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Posts posted by Phil_ne_uk

  1. My first year’s retirement visa extension is soon due for renewal. Now due to the baht exchange rate being low my monthly pension is now only 61,500 baht.

    So does that mean because the difference is 3,500 baht per month less that I would need to show 42,000 baht in my Thai bank account? (i.e 3,500 x 12) instead of the full 65,000.

    If so would that need to be in the bank 90 days before applying?

    Will the IMM accept this?



  2. Ummh, did you have any sort of line conditioner or surge protector?

    If you dropped that much money on a TV, why wouldn't you spend the little bit extra for protecting your investment? I'm sure that the cost of a quality surge protector is well less the 6 000 THB that you're going to end up spending.

    Sounds to me like the end user is the mickey-mouse. What a lighting strike is termed in the USA, at least for insurance company, is an "Act of God". I.E., there's not much you can do to prevent it, but rather you should try and mitigate the affect of it.

    dave boo, you ask why didn’t I use a surge protector? Because I didn’t know about such things and no-one told me about them when I bought the TV.

    Having said that Johnxxx used one and as he stated, and it didn’t work!

    I incorrectly assumed that a company like Sony, making TV’s for a country like Thailand where I’m sure they have known about storms for god knows how many years would have the ability & common sense to fit some type of basic fuse to the TV as they would in a normal country like the UK

    So in a way you’re right, I was micky mouse for expecting any sort of normality in a country where I have yet to see any in the 4 years of living here!

    I would have replied sooner but my internet signal cut off, again,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, say no more!

  3. On Monday my electricity went off during a storm with severe thunder & lightening at 11.20am until 10.10pm. When I returned home I tried to switch my Sony Bravia 50” TV on but it was dead! No sound or lights on it at all.

    BTW the TV only has a 2 pin plug on it, is this normal?

    My PC monitor was also not working they are connected together with an RGB cable so I can watch stuff from the PC on the TV

    So anyway, I phoned the Pattaya Sony service centre on Tuesday who said they would come to my house on Friday to fix it. They eventually came at 4.00pm and said it will be 300 baht to take it away to their workshop and 500 Baht to look at it.

    I got my wife to ask them if they thought it would be an internal fuse or some basic problem bearing in mind Thailand must be used to the problems of storms and would assumingly have some sort of protection in the TV’s, like a fuse to prevent such a basic problem, right?

    They said it might be a circuit board which will cost about 5000 Baht! So every time there’s a storm it’s going to cost almost 6000 baht for TV repairs???

    So basically does anyone know or have experience of repairing a TV here as I can not believe they make TV’s without any type of fuse protection to prevent major problems?

    Or am I expecting too much from a micky mouse country?

    Thanks in anticipation,


  4. understandably, the hotel management were worried, i imagine the orgy was disturbing other guests (noises), probably stains all over the upholstery,

    and it is a standard type of hotel, nothing special.

    not sure how they thought they could get away with it.

    as I said...this took place in the same hotel every two weeks for a couple of years already. Never been there myself but I do know someone who was a regular. According to him that was a non-profit event, plenty of food and drinks for the guests and doing the maths on it there must not have been much left over for the organizers.

    Raro, regarding your posts, I also cant see what the problem is or why it should be classed as illegal.

    However who says they “just cover their expenses for hotel, food and drinks” What a load of cr@p I know from a reliable source that local singles pay 2500 Baht admission. Non locals from outside Thailand pay 3000 baht. Generally there are about 1-3 couples in attendance, maximum and usually around 15 singles guys. The hotel rooms they use cost just around 2000 Baht for the night.

    So do the sums and you’ll see he was making about 40000 baht from each event!

  5. look at all these criminals helping each other out :D , there are enough ex cons here, stay in the UK. :D

    the guy is an ex con for sure , but he paid the price and now you want him to pay again?

    Pardon me for pointing out the obvious but when it comes to deciding Thai imigration policy your opinion is worthless, in fact you and the op are in the same boat as far as the Thai Authorities are concerned.

    You walk on water yourself?

    Roy gsd :o:D:D:D

    Well said roygsd!!!

    I would say worry about the criminals here in thailand, not any EX cons coming here to retire or visit for a holiday & relaxation! :D

  6. OK, I am not wanting to apply for a visa for a lady that I meet some time ago, rather just thinking ahead as I have just returned from LOS after meeting a very nice lady, I was wondering what I can do now to document our relationship should we ever need evidence of our relationship in the future?

    Her English is poor but she is keen to learn, she has no translation of her name in English type script, I do not know even if I get the correct pronunciation of her nick name right (Dre'an) let alone know I spell it correct, I know her age but not her birthday, we text each other but we both use pay as u go mobile phones, I do call her from the house phone so her number would be itemized but I would not expect her to call me.

