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Everything posted by doctormann

  1. I take your point. Walking is probably safer - although didn't stop me from breaking an ankle when the sidewalk collapsed under my feet, back in 2008. Right now, walking is actually a problem for me if I want to go any distance. Just no pleasure in it and gets quite painful after a while. I don't know if an e-scooter is really the answer - just looking at alternatives at the moment.
  2. Life expectancy 5 minutes, maybe, if you're lucky!
  3. I'm rethinking this. Maybe not such a good idea after all! I was referring to actual scooters - like the one you maybe had as a child, only bigger with an electric motor - not the PCX / Click full size electric scooter thingies. Used a lot in Europe for commuting, allegedly, but I haven't seen any in Pattaya.
  4. Not sure if this is the right place for this - I wouldn't want to offend anyone who has a 'proper' motorcycle! Anyway, the question is, does anyone have experience with e-scooters? My mobility is getting a bit compromised and I think that an e-scooter might be the solution to just getting around locally - mainly to the local shops and maybe to the pub. I don't need anything fast or with a long range, just something fairly basic. I don't have a m/c licence so anything gasoline-powered isn't really an option. I don't think that a licence is required for an e-scooter of 500W, or less, power. Any recommendations on make / model? Is there anywhere in Pattaya that sells these things?
  5. I did pay extra for the initial eye examination, which was carried out at Bangkok Pattaya Hospital. That was to specify the lenses and to check for glaucoma or any other problems. This was less than 2000 Baht. The only other expenses were for post-op medication - eye drops that you have to use for a few weeks. Didn't cost much. I had my first eye done just a few days after the initial exam and the second eye a month after that. I had a final check on both eyes after a further three months. Be aware that it does take a few days - it did in my case - before you can see clearly with the operated eye. Immediately after the operation the eye is 'packed' and the packing is removed after 24 hours. I had to go back to BPH for this. No possibility of driving yourself anywhere at this stage so you need someone to assist you. Depending on the degree of corneal swelling it does take a while for the eye to settle down. In my case, the left eye took about four days before I could see clearly. The right eye only about one day. i found that the biggest PITA was the need to use eye drops every few hours for the first couple of weeks and needing to use an eye shield overnight. All good now though and I am very pleased with the result.
  6. A small heads-up that may have been covered before but I'll post it here anyway. I have been using the new online system for a while now, without any problems and the email prompts have been coming through so everything was just working fine. However, I just renewed my annual extension of stay and my next 90-day reporting date was due just a few days after this. When I tried to use the online system I was not initially able to do so - got an error message that my reporting date was later than the expiry date of my permission to stay. This must mean that the 90-day database is not synchronized with whichever bit of Immigration keeps track of extension dates. No real surprise there, I guess! Anyway, the problem was easily resolved by editing the permission to stay date on the TM47 that pops up when you use the auto fill-in option on the online site. Everything then went through as normal and I got the conformation within an hour. I use the Jomtien office if this is relevant.
  7. Or a photocopier - most unreliable machine known to mankind!
  8. Agreed. Small chance of a delivery within 30 days by normal snail mail where I live. We are very lucky if we see the mailman once a month!
  9. Yes, I am a farang! I was surprised at the relative cheapness of the surgery. Jomtien had a special package on offer at the time and I believe that this is still the case. The only extra that I paid was for the thorough eye exam and lens specification that was done prior to the surgery. This was done at Bangkok Pattaya and the cost was only a couple of thousand Baht. Jomtien Eye Centre website here <https://www.jomtienhospital.com/en/eye-department.html>
  10. Jomtien Hospital Pattaya (part of the Bangkok Hospital Group) - 39000 Baht per eye for single vision lenses. I had both my eyes done there, earlier this year. Excellent result!
