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Posts posted by abrahamzvi

  1. On 11/13/2016 at 0:22 PM, Si Thea01 said:



    Who gives  tinker about HRC, she is over and out now.  What occurred is the way America has voted democratically for decades and no matter how much people bleat and cry it ain't going to change a thing.  Get over it and get on with it.:wai:

    You are right. Donald Trump is the President Elect having been democratically elected and he should be accepted as such by ALL. However, The system - EC - should be changed for future elections. The last tally of the popular votes, it is practically at the end, gives HRC a plurality of nearly 2 Million votes. I think you will agree with me, being a Trump supporter or otherwise, that a system producing a plurality of votes of nearly 2 million  for one candidate and a majority of 30 in the EC for the other is not democratic and should be altered.

  2. 23 hours ago, Si Thea01 said:



    Who gives  tinker about HRC, she is over and out now.  What occurred is the way America has voted democratically for decades and no matter how much people bleat and cry it ain't going to change a thing.  Get over it and get on with it.:wai:

    Although the final tally is not completed yet (some districts in California are still counting and reporting) HRC is ahead in the popular vote by over 1 Million!!! Although I do say that President Elect Trump was democratically elected under a system, which again is proven to be undemocratic, he will be the President of ALL Americans on January 20th and all just have to accept it. However, it is, or should be, obvious to all that the EC system is undemocratic and has to be changed. Or is it democratic that over a million votes have to be ignored????

  3. On 11/12/2016 at 10:04 AM, Dagnabbit said:

    Of course the right person got elected. He won. That's democracy.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    You are right about democracy, wrong about "the right person". I will take a bet that he won't be reelected in 4 years for the following reason: If Trump keeps only 50% of his promises (threats) then G-d help the USA and the rest of the free world. If he doesn't keep most of his promises (threats), which we all hope will be the case, then his voters will be very disappointed and most certainly not vote for him.


    Another point one should consider is the electoral system in the US. Under the present system (electoral college - winner takes all per state) the popular vote is simply ignored, which leads to a candidate winning the majority of the popular vote losing the election. This was the situation when Gore lost to Bush, and it again has repeated itself this time. Although the count has not finally been established, it is a fact that HRC won the popular vote by more than half a million votes. One must ask oneself if this is fair and democratic. After all, every vote should carry the same weight in a democracy. Admittedly, a similar system exists in some other countries, mainly in the UK, where Prime Ministers won the election with a minority of the popular vote. In my view systems leading to such results are undemocratic and should be altered.

  4. On 11/10/2016 at 11:35 AM, sirmud63 said:

    yes , rule number 1 .  never spend anything here that you carnt afford to loose .

    What you are saying is not only nonsense, but it is vicious. Of course there are crooks in Thailand, Thais and foreigners - you read about scams every day, the same way that there are such people everywhere in the world, UNFORTUNATELY!. However, if one invest one's money cleverly in Thailand one can make a good return on one's investment. I would suggest that both of you look around and read papers. I do not with to mention names , but one of the richest families in Thailand are of German origin and they started here in Thailand with practically nothing. Thailand is the same as other countries, it possibly offers more possibilities to cleverly invest money and make an excellent return . However, if one is an idiot, investing monies without proper caution, then that person will most probably lose his/her investment im most countries, including Thailand!

  5. 19 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

    Donald Trump

    billionaire business tycoon, media personality, teller of harsh truths, cleaner of swamps, action figure


    Hillary Clinton

    wife of disgraced womaniser and expresident, ex secretary of state of questionable pedigree, historical purveyor of corruption and political favors for money, all talk no action figure for 30 years


    NO CONTEST. :smile:

    Following corrections:

    Donald Trump

    Billionaire businessman who made his money by cheating others (bankruptcies) and the taxpayers, notorious liar, contradicting himself at least twice a day(one day the FBI are heroes, the next hour they are crooks), womanizer of the worse degree and full of empty promises (A wall paid by Mexico, no Muslim immigrants or tourists, totally unrealistic economic plan and .......)


    Hillary Clinton

    wife of a womanizing , very effective and successful president who is still highly popular , ex Secretary of State, who was not always right, but enjoys universal admiration , 35 years of public service, mostly successful, unproven allegations of corruption. Funny, not so long ago, Mr. honest Trump lauded HRC as a capable lady!

  6. On 9/19/2016 at 7:05 PM, bkkmick said:

    Don't be scared. They both offer a free trial. Take a look for yourself.

    I haven't tried Netflix in Thailand, but have had Iflix for a few months now and I find the service excellent and their offer is quite rich.

  7. 15 hours ago, Silurian said:

    Moody's Analytics model that has correctly predicted the winner of every U.S. presidential race since Ronald Reagan in 1980 is forecasting a big victory for Hillary Clinton.






    I do hope this poll is right!!!!!!!!! The FBI has tried to turn the trend (why???), but hopefully without (too much) success.

  8. On 10/30/2016 at 1:56 PM, Steely Dan said:

    Look, Clinton is toast. For Comey to act as he did means one of two things. Either there is something really serious which will sink HRC, or her party and behind the scenes backers think she bring the system down with scandal if she were ever elected.

    Even the legacy media are tearing her a new one, all she has left are the diehard rags such as Vox, Slate and Being liberal. Not forgetting some of our esteemed members who will go down with the ship rather than face facts.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

    Which facts?? The FBI is saying the now discovered mails may be "pertinent" to their investigation of HRC. Only yesterday, 2 days after the letter to Congress, did the FBI obtain a warrant allowing them to even look at the said mails. Can anybody say that the said letter isn't politically motivated?

  9. 5 hours ago, colinneil said:

    She has to work to survive :clap2:

    Welcome to the real world, too many Thai women think they can live of the backs of farangs.