    Really the only thing I have is a number of photos of us together, is there a way to get say prints of these photos dated and witnessed as to be acceptable as valid prof in the future?

    I have had many relationships with ladies from Thailand but most have ended when the start asking me to send money, for some reason I honestly believe Dre'an to be different.


    Basil, you state that this lady’s English is poor, so how does she manage to text you? Just curious.

    Regarding the visa, if she has a job to return to after the future UK trip, it will look good and will count towards having a ‘reason to return’ I assume she must already have a good job as you don’t seem to intend to send her money. However if she doesn’t have a good job enabling her to support herself, how do you expect her to live?

  7. pattaya 2004 / me / well known hospital near soi 6 :o / replacement of bridge 4 teeth / capping another 4 / cost estimate 235,000 Baht / estimated duration 2-3 weeks / no thank you :D

    pattaya aug 2007 / me / farang owned dental clinic / 22 teeth (telescopic crowns, a zillion ounces of gold) / twice 3½ hours grinding :D / 10 days later fitting / top job at total cost of 445,000 Baht (cost in Europe 1,584,000 Baht)

    pattaya november 2007 / our house maid / farang owned dental clinic / root canal / duration ~1 hour / top job = 6,000 Baht

    Same idea as what I've just posted! last november my g/f had a wisdom tooth removed, cost 4500 baht! say no more!! :D

  8. root canal work on upper molars (3 roots) is a much more complicated and lengthy procedure than root canal work on incisors or canines ( single rooted).

    The tooth in question is a lower tooth.

    if the nerve in the tooth has already died , then the procedure is different to the removal of a "live" nerve , if there is an abscess associated with the tooth , then the procedure is different again.

    I don't think the tooth has died and there is no abscess or real pain.

    a single root may have 1,2,or 3 separate canals that need treating , some canals are curved and difficult to access.

    some dentists use simple hand files to carry out root canal work , some dentists use super flexible mechanical files made of expensive metal alloys to do the work , the materials and techniques used to fill the widenend and cleaned canals varies in quality and costs too.

    some dentists will do the treatment in one visit , some will do it over 2 or three visits. every case is different and requires different treatment strategies.

    I have read that with modern technology a RC should take about just 40 minutes.

    all these variables and many more too will count towards the cost of a root canal treatment.

    is 30000 too much for a root canal treatment ?? it all depends on how much the dentist values his experience and skill and how much the patient values their teeth.

    Having been quoted 30,000 baht seems like they want more money for the lengthy time for the treatment due to old fashioned abilities.

    but 30000 sounds very high for the root canal treatment alone.

    I beleive that included the crown.

    it all depends on what your priorities are , if it's plasma tvs and designer clothes then you will be happy to pay.

    if healthy teeth are important to you , then you will be happy to pay for the best.

    I have read that with modern technology a RC should take about just 40 minutes. So being quoted 30,000 baht seems like they want more money for the lengthy time for the treatment due to old fashioned abilities.

    Fine but paying a high price does not guarantee one gets the best as I’ve read on many posts yesterday. What I don’t want to is to be ripped off as yet another naive farang.

    I understand that in the UK the top charge for dental treatment is 194 GBP. 30,000 baht is the equivalent to about 470 GBP which is 142% more expensive.

    Being Thailand one expects things to be cheaper, I mean how the hel_l can the average Thai pay these prices? Its just another example of cashing in on those with cash.

    like paying tax , paying for dental work is considered by a lot of people to be a "distress purchase" and they seek out the cheapest but sometimes going cheap can turn out to be false economy.

  9. Last August I went to a well known hospital (not sure if I can mention the name? I will if permitted) near soi 6 and the beach road in Pattaya for treatment as I broke part of a rear upper tooth. The young lady dentist told me I needed a crown but they would do a filling first then after a month if there were no problems they would finish it with the crown. I had to go back to the UK a week later so didn’t get the crown done and its been no problem ever since so I haven’t bothered with the crown.

    Last week while eating a boneless chicken breast, a small bone broke a bit of a lower tooth about 4 teeth along from the centre. I mad an appointment to see the same dentist who was initially recommended on this forum. I had to wait a week to see her. The tooth didn’t hurt apart from sometimes when I chewed something if it was directly on that tooth I felt a slight sort of jab of pain.

    Anyway I went yesterday for my appointment and she did an x-ray and said I needed a root canal. She told me it had a small cavity which was under the surface so wasn’t visible.