  11. To each, his own, but this looks like the sort of place that I would avoid like the plague!
  12. For what it's worth, I find that paying my PEA bill using my TTB bank app is very hit and miss - sometimes it works and sometimes I get a 'corrupted data' message when using either the QR code or barcode that is on the bill. I think that it's down to the fact that the quality of the printed bill - little man reads the meter and produces the bill on the spot, from some sort of gadget that he has with him - is sometimes a bit dodgy. We went through a period where scanning just didn't work for a few months. It's been much better recently.
  13. UK passports have a page that can be used to supply emergency contact details. This is purely voluntary and you would not normally put your own details there.
  14. Just been looking at my PayPal account settings. My registered address is in Thailand - don't have a UK address so that was not an option when registering my account. The ID Number that I used - and which appears on the settings - is the one that is on my vaccination certificate. This was obviously accepted when I registered. Whether or not it remains valid after October remains to be seen.
  15. I have received nothing new from them since the previous email that they sent some time ago. I guess that I'll find out that my account has been discontinued when it ceases to work. I'm really not too bothered - rarely use it anyway.
  16. Interesting! Does your TMB card have the old 4-digit PIN? The new TTB/TMB cards use a 6-digit PIN and will work in all brands of ATMs. Maybe you just need a new card - which might not allow internet use, of course!
  17. I have had a savings account with TTB (formerly TMB) for many years and I have a personalized VISA debit card for the account that works in ATMs. I also have the TTB Touch app on my phone that I can use to pay bills by scanning a bar code or QR code. I can also access TTB online banking with no issues. What I seem to be unable to do is to use the debit card for internet transactions - e.g. purchasing an airline ticket. Apparently, the card is not activated for this and I can't find a way to activate it, either by using the TTB online banking portal or with the TTB Touch app. My local TTB branch tells me that it is not possible to use the card online but this is surely not correct. It's a VISA card so what is the problem! Anyone had a similar problem? What's the solution, if any?
  18. If taking the option of returning to Thailand on a visa exempt entry it is then possible to convert this to a non-O at Immigration, or so I believe, and then to extend after 90 days. However, it appears that Immigration insist on 'money in the bank' on the day of application and will not accept proof of income - from previous 12 months of international transfers. Is it possible to use an agent to get round this restriction so that I don't need to transfer a large amount of cash to Thailand. I'd much sooner leave it in UK. The other option, I suppose, would be to get a 'proper' non-O from a consulate abroad as I believe that proof of income is acceptable in that case.
  19. I received an email from Paypal, back in March, that seemed to indicate that the changes would not affect my account. I only use PayPal for occasional bill paying - sometimes convenient - but not for other types of transaction so maybe this is why, Email reproduced below: Your PayPal account will no longer be limited on March 7. Dear *************, We recently contacted you about some changes to your PayPal account, which relate to the relaunch of our services in Thailand. We have been listening to the concerns expressed by our customers in Thailand, and we have been working closely with the Thai authorities to try and address these concerns. As a result, we are pleased to inform you that you can continue to use your PayPal account as usual. The previously communicated limitation to your account, scheduled to take effect on March 7, 2022, will no longer be implemented. What this means You will still be able to use your PayPal wallet’s current functionality after March 7, 2022. This means that you may continue shopping with your PayPal wallet, as well as sending and receiving money with your PayPal account. You do not need to take any action. More information can be found on our website. This extended functionality will remain in effect while we continue to work on updating our products and processes for the relaunch of PayPal in Thailand. The transfer of accounts to PayPal Thailand will still be going ahead later this year, and we will be in touch with any necessary instructions for your account. We deeply value our customers in Thailand, and sincerely apologize for the confusion we have caused. Thank you for being a PayPal customer.
  20. Maybe supposed to indicate no overtaking zones, as is the case in UK. Not a chance of being observed here of course. As for speed humps - these need to be across the whole width of the road. If they stop short of the kerbs the m/cs just zoom through the gaps. Unfortunately, extending to the kerbs potentially interferes with water drainage. Maybe need some different traffic calming measures - but what?
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