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Posts posted by abrahamzvi

  1. born here - Thai citizen. May have to register the birth at a government office. Don't need a visa. You can get American citizenship for the baby by registering at the American embassy. Your baby has dual citizenship.

    Wrong information. The place of birth according to Thai Law, is not decisive for the nationality and does not automatically grant Thai nationality , as is the case in the US, UK and most western countries (not all). The child should get a visa and an extension to stay depending on the mother permission to stay. As far as I know the child is a dual citizen, but not of Thailand, but of the US and Australia.

  2. This is a HUGE endorsement of BREXIT and only a fool would scoff at the influence the Sun has - it cost Neil Kinnock an assured election victory when they switched allegiance to John Major.

    Unfortunately you are absolutely right. With an absolute disaster looming, I really don't know what to suggest. I wish the accepted laws (unfortunately there is no so called constitution in the UK) would allow the Sovereign to voice a view in this "live or die" situation for the UK. It looks as though this may be the only possibility for common sense to take effect in the UK, with the voters, who mostly don't seem to understand the implications. Unfortunately this step seems impossible and "unconstitutional".

  3. Schengen Nicola Sturgeon. Wants to keep the UK in EU but she wants out of the UK union. facepalm.gif

    Why? She states openly and decisively that Scotland will stay in the EU and even extend its membership to replace the Pound with the EURO and possibly enter the Schengen Area. At least she is a proper European, as opposed to Johnson, who presently leads the Brexit cast, but if he wins, which I sincerely hope will not be the case, he possibly may find an excuse to change his mind, just to get rid of the present PM and replace him. It wouldn't surprise me!

  4. Making a will has nothing to do with you visa / lenght of stay.

    You can name who you want and specifically exclude "normal" heirs like kids from previous marriages. The question then is whether or not that will is legally enforceable by your wife in the countries where your assets are.

    I.e. I can give all my Thai assets to my wife, therefore exclude my kids from the will, but this would NOT be possible for my Swiss assets, there my kids have the right for the legal minimum.

    That is why many people with assets and legal heirs in different countries have more than one will.

    The same situation applies to Germany. As far as Germany is concerned, this can even be more complicated. Under German law, in normal circumstances, a German citizen is subject to the German inheritance laws in respect of his/her worldwide assets, irrespective of his/her place of residence. There are circumstances, where this can be avoided, but it needs really careful legal advice and action in Germany by a German lawyer, specializing in Family Law.

    Of course, it all depends on the amount we are talking about and on the persons involved. A good legal advice in Germany can be quite expensive and might not be worth the trouble.

  5. This mayhem is happening with only about 5% of the German population being muslim. Do the experts here think that when the German population is 50% muslim the situation will be more peaceful or even worse? I mean, when Germany is part of the caliphate will it be more peaceful than at present, or will they still be whinging and thrashing around causing maximum disruption to infidels?

    What a cynical, not very clever , remark. There are about 80 Million Germans in Germany and app. 4-5 Million Muslims, most of whom are pretty germanic, a 2nd to 4th generation there and very peaceful law abiding citizens, who keep their religion at home. How can anybody imagine about 40 million people in Germany converting to Islam, or as many Islamic immigrants entering Germany?? Come on...

  6. there is hope at last! clap2.gif I mean there would have to be something seriously wrong with anyone with an ounce of common sense ( and provided they don't have their own agenda )who still thinks it's better to stay in after that listening to all the facts in Brexit the Movie


    General De Gaulle of France was absolutely right to try and block the entry of the UK to the EU. One must remember that the UK had tried to establish a different "common market" with countries that are now part of the EU. Only after theyt had realized that this was an utter failure, did there successfully try to join the EU. Since then, all the EU had has been a succession of requests for exceptions. It is high time for the UK people to decide if they wish to be part of Europe, with all the benefits involved, or out of it . Let us see then where the London Financial centre is, where the British Exports go to, where the so called "British Democracy" (where a PM with a minority popular vote can rule the country) i) and where Britain will stand on security.

    The youtube film is an anti EU propaganda clip, full of lies, half lies and misconstrued facts. For example: The European Parliament has the right, indeed the duty, to agree or disagree laws SUGGESTED by the commission. Yes, the EU can be made more democratic, if some countries, like the UK, would stop blocking progress. Europe, including the UK can only have a bright future in our globalized world as a US of Europe, with each country keeping its culture and traditions. EU will exist and progress without the UK, although it will be a pity if the UK leaves. I very much doubt that the UK will prosper without the EU. Remember one fact: The EU, or most states of the EU will not, repeat NOT, be prepared to enter agreements with the UK which will hold benefits only for the UK. I really hope that the British people will have enough sense to realize the actual real facts.