    I don't particularly like the tone of your message, but allow me to make clear that it is also, if not mainly, the fault of the Falang men. I used to live with my Thai wife at home  ( i met her there - she was studying there) and we met a number of Thai girls married to Falangs. Most, if not all, of them had to work, which is Ok -  a lot of European women do work for a living, but what was wrong is what the Thai ladies had been led to believe by their husbands before they went away from Thailand. We have been living here in Thailand for few years now (we find life here very pleasant) and have met a number of Falang men telling their Thai GF how rich they are and what a beautiful life they will have in Europe, Australia, US. etc. Looking at these men, all I can say with certainty is that if 25% of their stories is true, I would probably be exaggerating. What can one expect of a Thai young girl who has never been outside Thailand and who sees such men, whilst on holiday here spending money, as if it was going out of fashion, to believe? They realize when they get to Europe (Australia, US etc.), what life there is like. Most of them are not professionals, have no higher education, so they have to do menial jobs, and some of them even worse. Their "rich" husbands appear to be at best average earners. Knowing both sides (my wife used to be active looking after some of the Thai wives back home), I can say that quite a share of the blame lies with the Falang men.

  10. 20 hours ago, Peterw42 said:


    Not sure, I believe it is accepted some places, but not so much anymore.

    When flying from Bangkok to Chiang Mai last week, when asked to present my passport when checkin in, I presented my pink Thai ID. This was not accepted by Thai Airways, but my Thai DL was. It was suggested to me to always use my DL as the pink ID is apparently accepted only in the "province of your residence" which is stated on the ID. Funny, but is this so???

  11. 12 hours ago, carstenp said:

    I'm sure there are, but they can't afford it anymore :sleepy:

    The Brits can only blame themselves for the poor state of the Pound, which will get worse, as the British economy, including the City, is deteriorating, as they voted for Brexit inspite of all the warnings, which unfortunately, are slowly but surely coming true. The Tories have to understand that you can't have it both ways - either associated with the EU and then accept free movement of goods and PEOPLE, or cut off all ties, with the expected results.

  12. 4 hours ago, israthai said:

    I had been in a similar situation about a year ago. Had good experience with Professor Apichart at Bangkok Hospital Chiang Mai and was later treated by Dr. Konlakrit which included hospitalization etc.

    I can only repeat what Israthai stated. I have had heart troubles for quite some time and can state in all clarity that I have been receiving the best attention and treatment at Bangkok Hospital, Chiang Mai. They have specialists that usually are active at the University hospital, including most experienced heart surgeons.


    Bangkok hospital is by no means cheap, but it's worth its price.

  13. 4 hours ago, NongKhaiKid said:

    Right on cue the positive report on the UN jaunt and this top it's coming from the very top.

    A ' warm welcome ' means nothing as it's usual for people to exchange pleasantries but for Thai propaganda it takes on a whole new meaning.

    So the country's ' returning ' to democracy is it ? I hardly think the referendum qualifies as any sort of yardstick.

    Do you prefer the "democracy" of the last few years prior to the last coup, which caused absolute chaos and open corruption, to the way of return to eventual democracy and a peaceful situation in Thailand (except for the south where even a full western like democracy won't stop the terror), set out in the proposed charter? I know which alternative I prefer.

  14. 2 hours ago, mikebell said:

    I am no fan of taxi drivers (in BKK) but I once took a taxi from the airport for the 145 kms journey to my home.  Fatigue & jet-lag resulted in my leaving some hand luggage in the cab.  I had not taken his number & had no way of contacting him.

    An hour later he returned with everything intact including my camera.

    This just confirms Johnies views -see above and mine -see below!

  15. 4 hours ago, Johnniey said:

    Thais are very honest people. Not counting the vulture scum that migrate to Pattaya every high season.


    The normal Thai has a high degree of morality. Doubt this would happen in other countries very often.


    I love Thailand!

    I could not agree more with you. I wish and hope that more expatriates feel like us and express their views in public here in Thailand and abroad.

  16. 13 hours ago, Johpa said:


    No, the underlying question is what is ethnicity, how is it established, and how does it change.  For an academic perusal of the topic I suggest tracking down a copy of, perhaps now dated a bit but still illuminating,  noted Thai scholar Charles Keyes book "Ethnic Change".

    Thanks. I do know the book referred to, but this still doesn't answer my question. Does it???

  17. 31 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    That's indeed a more complicated question.

    Of course there are Jews that have converted to every religion you can mention. Are they still Jews? Probably not according to Israeli immigration law or most rabbis, but probably so in the eyes of their Jewish mother! 

    Israeli citizens are of course free to convert to anything.

    I think this is getting way too granular for this thread though.

    I suppose some people would try to argue that because there are ambiguities and complexities surrounding Jewish ethnic and/or religious identity that that somehow makes a core value of the Israeli nation state, the LAW OF RETURN for all Jews, to be somehow wrong ... well, they can, but who cares, Israel is a sovereign state and has a right to make its immigration laws just as every other state.

    The same will be true if there ever is an actual state of Palestine, with their clearly announced intention to not have ANY Jewish citizens. That would be their right as a sovereign state.  

    I am not suggesting they are equivalent policies ... just pointing out the right of sovereign states to set their own immigration laws. 

    No one would quarrel with your view that every state has the right to enact its own laws on any subject. It is another matter, how such laws are looked at by the rest of the world. Do you consider the way the Iranian Mullas treat people , which according to their laws is legal, right and human? The same question applies to other countries like Saudi Arabia, which again treats people according to its laws. People around the world have the right, in my view even the duty, to criticize and do whatever they can against inhuman and/or racialist laws, irrespective of which country exercises them.

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