

  4. 13 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:



    I will do it now. It is not a "fact". It is another in a long list of fabrications that you have posted concerning Israel, on this forum. Israel has sheltered non Jewish Sudanese, Vietnamese and Muslim Bosnians. During the Vietnam War a boat with Vietnamese refugees was accepted into Israel and its passengers were given citizenship by the then Prime Minister, Menahem Begin.


    According to the information published on the Israeli website of the Ministry of the Interior, if you fall under the below guidelines, you may qualify for citizenship, even if you have no Jewish family.

    1. Currently in Israel
    2. Have been there 3 out of the last 5 years
    3. Has some minimal/basic level in Hebrew language
    4. Gave up or will be giving up any other nationality
    5. Have resident status before applying.

    This is utterly ridiculous. To start with the conditions for getting Israeli citizenship for non Jews: to start with condition 5 - legal residence permits - cancels all previous conditions, as it is practically impossible to obtain a residence permit. I do know an Israeli who married a Thai lady and tried to get a residence permit for her. He was told that for the next 5 to 7 years she is considered a temporary resident with an annually renewable status, and will have to leave Israel, if, God forbid the husband dies, or they get divorced. I hope you read about the case of the Phillipin lady who was deported from Israel with her 2 years old ISRAELI son (the joint child of the Philippine and her deceased Israeli husband) Another even worse story is about the Ukrainian lady, whose son served as a soldier in the IDF who was deported after her husband (an Israeli) passed away.  As far as refugees are concerned, it is true and highly appreciated what Israel did in the 70s with the Vietnamese and other refugees, but this has now completely changed. The refugees running for their lives fron Eritrea and South Sudan are termed and treated as "Infiltrators" and put in camps , even after the Israeli High Court of Justice has twice declared this as illegal. The children of such refugees, or even of foreign labourers legally in Israel, are not even registered by the Ministry of Home Affairs, so that legally they simply don't exist. Have you read about the school in South Tel Aviv, where the Minister of Education declared that it should  not be a school for non Jewish illegal infiltrators?

    Do you call this a liberal non racist policy. These facts are irrefutable facts and even the Israeli propaganda machine cannot deny them.  According to the Israeli basic law, every person who one of her/his grandparents was Jewish has an automatic right to enter Israel and obtain Israeli citizenship, a law which may be somewhat generous, but fully understandable inn view of the Jewish history, What is NOT, and I repeat NOT, understandable is the fact that the decedents of people who for thousands of years were refugees, are acting in sich a RACIST way to refugees. Sociologists (I am not one) would say "victims becoming culprits"


    Allow me to repeat in all clarity that I am not anti Israel. I believe in the right of Israel to live peacefully in secure borders, but the same should apply to the Palestinians. Further, I believe that the racialis policies of the present israeli government alienate all liberal people worldwide, including many Jews, in particular, the young generations.

  5. 6 hours ago, geriatrickid said:



    As soon as I see the  idiotic reference to apartheid, I know what I am dealing with.  This argument has been going on  for as long as the arabs have sought to use Israel as an excuse for their own failures.  I expect that as Qatar is  eventually held accountable for its tacit support of ISIL and the Saudis are exposed as major  financiers of jihadists etc. we will see an uptick in Israel related political agitation.  It's a great distraction.


    I don't know much about Zionism, save for the fact that it is a legitimate position adapted by people who were forced into exile by their arab neighbors. I would think that the arabs would have had the  common sense to look at their own history and see that the screwed up borders and the damage of colonialism was due to their centuries of occupation by the  Turkish Ottoman Empire. However, it is easier to blame the Hebrews isn't it.


    By the way, will  you be mounting  as strong a position on behalf of the million or so arabs who were forced out of arab cuntries because they were jews? When do they receive compensation and what of the land they lost?. What about the  tens of thousands of Christians slaughtered in the last year alone by your friends? Will you be  offering up words of  salvation for them too?



