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Everything posted by doctormann

  1. Why does country with, allegedly, the largest foreign reserves in the known universe need to borrow money?
  2. I just tried the ASEANNOW site, using the Brave browser. No ads but I can't find a way to login to the site using my normal credentials. Is there a way to do this as it's not obvious, to me anyway.
  3. How about using them as Monkey Pox detectors? Maybe could spend another 7 million Baht to see if they work for that!
  4. I think that there is a precedent for this. Back in the Soviet era there was a suspicion that after Brezhnev - or maybe Andropov - died, the body was embalmed and trotted out as required for Red Square parades and similar occasions.
  5. When my sister and niece were visiting me I told them to look SIX WAYS before trying to cross the road - and do it twice. Remember, not only do they come at you from left and right, on the roadway, but also on the sidewalk. You might also walk into a neck-high cable, strung across your path, or step into a hole. It really is dangerous here and the standard of driving is truly appalling.
  6. Are you sure that it wasn't 'kee niao'? That would indeed have a negative connotation as it translates to 'tight' or 'miserly'. A direct translation is something like 'sticky sh*t'.
  7. I was referring to the current situation. I needed to pay for 44 years - but I did buy back about six years to make up a shortfall. As Neeranam said, this is not expensive to do, although there used to be a limit on the number of buy back years.
  8. I believe that you need 35 qualifying years in order to qualify for the full UK basic pension. If you have less than 35 years you will be paid pro rata, according to the number of qualifying years that you have. Looking at the numbers that you have quoted you currently have about 21 qualifying years so how many years before you reach retiring age? https://www.gov.uk/new-state-pension/how-its-calculated#:~:text=You'll usually need at,10 and 35 qualifying years.
  9. Sure? https://news.un.org/en/story/2022/04/1115782#:~:text=The UN General Assembly adopted,in favour and 24 against. OK, it's the UNHRC that they have been suspended from.
  10. if it's a Thai crab it will probably walk backwards, round in circles, going nowhere!
  11. You need to avoid putting any pressure on the operated eye for at least a few days so yes, you should not sleep on that side. I was also told to wear an eye shield for a month - probably to avoid any inadvertent rubbing of the eye. Sleeping on the opposite side to normal didn't come naturally but it had to be done. The eye shield was a right PITA! Can you not sleep on your back? Anyway, no problem for you when you have your left eye done - presumably you are having both eyes done? - as you can then sleep on your right side, as normal.
  12. This one works quite well <https://www.wunderground.com/> Has radar, wind speed, etc.
  13. I was told by my surgeon that advanced cataracts tend to be denser and need more ultrasonic power and time to break them up. This was certainly my experience - my left eye was worse than my right and the surgeon did take quite a long time to complete the removal of the cataract. Right eye took maybe 15 minutes - left eye took 20 minutes or more. Both eyes now good.
  14. Yes, remarkable isn't it! I thought that my floor tiles were green but no, they are actually blue!
  15. This has probably been asked before but what actually constitutes 'fully vaccinated'? Is a '2-jab' status considered to be fully vaccinated - maybe depends on the type of vaccine, I suppose - or is it necessary to have had at least one booster? What about the timing - how long after your last jab are you still considered to be vaccinated?
  16. I think probably just finger trouble on my part when using the TTB app. Anyway, zero balance at the moment so I'll see if things look normal next month. TOT merged with National Telecomm - or something like that - so they are now the same company, I think. My e-bill has NT on the header but says TOT on the actual statement. Only slightly confusing!
  17. OK, ignore my last post. I checked with my bank and it seems that, for whatever reason, two payments to NT TOT were made last month. As the monthly amounts are usually the same I effectively have nothing to pay this month so the zero balance is correct.
  18. Just received my monthly e-bill from NT TOT. The e-bills normally have a QR Code and Bar Code that can be scanned by my TTB Bank app for the purpose of paying the outstanding balance. This month, both QR and Bar Codes are missing from the bill! Furthermore, if I go onto the NT TOT internet site, there seems to be no outstanding balance. This is odd. Do we not have to pay, this month, and maybe pay for two months' balance next month? No point in taking the bill to 7-11 as they will have nothing to scan either! Anyone know what's going on?
  19. I've just - in the last seven weeks - had both my eyes done at Jomtien Hospital. The second eye has its final examination next Friday - not expecting anything adverse as all seems fine. It will be good to get off the eye drops! As for the procedure itself, I can't say that it was exactly a relaxing experience - I was a bit surprised that no sedation was offered - but there was no pain and only minimal discomfort. It takes about 20 minutes and my head was not restrained. The eye is immobilized, of course - not sure exactly how this is done - and is numbed with anaesthetic drops beforehand. Post-op you use antibiotic eye drops for a month and also corticosteroid drops for a while to alleviate any corneal swelling.
  20. Thanks to those who replied. We'll probably give Pepper & Salt a try as it's almost on our doorstep. We have been there before - food was good but there was a lot of traffic noise that detracted from the experience somewhat.
  21. doctormann

    Lamb Chops

    The Missus is pining for lamb chops - in a restaurant - so I am looking for recommendations on Pattaya Dark Side. Anyone had any good experiences - good, juicy chops or cutlets? Please help!
  22. Photochromic varifocal glasses are also my plan. Have to wait a month or so for things to settle down first though. I have used varifocals before and found them very good. The trick is in finding an optician who knows how to specify the lenses correctly. I went through a couple of iterations before managing to get a pair that really worked for all distances. I found that with the cheaper options the field of view was rather restricted and this made them unsuitable for computer use. I was recommended to see Dr. Maria at Euro Optical, in Pattaya - certainly not cheap but you get what you pay for and she provided an excellent service. Frames and lenses came from Rodenstock (Germany) and were perfect for my needs. I'll be going back for my new pair when the time comes.
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