    LOL giggle.gif

    " Yes, the EU can be made more democratic " well I wouldn't be holding my breath for that onelaugh.png

    the only ones with a bright future will be the politicians and bureaucrats that will go on collecting their obscene salaries year after year as the rest of the real world economy sinks further and further into depression

    I very much doubt the UK will prosper within the EU because I doubt whether the EU itself will prosper.look at Greece.

    What's it got to offer for God's sake?

    The EU has been prosperous for the last 10 years , or so compared to the down turn in the global economy. Without the EU, a number of countries, mostly ex Eastern Block ones, would not have a prospering economy like today. As far as the UK goes, where do the UK exports mostly go to? As far as the London Financial Centre is concerned, just imagine how much it will shrink without the EU. I do know that most of the readers will disagree, but I, and I am an economist, believe that the UK would be better off if it not only stays in the EU but joins the EURO, in spite of the Greek disaster, which albeit, has not been dealt with properly.

    I really do believe it will be a disaster for the UK to leave the EU. Apart from the financial and social drawbacks, the nearly certain result will be the succession of Scotland, which is very keen on staying in the EU. Even Wales may follow thereafter. What a disaster that would be!

  7. there is hope at last! clap2.gif I mean there would have to be something seriously wrong with anyone with an ounce of common sense ( and provided they don't have their own agenda )who still thinks it's better to stay in after that listening to all the facts in Brexit the Movie


    General De Gaulle of France was absolutely right to try and block the entry of the UK to the EU. One must remember that the UK had tried to establish a different "common market" with countries that are now part of the EU. Only after theyt had realized that this was an utter failure, did there successfully try to join the EU. Since then, all the EU had has been a succession of requests for exceptions. It is high time for the UK people to decide if they wish to be part of Europe, with all the benefits involved, or out of it . Let us see then where the London Financial centre is, where the British Exports go to, where the so called "British Democracy" (where a PM with a minority popular vote can rule the country) i) and where Britain will stand on security.

    The youtube film is an anti EU propaganda clip, full of lies, half lies and misconstrued facts. For example: The European Parliament has the right, indeed the duty, to agree or disagree laws SUGGESTED by the commission. Yes, the EU can be made more democratic, if some countries, like the UK, would stop blocking progress. Europe, including the UK can only have a bright future in our globalized world as a US of Europe, with each country keeping its culture and traditions. EU will exist and progress without the UK, although it will be a pity if the UK leaves. I very much doubt that the UK will prosper without the EU. Remember one fact: The EU, or most states of the EU will not, repeat NOT, be prepared to enter agreements with the UK which will hold benefits only for the UK. I really hope that the British people will have enough sense to realize the actual real facts.

  8. Hilton is a giant crap nowadays, I was a status member and after a heated argument with a typical rude "US customer service agent supervisor" I cancelled my membership entirely. I know of many members who said goodbye to Hilton after they changed their miles-earning-rules two years ago or so.

    I like IHG so far, they still give full 500 Miles per stay and once you have been a GOLD member, you can relatively easily maintain the status as they will offer you a moderate challenge in case you did not fulfill the requirements in the next year.

    Accor is not too bad either as you get automatic room upgrades as a Gold member and the have a larger variety of chains, basically from 1 to 5 star.

    Best Western I only use to earn some miles as my FF program still gives me 500 Miles per stay - but I don't like most of their hotels.

    I am a dormant Carlson member - they have very few properties in South-East-Asia so I rarely used them

    I agree with you on the Hilton program, which I cancelled few years ago. I think the SPG program is the best of the lot, although the Accor one, of which I am a gold member is not bad. I have been a SPG member for over 10 years with over 500 stays and have been awarded Platinum Status for life. It can hardly get better.

  9. Some years ago we had our two daughters at KKVS. One could hardly speak any Thai when we moved to Khon Kaen and both did not command the English language properly. Both did very well and within a year or two they spoke and wrote and read English well and the younger learnt thai and spoke it fluently with hardly any accent. Both have now graduated from University, one with a BA degree and the youngest is sitting for her Masters in a UK University.