    Now this tooth had a small piece broken for a few months now but didn’t cause any problems or pain whatsoever so I left it alone.

    I was told the RC would take 3-4 one hour visits where they would remove the pulp etc, then make a temporary filling, re-open it to check for infections each time and then finally finish it off with a crown at the total cost of 30,000 baht. Now I’ve been reading on the net & forum literally all day for information about this and found prices that others had paid for this treatment mentioned from 4,000 baht up but nowhere near 30,000. mind you the posts I read were about 2 years old but surely the price cant have increased that much?

    My questions are,

    1. Are they extracting the urine asking for 30k?

    2. Should it take 3-4 one hour treatments? I ask as I read about a Dr. Jerry Gordon in the US who says that nowadays it should only take about 40 minutes?

    3. How do I know I really need a RC as I’ve never had any pain from this tooth?

    BTW, last night I ate a banana straight from the fridge and it hurt a bit as the banana was quite cold.

    Any help and advice would be appreciated.



  10. I used David about 2 years ago and found his surgery to be like a cattle market.He treated patients two at a time for about 10 minutes each.

    After about 6 or 7 so called appointments I was no better off than when I first saw him.

    Good luck :o

    Kurgen is correct. I also used this guy. DO NOT go there unless you want to be ripped off by having to keep going back for further unnecessary treatments. A good chiropractor should be able to fix a problem in ONE treatment most times.

    Also this one talks to you like a dog and is an impatient T**t

    I found this like which may help,

    Thailand Chiropractic Association (TCA) http://www.thailandchiropractic.org/epage4.html


  11. all i know is that root canals are really bad news;

    what i mean is that they are fundementally unsafe.

    Once the tooth is killed (nerve removed) anaerobic bacteria forms under the tooth.

    This stuff is soooooooooo toxic. Some people are literally cripled.

    If you doubt what I say google it.

    Chock dee and Sawadee kup.

    Agreed. But every time I go to a Dentist here they want to do a Root Canal!

    When I am reluctant they tell me I will have terrible trouble if it isn't done.....

    Never had terrible trouble yet.

    Hi Luckydog, may I ask what you had done instead? I ask because Dr Aree at the PATTAYA INTERNATIONAL HOSPITAL Soi 4, Beach Road told me I need a root canal for 30,000 baht or otherwise have the tooth removed for 2000 baht. The tooth isn’t in a bad condition, just chipped but quite a large chip,

    Also did they tell you how long a root canal would take as they told me 3-4 visits @ 1 hour each visit so 4 hours of torture! lol



  12. I don’t know if you’re still looking but I needed one 2 years ago and went to an American guy on Pattaya Klang within with Novo Hotel grounds. However DO NOT go there unless you want to be ripped off by having to keep going back for further unnecessary treatments. A good chiropractor should be able to fix a problem in ONE treatment most times.

    Also this one talks to you like a dog and is an impatient T**t

    I found this like which may help,

    Thailand Chiropractic Association (TCA) http://www.thailandchiropractic.org/epage4.html

  13. Another selfish smoker, yet again unable to offer sensible & reasonable arguments as to why they should be allowed to continue killing themselves & more importantly others with their vile addiction.

    Mr Seymour, if you had bothered to actually read my post you would have seen my ‘sensible & reasonable arguments’ why there are more serious things to be concerned about as I stated, other a bit of smoke from a cigarette.

    Just today my g/f and I were sitting in the back garden but had to go inside and bring the washing in also as some selfish people were burning rubbish or something which produced think black smoke blowing into our garden. Strangely enough they haven’t banned fires but as they say, they have had fires long before we came here so we just have to put up with all these hazards as I listed in my previous post. If we don’t like it then we don’t have to stay here. So stop winging about us smokers as it’s the only thing you have power to winge about!

    Welcome to Thailand!

    How very strange, you never mentioned the things that really mattered in that post, I would think more people are killed or injured by the above than a bloke having a smoke

    pepsi666, thanks for noticing my points. I thought that perhaps I didn’t make myself clear as others didn’t seem to notice my points or perhaps they are just too obsessed with having a go at us smokers?

    How long have you been hanging about smokers ?

    Are you suffering any affects from them ?

    How many of the above have you put up with ?

    NOW get off your soap box and give it a break, we all know about the no samoking ban now, it is up to the individual now and the bar owners,

    AND I would be up for the night out, but would I be allowed as I'm a non smoker :o but not a whinger :D

    pepsi666, as a non smoker and obviously anti winger you would be most welcome to join our night out as I’m sure other smokers will think the same.

  14. Sorry I’m a bit late in saying my piece in what has been an interesting and amusing thread. BTW plasticpig your posts are sooo funny, come back!

