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Posts posted by abrahamzvi

  1. 4 hours ago, AlphMichaels said:

    No clue why the author would twist this story to infer blame on SWIFT.  Poorly written and researched.  SWIFT has NOTHING to do with funds transfers or withdrawals..., they merely facilitate them and then only if it is an inter-bank transfer with a member bank. If it was an inter-bank transfer, why no mention of the bank that received the funds or its location??  


    This is the exclusive responsibility of the bank and all here are 20 years behind the western world.  They refuse to invest in easy-to-use, highly secure online solutions.  SCB easy is a great example.  The site is horrendous.   


    A great example of the pervasive incompetence and ineptitude in financials institution's quality of services.    


    I think there is a linguistic misunderstanding here. All the heading says is that swift (fast, quick) moves (steps) are taken to..... I agree if one doesn't read the article, one can understand , or interpret  the heading in a way sayingthat SWIFT (the firm) moves to...

  2. 16 hours ago, mcfish said:

    Bangkok prices have gone through the stratosphere. I think the new one going up across from Nana bts will be easy 250 plus

    Glad I bought mine 12 years ago in a well maintained building near Nana bts for 65k no lease limit.

    I truly feel sorry for the renters still waiting for the baht to implode and the bubble to burst.. They missed the boat big time in Bangkok at least

    OH well there is always Myanmar I guess but I hear the horse has already bolted there as well

    Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk


    Be careful, the property prices in Miramar are increasing rapidly. Property in Yangoon isn't that much cheaper than in Bangkok.


    If one is interested in buying properties where prices are still reasonable and the locations have good future potential, then one should look at places like Chiang Mai or Khon Kaen. There in central locations one can still get luxurious condos for 65 -80,000 Baht

  3. 13 minutes ago, Chapelroad said:


    Any reward would be subject to the generosity of the person involved, not their nationality.


    You are, of course, right, but we are referring here to a situation in general and the customary attitude. A far as Japan is concerned, even there there are generous people who would reward the driver to a more generous extent, although here I am unable to refer to customs, as I really do not know Japan that well.

  4. I wonder what it feels like knowing you'll likely go down in history as a leader who did as much damage to her nation as the likes of Hitlerr, Stalin, and Mao did to their's?

    This is more than viciously ridiculous. Mrs Merkel is not perfect, no statesman/woman is perfect, but she is human and she gave Germany a human touch. To compare her to such nasty dictators as Hitler and Stalin is no more than vicious, poisonous propaganda.

  5. The guy just registered to post this review? Seems more of an advertisement to me, rather than a genuine review

    Quite frankly, I do think this is a nasty remark. I do think it is important for readers to know where to turn to, in this case for cardiological, or other health problems. It does state that the costs are higher than in other private hospitals, but here the old saying one gets what one pays for, is validated. I don't think an advertisement would mention the higher costs. Would it?

  6. Was first here in 1974 with a back pack - stayed a month - returned for business in 80s... been here full time about 15 years now...

    enjoy it more and more every year, though I am not crazy about getting older each year...

    Join the club. I feel exactly the same, also about getting older... I have been here in Thailand on a permanent basis since 2001 and still very much enjoying living here.

  7. My French is less than good so I can't do much with your link.

    Thailand 2015 - The Most Dangerous Country in the World? No, nonsense.

    just crazy :? Yes, somewhat.

    Where there are disproportionately many old people, people with health issues, pensioners (untypical age structure) there will be a higher death rate, don't you think so?

    The expat population does not represent a typical home country population.

    Thailand is NOT, repeat NOT, more dangerous than other western countries. Have you all not read international newspapers, or listened to international news, recently? Have you all heard about the carnage in the USA, in France, the recent attack on a train in Germany, the daily killings in Israel, let alone such countries like Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Egypt and Tunisia? What are you talking about? I would say Thailand is one of the safest holiday places in the world , compared to others , including Turkey.

  8. Thanks but the Ranger Flatbet is not what I need , and the 4x4 version is more expensive (750.000b)

    The Isuzu is the one I like more but is much older than the others , this maybe is good because it's a very tested engine.

