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Posts posted by MaxYakov

  1. 35 minutes ago, johnarth said:

    I can vouch for their hearing it is exceptional but how they can tell what side the bike, car, truck or buss is going to pass on is another thing

    That's assuming the vehicle passes and doesn't run you down. New York City is freaking out these days because their eighteenth cyclist of this year has been killed on a dangerous street.


    I personally wear heavy-duty, ear-muff-type ear safety sound insulators these days when cycling and, like aircraft pilots, rely mainly on VCR (Visual Cycling Rules), similar to aviation's VFR (Visual Flight Rules). I have strict rules regarding vehicles approaching from the rear (actually, in reality, from any direction). I wear a high-vis vest. The critical idea is to both "see and be seen".


    I go out of my way these days to avoid having to share the road with motor vehicles as well so I don't have to be as concerned about being run down by one (the primary urban cycling survival rule of mine).




  2. 1 hour ago, essox essox said:

    there are 75 countries that drive on the left......so your statement is not correct really

    Really? I don't see anything incorrect as a matter of opinion with the statement by CPH: ("The risk is too high because Thailand drives in the opposite side of the road than many other countris [sic].") It seems to me that there is a risk of having right-side drivers slip up and revert to the right lane accidentally. The big question is: What is the risk?  In a right-hand lane country I found myself in the left-hand lane absent-mindedly one morning very close to having a head-on collision.


    Some facts to support the opinions:


    Europe generally drives on the right hand side apart from the United Kingdom, Ireland, Malta and Cyprus. Guyana (formerly a British colony) is the only country in South America to drive on the left. The other two thirds of the countries in the worlddrive on the right including the USA, China and Russia. (according to the Ref., below 69% of countries drive on the right.


    Ref: HERE


    Colorization ,above, mine



  3. On 7/27/2019 at 6:44 AM, marcusarelus said:

    Why put money in a Thai bank you don't live in Thailand?  I don't put money in Russian banks either.  

    I've got lots of funds going into a bank in a country in which I do not reside. It's the wonder of 21st century and 20th century communication and funds transfer. Try to get into at least the 20th century one of these days.


    Yeah, Russian banks don't rate with me any better than do Thai banks. :stoner:



  4. 5 hours ago, connda said:

    Just yesterday we had an "Oh Sh*te" moment as a woman on a motorcycle came blasting out of a blind side-road onto the highway.  The momentum of the bike brought her out into the highway lane and we had to swerve to miss her.  She not only did not look, but her head was actually turned completely left in the direction she was turning.  

    It's suicidal.  And it not a aberration - it is the norm.  And for about the thousandth time I ask my wife - "what are Thais who drive this way thinking?" 


    Yep!  And there is a reason for that!  Thai + Motorcycle = Suicidal Driving  And my guess is that 70% is actually a low estimate.

    "what are Thais who drive this way thinking?"




    When I'm out I don't speculate about their ability to "think". I'm totally immersed in about what they are doing or are about to do.


    I'll contain my rant about modern mans' ability to "think" (especially that of those riding motorbikes). ????




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  5. And improving road safety did not even make the recent published two lists of priorities of things to have the (so-called) new democratic government address. What can be expected from a country that is afflicted with a serious case of "motorbike disease" which cannot be fixed.


    Can anyone suggest a practical replacement of motorbikes that will satisfy Thai people an meet their travel requirements and be critically, much safer (and make as much noise as motorbikes)?






  6. 1 hour ago, Ozman52 said:

    Really? What are they?


    This seems to be based on your observation that there is more wind in winter. What happens on those really cold winter nights when there is no wind at all? Even more of a problem is what happens when it is blowing in the acceptable range on a sunny summer's day? Which generator gets disconnected because of over-generation?

    That's easy The one that fries or chops-up the most birds. :stoner:

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