    KKVS is officially a bilingual Thai school, but has been licensed by the Cambridge University to follow and carry out the Cambridge English curriculum.

    From our experience and that of other parents we know, we can really recommend KKVS, which has an excellent management and highly qualified and dedicated teaching personnel.

  10. I have met some well educated and capable Thai English teachers that are far more capable then these "back packers" hired in these phony schools.Wealthy local and foreign parents are foolish enough to be seduced into thinking (by theses schools) that "a white faced foreigner that can utter some what English " can educate their children in a proper Western way.So these educated Thai teachers even though they would be better for the children's education are put on a lower tier.But The government will not change this t".In my opion"

    I entirely agree that there are some Thai most qualified English teachers. However, it is the Thai parents who consider Thais incapable of teaching their children a foreign language and therefore the private schools, or even the public ones with the 'extra" English classes, are not able too employ the highly qualified Thais. The result is that very few Thais are prepared to invest years of studies in getting properly qualified, as they know that their chances of getting a proper position are really minimal.

    The solution: In my view, the government has to reduce the number of work permits to foreign teachers and the schools must prove that they are unable to find the right Thai teachers, before they are granted the work permit to a foreign teacher. Within a certain period of say 10-15 years, there won't be a necessity to employ foreign teachers, as more capable Thai young people will get the proper qualifications, knowing that if they do, they will get decently paid positions.

  11. Nothing you can do about it, if you think they are charging you more walk away, their loss at the end of the day

    I don't even bother saying anything if I think I am being dual charged, just walk off, I remember a incident years ago where a brush salesman came outside my house whilst I was in the garden, I asked him how much for a brush, he said 100 Baht, (30-40 in the Shopping Mall) I didn't say a word to him and walked in the house, when I came out 10 minutes later he was still stood there laugh.png

    There are things I have seen on the markets that I would like to buy but never do, I really can't be bothered with all the haggling, I just shop at places where the price is clearly shown

    As for hairdressers the one I go to charges me the price shown in Thai on the list,

    I really don't class it as racism, Thais try to rip each other off as much as they do Farangs

    I agree with you - it is most certainly NOT racialism, it is simple grees. Unfortunately it is common not only in Thailand, but in most other tourists centres. Take Manhattan main Stree - 6th Ave.- with all the tourists stores, where the prices are 3 to 4 fold of the normal prices. Here in Thailand, each Farang is considered a tourist and hence the

    situation, which looks like racism.

  12. I am British and I expect nothing from the UK government. I remember back in 1979 when it looked as if there was going to be major backlash against foreigners in Zambia. The British Embassy continued telling everyone there wasnt a problem. We found out later the Ambassador and family had been flown out and the RAF were on emergency standby in Nairobi

    To be exact, there has never been a British Embassy, nor an ambassador in Zambia. Only a High Commission and a High Commissioner.

  13. Germany is next.

    You must be joking!!! Germany has a strong secular constitution with a 93% non Muslim ( mostly Christian) population. What are you talking about???

    Obviously you have no idea what right now happen in Germany and other EU countries. In which Year are you living?

    Please you tell me what is happening in Germany and other EU countries. If you want to convince people that in an EU with 350 million people, it is impossible to allow 2-3 million refugees (here I am referring to true refugees, not to "economic" refugees), then , please explain to us all why. I do accept that terrorism is a serious problem, but is it caused by the influx of refugees? 9/11 took place long before there were any refugees.

    I do accept and maintain that the refugees have to adapt to the customs and obey the laws of the host countries, but what you are preaching and unfortunately many in Europe are, its pure hatred, racialism and thrive on fear and incitement. We all know what such factors have led to in previous centuries.

    BTW, I have just returned home to Thailand (I have been living here for quite a few years, although I am a convinced and avid EU citizen and believer in a US of Europe!), from an extensive stay in Europe and the US. So I think I know what I am talking about. Further, although I do read TV, I also regularly read British, French, German and US papers, so that my information is rather extensive and I think objective, as, it seems, opposed to yours!!!

  14. He's not English, he might have been born there but I'll bet a penny to a pound neither of his parents or grandparents are English. Just because a pig is born in a stable, doesn't make it a horse.

    The best description by far!

    Even a large amount of the Indians in the UK who often call themselves British because they hold the required paperwork admit to being British Indians, ditto BritishChinese.