    I could answer and contradict every one of your unfounded theories (or propaganda), but I do not intend doing it, as it is a waste of time. However, one sentence that shocked me is  "...save for the fact that it is a legitimate position adapted by people who were forced into exile by their Arab neighbors" It seems that you are trying to rewrite history going back more than 2000 years. Weren't it the Romans (who were not Arabs) who forced the Jews into exile?  Last but not least, talking about compensation, has Israel offered compensation to all the refugees, driven away from their homes in 1948? Before you "protect" the Israel;i policies, read your history books.

  6. On September 14, 2559 BE at 9:54 PM, Jingthing said:

    Secular Jews and secular Israelis can certainly be pro Zionist and actually usually are. They may not personally relate to the word but if they support the existence and defense of the state of Israel they are indeed pro Zionist. The historical origins of the political ideology of Zionism (about political self determination for the Jewish people) are largely secular. I do think in many ways the term is dated and LOADED.


    Israel has existed since 1948. The existence of Israel is Zionism.


    I'm aware that odious Israel demonizers have largely succeeded in making Zionism a dirty word in a similar way that just the word Jew is a dirty word for so many. They often try to paint the more extreme right wing Zionists as defining everything about Zionism or Israeli nationalism. But that is simply not the truth. 


    It might also be worth stating the obvious ... ask 100 Jews what is Zionism and you'll get 100 different answers. Oh well!

    You are correct in saying that most people see Zionism in different ways. It is true that without Zionism there would not be a state of Israel, however, the founders of Zionism also dreamt of a just society and never imagined that Zionism would lead to the Nakba (Disaster) of 1948 and the brutal occupation of the Arab lands in the West bank and the creation of the largest world prison called Gaza.


    May I emphasize that I am not demonizing Israel. I am against a general BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions), but I am for boycotting products and services emanating from the occupied territories. I really do not believe that Israel wants peace and a proper Palestinian State. They will accept peace if either they create bantustans "independent" Palestine, or have all the Palestinians leave the West bank, or have an one state on an Apartheid basis, which already exists in the occupied territories. If this criticism means demonizing, so be it!

  7. 18 hours ago, jamesbrock said:


    My wife entered Australia as a tourist, set up a partnership (with me) while she was on a Bridging Visa, and then a Pty Ltd Company (as corporate trustee for a family trust) with her as the sole director. She's been legal every step of the way, even registering for GST when legally required, and is employing up to 5 staff and paying all required taxes. She has never, ever, been questioned by the authorities, and is certainly not considered a threat to national security.

    You have pointed out that your wife " was legal every step of the way and...). Here is then difference. If one enters a country as a tourist and then ILLEGALLY starts doing business, (legal one or otherwise) in that country without changing his/her status as a tourist, he/she will be acting against the laws of the said countries. I am sure the same applies in Australia.

  8. 23 hours ago, teacherofwoe said:

    Rothschild Zionism is devastating to Palestine, Jews everywhere, and the entire population of the planet. The world needs to wake up and see who is controlling them, and funding people like the Bushes, Clintons, Obamas, etc. to do their bidding. Please, don't let your cognitive dissidence rule you and research the facts for yourself. 

    If you follow my posts you know that I am strictly against the Israeli policy of occupation and subjugation of the Palestinians (not against Israel, as such, but for a free Palestine side by side with Israel, or a bi national state with Israel). However, I am horrified to read your post, as this is pure Nazi propaganda, which could have been taken from any of Hitler's books or "speeches". I thought that this antisemitic propaganda is a thing of the past, but alas, it seems I was wrong.


    I do think that the US governments should have reacted differently to the Israeli policies and although I think Obama is a great President, I am of the view that he should have followed President Eisenhaueur who simply told Israel after the 1956 Suez war to follow his instructions, or forget US economical, political and military support. The Israelis listened and acted accordingly. However, having said this, allow me to indicate to you that there are many Jews in the US and other countries who disagree with Israel's government and ask for justice for the Palestinians (see such organizations as Jewish Voice for Peace, J-street and others).