    I like the Toyota too but I have read some bad reviews. I tested it in a rainy day and I have found it difficult to control.

    About the Triton I have no opinion.

    We have had an Isuzu for a few years now and are extremely pleased with it. We can highly recommend it. Further, I believe the resale value of the Isuzu is higher than the other pickups.

  9. I was speaking with a friend in Thailand two weeks ago.She owns a guest house and said she has never seen business so bad.Normally in low season it's slow but this season is really bad.Most all hotels and guest houses in the city are the same situation.

    This is not quite correct. If one follows the economic news,one sees that hotel occupancy has gone up by nearly 10% this year compared to last year and hotels expect a further growth for the upcoming tourist high season, This, of course, applies to the main tourists areas like Bangkok, Pattaya, Hua hin, Phuket or Chiang Mai.

    It is a different story if one looks at the make up of the tourism and their expenditure.

  10. I have contact with Immigration in several different provinces. I have never had any problems with Immigration officials, but in the course of my work, I have seen a great deal of variation in how they interpret and enforce the rules.

    I personally have never had any difficulties with the Thai Immigration authorities - they have always been fair and helpful. However, I had to vote B, as I do know some people who have had difficulties, albeit some of their own making...

  11. Children would certainly get a much better education in the UK. Personally I don't think they would have a better childhood*, which is why I am content to stay here with my 6 year old for the present. There will come a time when I have to bite the bullet and pay mega dosh to put our daughter through a quality international curriculum school or go back home.

    *My daughter will be a Thai or Anglo-Thai, not a Brit and I prefer the Thai culture of an extended Isaan family ('running free & happy') to the Brit culture (isolated single family units; 'lock your kids away - it's dangerous out there'). Everyone has their own personal take though.

    I am not that sure that children get, or can get, a better education in the UK. It does depend on where in the UK or which schools. Public (private in the UK),or Grammar etc. Let's be careful before we make statements. As far as international, or bi lingual schools in Thailand are concerned, admittedly, they are expensive, but in quite a few of them the kids do get a proper education and internationally accepted certificates.

  12. Owen Smith to offer referendum on Brexit deal if elected Labour leader

    The MP said Labour should be sensible and mature about the outcome of the EU referendum. “I think there are many people out there who voted in good faith for Brexit and who felt they were doing the right thing for their families and their communities and I respect them for taking that decision,” he said.

    “But I think a lot of people I know are now saying to themselves, ‘It wasn’t the right decision.’--http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/jul/13/owen-smith-to-offer-referendum-on-brexit-deal-if-elected-labour-leader

    Oh that should go down real well----"The MP said Labour should be sensible and mature about the outcome of the EU referendum."

    The definition of sensible & mature = we keep sending you back for a re-vote time & time again, until we get an answer that suits us...................coffee1.gif

    Not quite! A referendum of such importance should have been based on at least a 60% majority with a 75% poll participation. As such this referendum should be repeated on such a new basis.

  13. best thing to happen to pattaya in years.. now maybe a few cheap ass brits will actually leave

    I wouldn't use the language that you do, but in essence this may be true not only for Pattaya, but for other places in Thailand, as well. The other side of the coin is, that quite a few nice British retirees, who won't be able to take a cut of up to 25-30% in their Thai income (converting their UK income in Sterling into THB) will also be forced to leave and that would be a pity!

  14. You must like paying tax a lot.. Why not set up a HK co, invoice with that and legally enjoy 100% tax free income - no personal or corp tax except for income derived from HK clients. Just a thought.

    Why even bother setting up a HK company.

    Just get a personal bank account in HK and issue invoices on a fictitious company, with a fake or partial HK address.

    I would really advise you NOT, repeat NOT, to do this . This will be bordering on tax evasion (in the UK) based on fake documents/ addresses. Set up a proper HK limited company, which is not expensive and carry on.

  15. Total area is approx. 670 square metres,I thought 1.5 mill for the land and 3 mill for the house was fair.Guess I will have to reduce !!