    I spent 20 years in Hong Kong and have all the paper work to describe me as Chinese, but obviously I am not.

    For the sake of argument a "real" Englishman is white Anglo Saxon Christian with English as his first language. Everyone else is a guest!

    Well, if your definition is correct, most "Englishmen" would not be English. Remember the invasion of the ":British Isles" by King William from Normandy (now France)??? Even the English language is app. 50" of Latin (Norman) originating words. What about the Royal family? It is mostly of German origin. Are the children of Queen Elizabeth not English (or British)? Are they German/Greeks?

    What you are saying would turn the whole world (including the UK and the whole of Europe) thousand of years back. I would suggest that you read few history books and you will realize that there is no such thing as a "pure" Englishman" and for that matter "pure" Spaniards, Italians, Frenchmen, Germans etc, let alone the typical immigration countries like Canada, Australia, N.Z. and the USA. Even the real natives of such countries as Australia and NZ are mixed with other "races"

    A "mustached" "Leader" some 80 years ago had a similar theory to yours about a certain theoretical "race". The results.......

  15. Sad is that we'll never find out what the reason of his death was. In a country where I can get a contract killer for 25 K+ or less, shops that give me a fake bill over a purchase that I've never made and cops who change the police report in favor of the person who pays the most money.

    Money is too important and the three Chinese monkeys come to mind....wai2.gif .

    Just a very simple and to me logical question: If this country is such an awful place to live in as you describe, why are you living here??

    There is no perfect place in this world, but even if I had a very limited choice, I wouldn't live in a country as bad as you describe. I do live here and with all its imperfections, I very much enjoy it.

  16. For the German government to take instructions from a repressive regime like Turkey's is setting a new benchmark. Next, maybe N Korea will prevail on Merkel to stifle its opponents.....

    This is an absolute disgrace for the German government headed by Mrs Merkel. She has lost all respect earned last year in her attitude to refugees. She seems to have no principles, nor do her coalition partners, who object to this disgraceful decision, but are not prepared to draw the consequences and leave the coalition. All of them will pay the price for this attitude.

  17. relax mate! you are neither a German citizen nor a resident of Germany that's why your German tax liabilities are zero. to be on the safe side, avoiding any potential complications (because of your German bank account), bill your German client via your offshore company.

    caveat: check with your client whether he accepts to pay for your services billed by a company but transferred to a non-corporate bank account.

    but my concern is Germany may ask me for further proof of thai company and paying taxes in Thailand

    no German authority has the right to ask for anything!

    As sorry as I am, you stand to be corrected on one point. Being or not being a German citizen is for taxation purposes completely and utterly immaterial. Important is the proof of non residency. There is no tax liability if there is no residency (deregistration and proof of the fact that the centre of one's life is not in Germany. total stays in Germany can not exceed 180 days in a year, etc.)

  18. Why are you staying in Thailand? What's the allure? Why not stay in her country or yours?

    Not relevant at all, but nice of you to ask smile.png

    We both prefer to stay in thailand and used to stay there together. It is more convenient, cleaner and in Laos a foreigner can not stay with a Lao national except if the are married. It might be hard for anyone to picture, but in my opinion traffic is scarier here. I like Thai food way better than Lao food. I do love Isan food, but up here it's more the prototype of Isan food than the dishes we are used to in Thailand smile.png Now you know!

    Oh, and i am from Denmark. Enough said...

    Although I agree and share your views and feelings for Thailand (I have been living here for quite a few years and I love it), I am slightly surprised at your last sentence about Denmark. I am not a Dane, but I know your country quite well. It's a beautiful country with very nice people. It has its disadvantages, like weather and high taxes, but to say "enough said...." is not very complimentary and well...

  19. The children are too young to know exactly what`s best for them yet. You are the parent and those children are your responsibility and it`s you that needs to guide them.

    The Thai education system is not good for luk khreung kids unless they intend to remain in Thailand otherwise if they do return to Europe in the future they will be at a great disadvantage having only Thai qualifications that are not worth the paper they`re printed on and most not recognized in Europe. Sorry that you cannot afford an International school and maybe University education in Thailand for your kids, but you should have thought of that before bringing them here. Daddy can we not go back to France/England/Wales? Seems the children are wiser then their parents.

    Only one remark. Thai qualifications from some (few) good universities in Thailand (Chula, Thamassat, and one or two others) are well respected and recognized in Europe!

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