    May I suggest to you to take back your inflammatory words and apologize for your statements.

  9. 8 hours ago, soalbundy said:

    The pension,for those who transfer their money to an account abroad is re-routed through America. Writing an E-MAIL to the pension people is a question of patience,they take two weeks to reply, contacting them by phone is difficult and i have received wrong info from them by phone before.


    6 hours ago, soalbundy said:

     all's well that ends well, the money has finally arrived,it appears that a public holiday occurring during the same week that your pension is due causes a one day delay in payment. Thanks for all the replies.

    As a piece of advice, why don't you have your British pension transferred to a German bank account, which I assume you have. It is cheaper than a transfer to Thailand and then it can be transferred from there to Thailand together with your German pension, which I assume, again, is paid into your German account.

  10. 4 hours ago, BuaBS said:

    I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that he will release more of Hillery's emails next week.

    He is just acting here like the KGB - like a Russian spy. All the information, real and falsified, in his possession is supplied by the Russian hacking system. Ecuador should send him out of the Embassy and leave him to his own devious ways

  11. 4 hours ago, impulse said:

    Other than the crappy website search function, I have had nothing but good luck with everything I've bought through Lazada.


    Delivery would be a nuisance if I had the stuff home delivered since the driver invariably calls when I'm out and about.  But I have everything delivered to my office where the receptionist is always available during working hours.

    I have been buying items from Lazada for about a year now and can really have NO complaints. The service is perfect, delivery is within the promised period and the packing is perfect. Yes, the driver always phones and asks for directions (no navigation system???), but I leave my and my wife's cell numbers, so we can always be reached.

  12. 19 hours ago, Gillyflower said:

    I don't know Pattya, so can't make any comment.  I like CM very much and you can make friends of all sorts there.  Beware of The Expat's Club.  Nancy will probably be too busy selling her Christmas dinner to the other expats to bother about someone who would like to become a member.  You will sit with your coffee all alone, surrounded by the members, not one of whom will show any signs of being friendly.  The Aus lady at the reception was pleasant, but once you had passed out of her orbit............

    I can't really agree. Although I don't attend the monthly meetings that often, I can say from experience, and not only mine, that most attendees are very friendly and if one wishes one can make contacts very easily.

  13. 58 minutes ago, Jeffkp said:

    " expat social clubs "? Can you be a bit more specific?


    There is an Expatriate Club in Chiang mai which meets once a month and where you can meet expatriates and make contacts. Apart from that there are a number of smaller "meeting circles" like chess clubs, Money (investments) meeting club and the like. I really believe that any expatriate who wishes to be active can do so in Chiang Mai. It is a very pleasant place to live in for expatriate as well as for Thais

  14. 19 hours ago, Winniedapu said:



    Ah. An Islamophobe. 


    Here's what you should do. Take a bus down to Naratiwat, go to the centre of the principle town. Climb up a set of 2 metre steps, and with a nice big megaphone, say all that again.


    They might give a damn, but I'll bet only a few of the posters here do. I certainly don't.



    I am not an Islamophobe. If you follow my posts on TV, you will realize that on the contrary, I condemn all racialism and most certainly Islamophobia. However, I do think that Bigots and inciters using false religious interpretations should be stopped from leading people astray.

  15. 7 hours ago, jerojero said:

    To make sure religious teachings are done in the right way.  Huh?  And what exactly is the right or wrong way?  Anyone know what the hell he means? 

    The religious bigots and inciters know exactly what this means. They know their intentions.


    I very much appreciate what the PM is doing in this respect. I wish Prime Ministers and Presidents of other countries (France, Germany and others in Europe and US) would take similar steps against religious inciters, mostly in Mosques. This would be an effective step in fighting the IS and similar movements.

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