    Anyway after reading all the wingers complaints about us smokers and our smoke being a health hazard that should be banned, what about banning ALL the health hazards which include,,

    Motorbikes heading for you on the wrong side of the road, or pulling out of side roads in your path without looking causing you to brake so as to miss these fools!

    What about the bikers who persist in riding along with no lights on?

    Or can someone be really in control of a bike with 3 other passengers on it?

    I know its been mentioned but what about the thick black smoke belching out of the exhausts on baht buses, lorries, motorbikes etc etc?

    What about the dust pollution floating around in the air, why isn’t that cleaned up and stopped?

    What about the crazy dogs that chase after motorbikes and even cars on occasion.

    Surely these things are ALL health hazards so why not ban them too?

    I was out in an open air bar complex in Pattaya last night. The bar had no ashtrays to be seen. Then I noticed the Thai lady owner puffing away along with a few of the other bar staff. So I asked for an ashtray, great no probs. The bar next door also had customers smoking too. Banning smoking in open air places is absolutely crazy!

    Early on in this thread it was suggested mentioning all the bars where you can’t smoke. Why don’t all of us smokers meet up for a few beers, write down on a piece of paper all the bars each of us know who allow smoking then pass the paper round the group and when your paper comes back to you, you will have a nice long list of all the bars & gogo’s where you can smoke! Of course everyone must have smoked at least 10 cigs before exchanging lists to be sure there are no anti’s there!

    Also in combat to those who wish to drop us smokers in and boycott venues that still allow smoking. While making our list of smoking venues why don’t we have a pub crawl and ask if they allow smoking at various bars. If they say it’s no smoking we all move on to the next venue. When they see that they just lost a large group (depending how many forum members come along) of customers thanks to this law they will soon either change their policy or complain to the government about scrapping this ridiculous law. Imagine how they would feel seeing maybe 20, 30 customers or more walking away!

    Right, I’m off for a cig. :o

    So who’s up for this night out?

  15. Great night last night!! The party turned out great, and the food (& beer!) was delicious...

    If anyone has any pictures, Please post them here! Would love to see them..

    Thank you Thai Visa for a great night!!


    Hear, hear. I was a bit wary as a relative 'newbie' but had a great time. Thanks everyone for your hospitality. No pics I am afraid - the g/f forgot the camera!

    Had a really great time, thanks a lot ThaiVisa.

    People at our table, including shy Meg, finally took over the "dance floor" I'm pleased to say.

    Hope to be at the 6th birthday bash.

    :D Oh no! I thought no one would remember :o Hahahaha!! Nice to meet you, Wineman!

    Yes Meg we all remember. If I remember correctly I made you get up to dance! lol

    Great fun, a great night & great people on our table! Hi to you all!


  16. (D) ... -Any alien who-

    (i) is coming to the United States solely, principally, or incidentally to engage in prostitution, or has engaged in prostitution within 10 years of the date of application for a visa, admission, or adjustment of status,

    Is this a moot point? Do they arrest women for prostitution in LOS? They would have to prove a prior conviction wouldn't they before they "assume" she wasn't a cashier, dj, whatever.

    They don't need to prove anything. It's not a court, the applicant is asking for a visa so the burden of proof is on the applicant. The interview is designed to feret out the info and if they don't get a good feeling, they can just keep asking for more documentation.

    And if they think there's something fishy or not quite right about the applicant they can refuse the visa and give bull**it reasons for doing so!

  17. Well the main question i have is that my fiance is a former bar girl and i know that if she says that then the visa issue is probably dead in the water. Her old boss owns several "ligitimate" shops and is willing to show that she worked at one of these. Now I also know that if we are caught lying that it is also dead in the water. She has never been arrested, but is it better to take the chance and use the fake job, or will they still allow her if she states she worked there but was not involved. After all it's not illegal to work there. Please no warnings about the dangers of getting involved with a bar girl. I love her and if i have to I'll even move to thailand. I just hope it doesn't come to that. Its a visa to America by the way. any advice is appreciated.

    If as you say "her old boss owns several "ligitimate" shops and is willing to show that she worked at one of these" then as long as the embassy can not disprove that then it should be ok. As I always say, as long as you can cover your @rse then you can’t get found out. She would need to know what the shop job was and that her boss also sticks to the same story just in case they want to check. Of course they will want to know how & where you met as in my opinion I think they assume that the farang meets his girlfriend in a bar.

    The main thing is that if they question her about her job, can she confidently say she worked in a shop and did bla bla bla without stammering or something which could make them disbelieve her. In other words, is she a good actress?


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