    There's a lot of factors involved in selling, condition of the house, the location obviously, neighbours, access to schools and shopping etc. It's a tough market at present unless you're prepared to have a fire sale. I paid 3.8 million 6 years ago and doubt if i could break even if I put it on the market now, and I've spent at least another 500,000 on improvements. Hopefully I won't ever need to sell.

    Obviously it's a tough market now. However, in whichever market, wherever, the most important factors are: location, location, location and price. At the right location and a market orientated price and, admittedly, more than a little patience, properties can be sold.

  16. They would still be behind the Swedes...where if you complement a woman on her physical appearance it's considered rape.

    Hear this on Fox or something? Or maybe Mr. Facts (aka your avatar Trump said it, so must be true?). Here is a link to Swedish Penal Code. Take a look at section 6. http://www.government.se/contentassets/5315d27076c942019828d6c36521696e/swedish-penal-code.pdf

    Typical "Macho". Some men think they can state whatever they think fit and people who want to, believe them and....

  17. Ridiculous and dangerous legislation. Fact is some women do say no without meaning it - presumably to assuage their feelings of guilt when doing it with someone new the first time.

    Real life example 1:

    I was in hotel room with a girl (mid-20s). It was her room (she was on business) and she invited me. We'd met several times before on platonic dates. There were two single beds. After some intimacy we both got in one of the beds and she was in pole position, but as the moment approached she started moaning 'no... no... no'. This bothered me a lot so I said okay then and went to other bed, determined to give up and go to sleep. Stony silence ensued but before long she started cajoling and made it clear she wanted me back. So I went back to her bed and discovered how much she really wanted it.

    Real life example 2.

    With a different girl I met in on an internet chat room (the only time that ever happened, btw). After a drink in the local pub she was clearly up for it and agreed to stay over at my place which had obviously been her intention all along. After some canoodling we were in bed, lights out, and then the same moaning started: 'no... no... no... no...' I didn't like that at all, but I figured by now that this was just part of the routine for some women. I deliberated with myself and decided she was perfectly free to get up and walk out, or at least get off the bed - there was no physical coercion and she wasn't drunk. So I carried on, and on penetration - I kid you not - she said 'suck my tits'. It was exactly like that: "no...no...no...no...suck my tits' without pause. I burst out laughing, but not without reflecting what a difficult and dangerous position women such as this put men into.

    This is a serious issue and innocent lives could be ruined by guilt-stricken women who decide they don't like what they've done the next morning. The law needs to be written by people with real-world experience who will understand that 'no' sometimes means 'I feel guilty about this but do it anyway'.

    The real criteria is whether the woman is free to get up and walk away. (Of course, if she's been drugged, that's another matter, but let's keep those issues separate.)

    What the proposed law in Germany means is to make sure that women's wishes are respected. The "nos" that you describe are something completely different.

    As far as the "danger" you are referring to, even under the present law, there is nothing to prevent a woman reporting to the police a "rape" in the form prescribed by the present law. Here we are referring to decent women who are facing men who are not prepare to take no for an answer, Such "machos" should be punishable by law.

  18. I could be wrong (dementia's a wonderful thing) but about three/four/ five years ago I seem to remember the pound was quite volatile for a while and I'm sure I read/was told that Thai Immigration used a fixed rate (that they reviewed every week/month) because the daily rate could vary wildly, even in a single day.

    Have Thai immigration changed the way they do their calculations...............or is my memory that bad and I'm mixing it up with something else?

    I have done 8 extensions using the income option and immigration has checked what the exchange rate is for the date I applied for every one of them.

    How low can it go before you cannot do this any longer? I imagine a lot are in the same boat

    The answer is, nobody knows. It can go even lower than 40 to the Baht, or, if some optimists are right, it could go back to 50. It's anybody's guess.

  19. Beautiful !! I hope it's the beginning of a major market crash in which stock & bonds holders ( especially banks ) get wiped out.

    But it won't of course , central banks are standing ready to pump in the free money.

    I really can't understand what you are so happy about. You do realize that a market crash will damage or ruin a lot of people, not only the banks.....

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